centOS 7 安装nfs
A机器( ~验证机器是否安装nfs [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1utZ ~]#rpm -qa | grep nfs [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1utZ ~]#rpm -qa | grep rpcbind ~安装nfs [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1utZ ~]#yum -y install nfs-utils rpcbind ~创建同步目录 [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1utZ ~]#mkdir -p /export/nfs [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1utZ ~]#chmod 666 /export/nfs/ ~配置要互相同步的机器 [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1utZ ~]# vim /etc/exports /export/nfs/,no_root_squash,no_all_squash,sync) ~重启nfs [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1utZ ~]# service nfs restart Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart nfs.service ~查看配置是否生效 [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1utZ ~]# showmount -e Export list for iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1utZ: /export/nfs [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1utZ ~]# B机器( [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1utZ ~]# yum -y install nfs-utils rpcbind [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1utZ ~]# mkdir -p /export/nfs [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1utZ ~]# chmod 666 /export/nfs/ ~挂载A机器目录,建立映射关系 [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1uuZ ~]# mount -t nfs /export/nfs/ [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1uuZ ~]# service rpcbind start Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start rpcbind.service [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1uuZ ~]# [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1uuZ ~]# service nfs start Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start nfs.service [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1uuZ ~]# ~验证: B机器新建文件 [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1uuZ nfs]# vi shaotest.txt [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1uuZ nfs]# ll -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 32 2月 28 11:07 shaotest.txt A机器查看是否同步 [root@iZuf68axr8qcp54hhjv1utZ nfs]# ll -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 32 2月 28 11:07 shaotest.txt 同样在A机器创建目录B也会有对应目录