Ubuntu 下开发环境的常规配置。

Install Chinese input (for Chinese peers)

We Choose the Sougou pinying.(搜狗)

$ sudo apt-get install gdebi
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fcitx-tewsgiam/dailybuild-fcitx-master
$ sudo apt-get update
$ wget http://download.ime.sogou.com/1408440412/sogou_pinyin_linux_1.1.0.0037_amd64.deb?st=sKLI_Qe06Rbc-vRFDcPyhA&e=1419765386&fn=sogou_pinyin_linux_1.1.0.0037_amd64.deb
$ sudo apt-get purge fcitx*
$ sudo apt-get purge autoremove
$ sudo gdebi sogou_pinyin_linux_1.0.0.0014_amd64.deb
$ sogou-qimpanel
# 不要启动 fcitx-qimpanel (qt input method panel) 这是个坑. $ im-config # please choose fcitx, do not choose ibus $ fcitx-config-gtk3 # deselect “Only Show Current Language”, input “Sougou” for searching.

 Install Pycscope for code reading.

$ wget http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=273 
# extract the doc and plugin from it and move them to ~/.vim/
$ sudo pip install pycscope
# vim tutorial for some one don not use vim 
$ vimtutor    

You can also install eclapse/emacs for development.

Isntall python-docutils

$ sudo apt-get install apt-file 
$ apt-file search rst2html
$ sudo apt-get install python-docutils

Install pidgin for open source community IRC channel

$ sudo apt-get install pidgin

Set up your proxy of pidgin

Configure your git

$ git config --global core.editor vim

to avoid install gitk set this alias

$ echo "[alias]
    glog = log --graph  --abbrev-commit --date=relative --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%Cblue%an%Creset%Cgreen %cr)%Creset '
"  >> ~/.gitconfig
$ git glog   # to show the commit status

Share your windows desktop.

$ remmina  # commands


$ rdesktop -x 0x80 -r sound:remote -g 1779x1000 shaohefe-mobl1.ccr.corp.intel.com &


posted @ 2015-05-05 13:42  lvmxh  阅读(551)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报