
1. 配置安装 procmailr 和 getmail

///////////////////////////////// ignore the follow  /////////////////////////////////////////

$ mkdir mail-setup

$ cd mail-setup/

$ tar xpfv muttrc-out-of-box.tgz

$ cd .mutt/

$ rm muttrc-out-of-box.tgz
$ cd .mutt/
$ cd scripts/
$ cd ..
$ cd misc
$ cd ..
$ cd scripts/
$ vi bootstrapping-mutt.sh
$ ./bootstrapping-mutt.sh

$ cd .mail/
$ cd ..
$ rm .muttrc
$ cd .mail
$ cd ..
$ rm .lbdbrc
$ cat .mailcap
$ rm .mailcap


configure getmail 

$ sudo apt install getmail
$ sudo apt install procmail
$ apt search getmail
$ sudo apt install getmail4
$ dpkg -L getmail4
$ getmail
$ mkdir .getmail
$ cd .getmail/
$ ls
$ cp ~/mail-setup/.mutt/misc/getmailrc.template.sample .
$ vi getmailrc.template.sample
$ getmail
$ mv getmailrc.template.sample getmailrc

$ cat ~/.getmail/getmailrc

 1 [retriever]
 2 type = SimpleIMAPSSLRetriever
 3 server = imapmail.company.com
 4 port = 993
 5 username = "CCR\name"
 6 password = password
 7 mailboxes = ("Inbox", "Conversation History", )
 9 [destination]
10 type = MDA_external
11 path = /usr/bin/procmail
13 [options]
14 read_all = false
15 verbose = 0
16 delete = false
17 delivered_to = false
18 received = false
19 message_log = ~/.getmail/getmail.intel.log
View Code


$ getmail
$ cd ..
$ ls

configure procmail

$ which procmail
$ mv mail-setup/.mutt/misc/procmailrc.sample .procmailrc
$ vi .procmailr
$ vi .procmailrc

$ cat ~/.procmailrc

 1 # http://gushue.net/mutt/procmailrc
 2 #
 5 #DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/INBOX #completely optional
 6 LOGFILE=$HOME/.getmail/procmail.log
 7 YEAR=`date +%Y`
10 # ----- check for existance of year's directory -----
11 :0 ic
12 * ? test ! -d $YEAR
13 | mkdir -p $YEAR && chmod 0700 $YEAR
15 #:0hc
16 #* $^(Subject)${URGMATCH}
17 #| formail -x Subject | growlnotify --sticky --image $HOME/.mutt/misc/mutt-mine-icon.png
19 :0:
20 $YEAR/Inbox/
View Code


$ mkdir Mail

$ vi .getmail/getmailrc
$ getmail
$ getmail -v


add getmail in cron

$ crontab -e

$ crontab -l

* * * * * getmail


$ while true; do sleep 10; getmail; done &



2. 安装dovecot

$ apt search dovecot

$ sudo apt install dovecot-imapd

$ restart dovecot    # ubuntu use upstart.  but not find dovecot in init.d

$ cd /etc
$ cd dovecot/
$ ls
$ vi dovecot.conf
$ ll
$ vi conf.d/
$ vi dovecot.conf
$ cd conf.d/
$ ls
$ ll
$ vi 10-ssl.conf
$ vi 20-imap.conf
$ grep mail_loca *
$ vi 10-mail.conf
$ sudo vi 10-mail.conf
$ vi 10-mail.conf
$ grep passdb *
$ vi 10-auth.conf


$ service --status-all |grep dove

$ dpkg -L dovecot-imapd


$ doveconf -n

 1 # 2.2.9: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
 2 # OS: Linux 3.16.0-33-generic x86_64 Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS 
 3 mail_location = maildir:~/Mail/2016:LAYOUT=fs:INBOX=~/Mail/2016/Inbox:INDEX=~/Mail/.dovecot/indexes:CONTROL=~/Mail/.dovecot/control
 4 maildir_very_dirty_syncs = yes
 5 namespace inbox {
 6   inbox = yes
 7   location = 
 8   mailbox Drafts {
 9     special_use = \Drafts
10   }
11   mailbox Junk {
12     special_use = \Junk
13   }
14   mailbox Sent {
15     special_use = \Sent
16   }
17   mailbox "Sent Messages" {
18     special_use = \Sent
19   }
20   mailbox Trash {
21     special_use = \Trash
22   }
23   prefix = 
24 }
25 passdb {
26   driver = pam
27 }
28 protocols = " imap"
29 ssl_cert = </etc/dovecot/dovecot.pem
30 ssl_key = </etc/dovecot/private/dovecot.pem
31 userdb {
32   driver = passwd
33 }
View Code

$ doveadm  


"mail_location = maildir:~/Mail/Boxes`:LAYOUT=fs:INBOX=~/Mail/Boxes/Inbox:INDEX=~/Mail/.dovecot/indexes:CONTROL=~/Mail/.dovecot/control"

to /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-mail.conf

debug dovecot

http://www.anta.net/misc/telnet-troubleshooting/imap.shtml  (can not open)

http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:iGfa6OFcHGcJ:wiki.dovecot.org/TestInstallation+&cd=1&hl=zh-CN&ct=clnk&gl=us  (can not open)


telnet-troubleshooting imap.shtml

dovecot "Authentication failed"

3. 配置domainname

$ domainname


posted @ 2016-03-04 14:58  lvmxh  阅读(402)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报