linux 性能调节指南
性能调节指南Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
A complete guide to Linux process scheduling
Linux Doc
CFS Scheduler
Code Go Through
RT linux source Code - sched_class identifier
Elements in the Task Structure
sched_class Struct Reference 3.7.1
#define SCHED_NORMAL 0 #define SCHED_FIFO 1 #define SCHED_RR 2 #define SCHED_BATCH 3 #define SCHED_IDLE 5
Processes under SCHED_NORMAL, SCHED_BATCH and SCHED_IDLE are mapped to fair_sched_class, provided by CFS. SCHED_RR and SCHED_FIFO associate with rt_sched_class, real-time scheduler. (A complete guide to Linux process scheduling)
awk '/policy/ {print $NF}' /proc/*/sched |sort | uniq
PID=2911 awk '/policy/ {print $NF}' /proc/$PID/sched
chrt -ap $PID
what is the use of .next field in sched_class structure?
Linux Scheduler
How to find scheduling policy and active processes' priority?
ps -e -o s,pid,cls,pri | grep ^R | awk -v sq="'" '{print "pid",$2,sq,"s current scheduling policy:",$3,"\npid",$2,sq,"s current priority:",$4}' ps -e -o s,pid | grep ^R | awk '{system("chrt -p " $2)}' ls /proc | grep -e ^[0-9] | awk '{system("chrt -p " $0)}'|more
How to change scheduling algorithm and priority used by a process?
PID=7861 tuna --threads $PID --priority=RR:40 # <<-- sets a policy of RR (round-robin) and a priority of 40 for PID 7861.
How to check the process scheduling policy other than `ps` output
PID=25 awk '/policy/ {print $NF}' /proc/$PID/sched
Linux Kernel Development
It will be added a new scheduling policy to the CISTER framework. The scheduling algorithm is the well known Last-In First-Out (LIFO). According to LIFO scheduling algorithm, the last task ready for execution execution will be selected to be executed. That is, whenever a task arrives (become ready for execution) the currently executing is preempted and the recently arrived task is selected for execution.
A set of steps is required to add a new scheduling policy. REF:
Note that, almost all functions have as arguments pointers of struct task_struct and struct rq. The lf_sched_class scheduling policy it is positioned between the RT and CFS scheduling classes.
The stop_sched_class is to stop cpu, using on SMP system, for load balancing and cpu hotplug. This class have the highest scheduling priority.
The Linux Kernel Scheduler
ch 04. Process Scheduling
Linux kernel scheduler