- MySQL算是平时接触比较多的数据库,最近由于没有使用,搁置了一段时间,导致好多语法都已经生疏。趁着假期有空重新拾起来。之前在补基础的时候重新回顾了数据库SQL语法,笔记都记录在了纸质的本子上。鉴于纸质笔记携带不方便,翻阅起来也慢,所以才有了这次的记录。正好最近公司也逐渐有了MySQL的任务,多方因素下,开始整理笔记,以便日后查阅。
- 首先介绍下sql语言,全称为(structured query language)结构化查询语言,具有定义、查询、更新和控制等多种功能,是关系数据库的标准语言。
- sql有几种分类,分别是
- 常见查询语句的结构组成:select [distinct] {*,column 别名} from table 别名 where 条件表达式。
- 练习:
select empno,ename,job from emp where depno = 10;
select distinct deptno from emp;
select e.empno as 雇员编号,e.ename as 雇员名称,e.job as 雇员工作 from emp e where e.deptno = 10;
select * from emp;
- 关于distinct:
select distinct deptno,sal from emp;
- 使用in查询部门名称为sales或research的雇员姓名,工资,部门
select ename,sal,deptno from emp where deptno in (select deptno from dept where dname = 'sales' or dname = 'research');
- 使用exists查询部门名称为sales或reserch的雇员姓名,工资,部门
select ename,sal,deptno from emp where exits(select deptno from dept where (dname = 'sales' or dname = 'research') and emp.deptno = dept.detpno);
- where条件符号:
= select * from emp where deptno = 20
!= select * from emp where deptno != 20
<,> select * from emp where deptno > 20
any 取任意一个,满足即可 select sal from emp where sal > any(1000,1500,3000);
some 效果与any一样 select sal from emp where sal > some(1000,1500,3000);
all 所有都满足成立 select sal from emp where sal > all(1000,1500,3000);
is null 在sql语法中,null表特殊含义,不能用=null或!=null判断,要用is is not
select * from emp where comm is null; //comm = null会查不到
is not null
select * from emp where comm is not null;//同样comm !=null 会查不到
between x and y
select * from emp where sal between 1500 and 3000;
效果等同于:select * from emp where sal >=1500 and sal <=3000;
- 需要进行某些值的等值判断的时候可以使用in和not in
select * from emp where deptno in (10,20);
select * from emp where deptno =10 or deptno = 20;
select * from emp where deptno not in(10,20);
select * from emp where deptno !=10 and deptno !=20;