tensorflow intel platform 优化
TensorFlow *是深度学习领域中主要使用的机器学习框架,要求高效利用计算资源。 为了充分利用英特尔架构和提高性能,TensorFlow *库已经使用英特尔MKL-DNN原语进行了优化,该原语是深度学习应用的流行性能库。
1. 使用pip
pip install -i https://pypi.anaconda.org/intel/simple tensorflow
2. anaconda 安装
3. 自己编译
安装 Bazel
pushd /var/tmp URL=https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/latest LASTURL=$(curl $URL -s -L -I -o /dev/null -w '%{url_effective}') BZ_VERSION=${LASTURL##*/} wget https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/download/$BZ_VERSION/bazel-$BZ_VERSION-installer-linux-x86_64.sh chmod +x bazel-* ./bazel-* export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH popd
centos 7.4 can not install `dnf`from epel
WARNING: EPEL 7 DNF is very old and has issues to include security flaws. This appears to be the reason it was removed. That said here is the work around to get it working on Centos 7.
cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/dnf-stack-el7.repo << EOF [dnf-stack-el7] name=Copr repo for dnf-stack-el7 owned by @rpm-software-management baseurl=https://copr-be.cloud.fedoraproject.org/results/@rpm-software-management/dnf-stack-el7/epel-7-\$basearch/ skip_if_unavailable=True gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=https://copr-be.cloud.fedoraproject.org/results/@rpm-software-management/dnf-stack-el7/pubkey.gpg enabled=1 enabled_metadata=1 EOF yum install dnf
centos 7会出现这个bug:
dnf copr plugin not present in dnf-plugins-core
因为EPEL 7 DNF 已经被移除了centos 7 install dn,还需要:
wget http://springdale.math.ias.edu/data/puias/unsupported/7/x86_64/dnf-plugins-core-0.1.5-3.sdl7.noarch.rpm
dnf install copr-cli
sudo dnf update
dnf copr enable vbatts/bazel
centos 可以直接安装bazel下:
wget https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/vbatts/bazel/repo/epel-7/vbatts-bazel-epel-7.repo -P /etc/yum.repos.d/ yum install dnf-plugins-core-0.1.5-3.sdl7.noarch.rpm yum install bazel
git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow tensorflow cd tensorflow
Compiling TensorFlow with Intel C Compiler
CC=icc bazel build --verbose_failures --config=mkl --copt=-msse4.2 --copt="-DEIGEN_USE_VML" -c opt //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package
bazel build --config=mkl -c opt --copt=-mavx --copt=-mavx2 --copt=-mfma --copt=-mavx512f --copt=-mavx512dq --copt=-mavx512cd --copt=-mavx512bw --copt=-mavx512vl --copt="-DEIGEN_USE_VML" //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package
Build and Install TensorFlow* on Intel® Architecture
build tensorflow container:
more @ github
ref build-dev-container.sh @github tensorflow docker
# source tf-docker.evn
# cat tf-docker.evn
# The script set the following environment variables for tf docker: export TF_DOCKER_BUILD_TYPE=mkl # export TF_DOCKER_BUILD_TYPE=CPU # CPU or GPU image export TF_DOCKER_BUILD_IS_DEVEL=YES # Is this developer image export TF_DOCKER_BUILD_DEVEL_BRANCH=r1.99 # export TF_DOCKER_BUILD_DEVEL_BRANCH=master # (Required if TF_DOCKER_BUILD_IS_DEVEL is YES) # Specifies the branch to checkout for devel docker images # export TF_DOCKER_BUILD_CENTRAL_PIP # (Optional) # If set to a non-empty string, will use it as the URL from which the # pip wheel file will be downloaded (instead of building the pip locally). # export TF_DOCKER_BUILD_CENTRAL_PIP_IS_LOCAL # (Optional) # If set to a non-empty string, we will treat TF_DOCKER_BUILD_CENTRAL_PIP # as a path rather than a url. export TF_DOCKER_BUILD_IMAGE_NAME=native-mkl-tf # (Optional) # If set to any non-empty value, will use it as the image of the # newly-built image. If not set, the tag prefix tensorflow/tensorflow # will be used. # export TF_DOCKER_BUILD_VERSION: # (Optinal) # If set to any non-empty value, will use the version (e.g., 0.8.0) as the # tag prefix of the image. Additional strings, e.g., "-devel-gpu", will be # appended to the tag. If not set, the default tag prefix "latest" will be # used. # export TF_DOCKER_BUILD_PORT # (Optional) # If set to any non-empty and valid port number, will use that port number # during basic checks on the newly-built docker image. # export TF_DOCKER_BUILD_PUSH_CMD # (Optional) # If set to a valid binary/script path, will call the script with the final # tagged image name with an argument, to push the image to a central repo # such as gcr.io or Docker Hub. # export TF_DOCKER_BUILD_PUSH_WITH_CREDENTIALS # (Optional) # Do not set this along with TF_DOCKER_BUILD_PUSH_CMD. We will push with the # direct commands as opposed to a script. # export TF_DOCKER_USERNAME # (Optional) # Dockerhub username for pushing a package. # export TF_DOCKER_EMAIL # (Optional) # Dockerhub email for pushing a package. # export TF_DOCKER_PASSWORD # (Optional) # Dockerhub password for pushing a package. # export TF_DOCKER_BUILD_PYTHON_VERSION # (Optional) # Specifies the desired Python version. Defaults to PYTHON2. # export TF_DOCKER_BUILD_OPTIONS # (Optional) # Specifies the desired build options. Defaults to OPT.
install 中文版
pip install mock
conda install for TensorFlow and Intel Distribution for Python upgrade from 2017 to 2018
Intel® Computer Vision(CV) SDK
Intel's Deep Learning Inference Engine Developer Guide
Configuring Model Optimizer for TensorFlow* Prerequisites
Converting Your TensorFlow* Model
Configuring Model Optimizer for TensorFlow* Prerequisites
Pedestrian Detection Using TensorFlow* on Intel® Architecture
构建安装TensorFlow* Serving on Intel® Architecture
Train and Use a TensorFlow* Model on Intel® Architecture