Python3 比较两个图片是否类似或相同
#coding:utf8 import os from PIL import Image,ImageDraw,ImageFile import numpy import pytesseract import cv2 import imagehash import collections def compare_image_with_hash(self,image_file1="D:\work\python36_crawl\Veriycode\mode_5246_1.png", image_file2="D:\work\python36_crawl\Veriycode\mode_5246_2.png", max_dif=0): """ max_dif: 允许最大hash差值, 越小越精确,最小为0 推荐使用 """ ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True hash_1 = None hash_2 = None with open(image_file1, 'rb') as fp: hash_1 = imagehash.average_hash( print(hash_1) with open(image_file2, 'rb') as fp: hash_2 = imagehash.average_hash( print(hash_2) dif = hash_1 - hash_2 print(dif) if dif < 0: dif = -dif if dif <= max_dif: return True else: return False