


<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

 * These search engines are pinged with a location
 * of your sitemap.
 * is used by default, see link
 * for a list of supported search engines:
 * Make sure "url" ends with the sitemap/url parameter,
 * as the location of the sitemap will be appended.
 * "url" defaults to "/ping?sitemap="
$config['sitemaps_search_engines'] = array(
    // array("host" => "", "url" => "/webmasters/tools/ping?sitemap="),
    // array("host" => "", "url" => "/SiteExplorerService/V1/ping?sitemap="),
    // array("host" => ""),
    // array("host" => "", "url" => "/webmaster/ping.aspx?siteMap="),
    array("host" => "", "url" => "/notify.php?crawler=all&url=")

 * Compress the finished sitemap using gzencode,
 * and save it
$config['sitemaps_gzip'] = true;
$config['sitemaps_gzip_path'] = '{file_name}.gz';

 * Same as the above two, but for sitemap indexes
$config['sitemaps_index_gzip'] = false;
$config['sitemaps_index_gzip_path'] = '{file_name}.gz';

 * Debugging mode and various errors
$config['sitemaps_debug'] = false;
$config['sitemaps_filesize_error'] = true;
$config['sitemaps_log_http_responses'] = true;

 * XML header and footer for sitemaps
$config['sitemaps_header'] = "<\x3Fxml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"\x3F>\n" .
    "<urlset xmlns=\"\"\n\t" .
    "xmlns:xsi=\"\"\n\t" .
    "xsi:schemaLocation=\"\n\t\t\t    " .

$config['sitemaps_footer'] = "</urlset>\n";

 * ...and indexes
$config['sitemaps_index_header'] = "<\x3Fxml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"\x3F>\n" .
    "<sitemapindex xmlns=\"\">";
$config['sitemaps_index_footer'] = "</sitemapindex>\n";

 * User agent that is sent during ping
$config['sitemaps_user_agent'] = "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; " . PHP_OS . ") PHP/" . PHP_VERSION . "\r\n";



if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

 * A class for generating XML sitemaps
 * @author Oliver Smith <>
 * @author Philipp Dörner <>
 * @author Sadaoui "SAFAD" Abderrahim <>
 * @version 0.8
 * @access public
 * @package sitemaps
class Sitemaps

    private $CI;
    private $items = array(); //array of webpages for sitemap
    private $item_keys =array('loc', 'lastmod','changefreq','priority');

    private $error_msg = array(); //errors
    private $ignore = array('Error'); //controllers not to auto probe
    private $excluded_methods = array('__construct', 'get_instance'); //method names not to include in autogeneration

    function __construct()
        $this->CI = & get_instance();


     * Adds a new item to the urlset
     * @param array $new_item
     * @access public
    function add_item($new_item = array())
        //check that all the required keys are present
        foreach($this->item_keys as $key)
            if(!array_key_exists($key, $new_item))
                $this->set_error('Attempting to add page array with missing fields');
                return FALSE;

    $this->items[] = $new_item;

    return TRUE;

     * Adds an array of items to the urlset
     * @param array $new_items array of items
     * @access public
    function add_item_array($new_items)
        //check there are some items to add
            $this->set_error('Attempting to add empty array of pages');
            return FALSE;

        //check that all the required keys are present
        foreach($new_items as $new_item)
                return FALSE;

        return TRUE;

     * Detects pages generated directly by CI controller
     * methods and adds them to the $this->items
     * Must be called from a class not being probed
     * @param array $exclude array of exluded classes
     * @return bool
    function auto_detect($excluded = array('sitemap'))

        //get the filenames from the controller directory
        $files = get_filenames('application/controllers');

        if(count($files) < 1)
            $this->set_error('No controller class files found for autodetection');
            return FALSE;

        //add the exluded parameter to the existing ignored classes
        foreach ($excluded as $excluded_class)
            $this->ignore[] = ucfirst($excluded_class);

        //loop through the files in the controller dir
        for ($index = 0; $index < count($files); $index++)
            //get the class names
            list($class, $ext) = explode('.', ucfirst(basename($files[$index])));

            //ignore all files that don't end .php
            if ($ext != 'php' || in_array($class, $this->ignore)) continue;

            //try to include the files
                include('application/controllers/' . $files[$index]);
            catch (Exception $exc)
                $this->set_error('Failed to include '.$files[$index]);

            //get the methods for the class (assuming method == page)
            foreach (get_class_methods($class) as $page)
                //ignore methods specified in he exclude
                if (in_array($page, $this->excluded_methods)) continue;

                //setup and add page to item list
                $item = array(
                    "loc" => site_url(lcfirst($class) . '/' . $page),
                    "lastmod" => date("c", time()),
                    "changefreq" => "hourly",
                    "priority" => "0.8"


        return TRUE;

     * Generates the sitemap XML data
     * @param string $file_name (optional) if file name is supplied the XML data is saved in it otherwise returned as a string
     * @param bool $gzip (optional) compress sitemap, overwrites config item 'sitemaps_gzip'
     * @access public
     * @return string | bool
    function build($file_name = null, $gzip = NULL)
        $map = $this->CI->config->item('sitemaps_header') . "\n";

        foreach ($this->items as $item)
            $item['loc'] = htmlentities($item['loc'], ENT_QUOTES);
            $map .= "\t<url>\n\t\t<loc>" . $item['loc'] . "</loc>\n";

            $attributes = array("lastmod", "changefreq", "priority");

            foreach ($attributes AS $attr)
                if (isset($item[$attr]))
                    $map .= "\t\t<$attr>" . $item[$attr] . "</$attr>\n";

            $map .= "\t</url>\n\n";


        $map .= $this->CI->config->item('sitemaps_footer');

        if (!is_null($file_name))
            $fh = fopen($file_name, 'w');

            if (!$fh)
                $this->set_error('Could not open sitemaps file for writing: ' . $file_name);
                return FALSE;

            if (!fwrite($fh, $map))
                $this->set_error('Error writing to sitemaps file: ' . $file_name);
                return FALSE;


            if ($this->CI->config->item('sitemaps_filesize_error') && filesize($file_name) > 1024 * 1024 * 10)
                $this->set_error('Your sitemap is bigger than 10MB, most search engines will not accept it.');
                return FALSE;

            if ($gzip OR (is_null($gzip) && $this->CI->config->item('sitemaps_gzip')))
                $gzdata = gzencode($map, 9);
                $file_gzip = str_replace("{file_name}", $file_name, $this->CI->config->item('sitemaps_gzip_path'));

                $fp = fopen($file_gzip, "w");

                if (!$fp)
                    $this->set_error('Unable to open gzipped file path for writing: ' . $fp);
                    return FALSE;

                if (!fwrite($fp, $gzdata))
                    $this->set_error('Error writing to gzipped sitemaps file: ' . $fp);
                    return FALSE;


                // Delete the uncompressed sitemap
                if (!unlink($file_name))
                    $this->set_error('Unable to remove uncompressed sitemap: ' . $file_name);

                return $file_gzip;

            return $file_name;
            return $map;

     * Generate a sitemap index file pointing to other sitemaps you previously built
     * @param array $urls array of urls, each being an array with at least a loc index
     * @param string $file_name (optional) if file name is supplied the XML data is saved in it otherwise returned as a string
     * @param bool $gzip (optional) compress sitemap, overwrites config item 'sitemaps_gzip'
     * @access public
     * @return string | bool
    function build_index($urls, $file_name = null, $gzip = null)

        $index = $this->CI->config->item('sitemaps_index_header') . "\n";

        foreach ($urls as $url)
            $url['loc'] = htmlentities($url['loc'], ENT_QUOTES);
            $index .= "\t<sitemap>\n\t\t<loc>" . $url['loc'] . "</loc>\n";

            if (isset($url['lastmod']))
                $index .= "\t\t<lastmod>" . $url['lastmod'] . "</lastmod>\n";

            $index .= "\t</sitemap>\n\n";

        $index .= $this->CI->config->item('sitemaps_index_footer');

        if (!is_null($file_name))
            $fh = fopen($file_name, 'w');

            if (!$fh)
                $this->set_error('Could not open sitemaps index for writing: ' . $fh);
                return FALSE;

            if (!fwrite($fh, $index))
                $this->set_error('Could not write to sitemaps index: ' . $fh);
                return FALSE;


            if ($this->CI->config->item('sitemaps_filesize_error') && filesize($file_name) > 1024 * 1024 * 10)
                $this->set_error('Your sitemap index is bigger than 10MB, most search engines will not accept it.');
                return FALSE;

            if ($gzip OR (is_null($gzip) && $this->CI->config->item('sitemaps_index_gzip')))
                $gzdata = gzencode($index, 9);
                $file_gzip = str_replace("{file_name}", $file_name, $this->CI->config->item('sitemaps_index_gzip_path'));

                $fp = fopen($file_gzip, "w");

                if (!$fp)
                    $this->set_error('Could not open gzipped sitemaps index for writing: ' . $fp);
                    return FALSE;

                if (!fwrite($fp, $gzdata))
                    $this->set_error('Could not write to gzipped sitemaps index: ' . $fp);
                    return FALSE;


                // Delete the uncompressed sitemap index
                if (!unlink($file_name))
                    $this->set_error('Could not write to remove uncompressed sitemaps index: ' . $file_name);

                return $file_gzip;

            return $file_name;
            return $index;

     * Notify search engines of your updates sitemap
     * @param string $url_xml absolute URL of your sitemap, use Codeigniter's site_url()
     * @param array $search_engines array of search engines to ping, see config file for notes
     * @access public
     * @return array HTTP reponse codes
    function ping($url_xml, $search_engines = NULL)

        if (is_null($search_engines))
            $search_engines = $this->CI->config->item('sitemaps_search_engines');

        $statuses = array();

        foreach ($search_engines AS $engine)
            $status = 0;
            if ($fp = @fsockopen($engine['host'], 80))
                $engine['url'] = empty($engine['url']) ? "/ping?sitemap=" : $engine['url'];

                $req = 'GET ' . $engine['url'] .
                        urlencode($url_xml) . " HTTP/1.1\r\n" .
                        "Host: " . $engine['host'] . "\r\n" .
                        $this->CI->config->item('sitemaps_user_agent') .
                        "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
                fwrite($fp, $req);
                while (!feof($fp))
                    if (@preg_match('~^HTTP/\d\.\d (\d+)~i', fgets($fp, 128), $m))
                        $status = intval($m[1]);

            $statuses[] = array("host" => $engine['host'], "status" => $status, "request" => $req);

        if ($this->CI->config->item('sitemaps_log_http_responses') OR $this->CI->config->item('sitemaps_debug'))
            foreach ($statuses AS $reponse)
                $message = "Sitemaps: " . $reponse['host'] . " responded with HTTP status " . $reponse['status'];

                if ($this->CI->config->item('sitemaps_log_http_responses'))
                    $level = $reponse['status'] == 200 ? 'debug' : 'error';
                    log_message($level, $message);

                if ($this->CI->config->item('sitemaps_debug'))
                    echo "<p>" . $message . " after request:</p>\n<pre>" . $reponse['request'] . "</pre>\n\n";

        return $statuses;

     * Show error messages
     * @access    public
     * @param    string
     * @return    string
    function display_errors($open = '<p>', $close = '</p>')
        $str = '';
        foreach ($this->error_msg as $val)
            $str .= $open . $val . $close;

        return $str;

     * Set error message
     * @access    public
     * @param    string
     * @return    void
    function set_error($msg)
        $CI = & get_instance();

        if (is_array($msg))
            foreach ($msg as $val)
                $this->error_msg[] = $val;
                log_message('error', $val);
            $this->error_msg[] = $msg;
            log_message('error', $msg);



public function sitemap()

        $posts = [
            '0' => [
                'name' => 'news1',
                'content' => 'content11111'
            '1' => [
                'name' => 'news2',
                'content' => 'content22222'

            foreach ($posts as $post)
                $item = array(
                    "loc" => site_url("blog/".$post["name"]),
                    "lastmod" => date("c", time()),
                    "changefreq" => "hourly",
                    "priority" => "0.8"


        $file_name = $this->sitemaps->build("sitemap_blog.xml");
        $reponses = $this->sitemaps->ping(site_url($file_name));


posted @ 2015-02-12 13:22  yikai.shao  阅读(443)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报