Traefik 配置
1. 证书问题
Kyverno - Kubernetes 进阶训练营(第3期) (
ArgoCD and cert-manager TLS/SSL certificates Integration: In-depth guide | by soappanda | Medium
maestro docs:
使用 cert-manager 签发免费证书 | k8s 折腾笔记 (
Tools: terraform Prepare New AWS EKS Cluster and Orchestrator Deployment
kubectl -n argocd get secrets argocd-initial-admin-secret -ojsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d
kubectl get certificate -n gateway-system traefik-tls-cert
kubectl get secrets -n gateway-system tls-traefik
kubectl get ingressroutes -n gateway-system -o json | jq .items[].spec.tls.secretName
kubectl logs -n cert-manager -l app=cert-manager --tail -1
ca=traefik-tls-cert dns=cluster1.onprem # bash - How to escape single quotes within single quoted strings - Stack Overflow kubectl -n gateway-system patch certificate $ca --type='json' -p '[ {"op":"replace","path":"/spec/dnsNames","value": ["'"$dns"'", "'"'"'*.'"$dns"''"'"'"]}]'
HTTPS-使用Certbot自动配置Let’s Encrypt证书
User Guide — Certbot 2.12.0.dev0 documentation (
Multiple sources - Argo CD 中文文档 平台工程 Devops
Openssl生成自签名证书,简单步骤 - 凝雨 - Yun (
apiVersion: kind: Certificate metadata: labels: onprem_self-signed-cert name: traefik-tls-cert-test namespace: gateway-system spec: dnsNames: - mycluster.onprem - '*.mycluster.onprem' duration: 17520h0m0s isCA: true issuerRef: kind: ClusterIssuer name: traefik-selfsigned-issuer privateKey: algorithm: RSA encoding: PKCS1 size: 4096 renewBefore: 13140h0m0s secretName: tls-traefik-test subject: countries: - US organizations: - Intel Corporation usages: - digital signature - key encipherment - server auth