expect + tmux
调试5G BBU 写了一个shell,提高效率
1 SESSION=autobbu 2 3 RED='\e[0;31m' 4 GREEN='\033[0;32m' 5 NC='\033[0m' 6 green="\033\[0;32m" 7 red="\033\[0;31m" 8 reset="\033\[0;0m" 9 dt_cmd="\01d" 10 11 grep "confirm-before kill-session" ~/.tmux.conf 12 if [ $? != 0 ]; then 13 echo "bind k confirm-before kill-session" >> ~/.tmux.conf 14 echo -e "Configure ${GREEN}kill-seesion${NC} shortkey" 15 fi 16 17 TIMEOUT=10 18 19 function expect_done(){ 20 # #!/usr/bin/expect -f 21 # /usr/bin/expect -d <<-EOF 22 /usr/bin/expect <<-EOF 23 set timeout $2 24 # spawn ssh root@ 25 # expect "*password:" 26 # send "rootzhang\r" 27 # expect eof 28 spawn tmux attach -t $1 29 set cu_id \$spawn_id 30 sleep 2 31 send -i \$cu_id "$3\r" 32 sleep 2 33 expect { 34 -i \$cu_id "$4" { puts "* run ${3}: ${green}READY${reset}"} 35 timeout { 36 puts "* run ${3}: ${red}timeout${reset}" 37 # send -i \$cu_id "$dt_cmd" 38 exit 1 39 } 40 puts "* Tmux ${1} ${red}Exit.${reset}" 41 } 42 # tmux detach -s $1 43 # interact 44 EOF 45 } 46 47 48 function run_bbu(){ 49 SESSION=$1 50 tmux new-session -s ${SESSION} -n PHY -d 51 tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION} "echo 'cd /home/flexRAN_preBuild/flexran_e2e/flexran_l1/'" C-m 52 tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION} "echo run_l1.sh" C-m 53 TIMEOUT=90 # 72s 54 EXP="PHY>welcome to application console" 55 CMD="kubectl exec -it flexran-5gnr-bbu-l1du -- bash -c 'cd /home/flexRAN_preBuild/flexran_e2e/flexran_l1/; ./run_l1.sh; bash'" 56 # tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION} "kubectl exec -it flexran-5gnr-bbu-l1du -- bash -c 'cd /home/flexRAN_preBuild/flexran_e2e/flexran_l1/; bash'" C-m 57 expect_done ${SESSION} $TIMEOUT "$CMD" "$EXP" 58 ret=$? 59 if [ $ret != 0 ]; then 60 echo -e "${RED}Failed to Setup flexran PHY${NC}" 61 return $ret 62 fi 63 echo -e "${GREEN}Successful to Setup flexran PHY${NC}" 64 # tmux split-window -v -p 90 -t ${SESSION} 65 # tmux select-layout -t ${SESSION} main-horizontal 66 # tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION}:0.1 "echo ptp4l -i $PTPNIC -m -f /home/ptp4l-slave.conf" C-m 67 tmux new-window -n PHY -t ${SESSION} 68 tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION}:1 "echo 'cd /home/flexRAN_preBuild/flexran_e2e/rsys_cu'" C-m 69 tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION}:1 "echo run_cu.sh" C-m 70 TIMEOUT=90 # 55s 71 EXP="#############################################################################################################################" 72 CMD="kubectl exec -it flexran-5gnr-bbu-l2cu -- bash -c 'cd /home/flexRAN_preBuild/flexran_e2e/rsys_cu; ./run_cu.sh; bash'" 73 # tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION}:1 "kubectl exec -it flexran-5gnr-bbu-l2cu -- bash -c 'cd /home/flexRAN_preBuild/flexran_e2e/rsys_cu; bash'" C-m 74 expect_done ${SESSION} $TIMEOUT "$CMD" "$EXP" 75 ret=$? 76 if [ $ret != 0 ]; then 77 echo -e "${RED}Failed to Setup CU${NC}" 78 return $ret 79 fi 80 echo -e "${GREEN}Successful to Setup CU${NC}" 81 tmux new-window -n PHY -t ${SESSION} 82 tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION}:2 "echo 'cd /home/flexRAN_preBuild/flexran_e2e/rsys_du'" C-m 83 tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION}:2 "echo run_du_3D7G_DL4_UL2.sh" C-m 84 TIMEOUT=75 # 42s 85 EXP="CELL[1] is UP" 86 CMD="kubectl exec -it flexran-5gnr-bbu-l1du -- bash -c 'cd /home/flexRAN_preBuild/flexran_e2e/rsys_du; ./run_du_3D7G_DL4_UL2.sh; bash'" 87 # tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION}:2 "kubectl exec -it flexran-5gnr-bbu-l1du -- bash -c 'cd /home/flexRAN_preBuild/flexran_e2e/rsys_du; bash'" C-m 88 expect_done ${SESSION} $TIMEOUT "$CMD" "$EXP" 89 if [ $ret != 0 ]; then 90 echo -e "${RED}Failed to Setup CELL${NC}" 91 fi 92 echo -e "${GREEN}Successful to Setup CELL${NC}" 93 sleep 3 94 tmux rename-window -t ${SESSION}:0 phy 95 tmux rename-window -t ${SESSION}:1 cu 96 tmux rename-window -t ${SESSION}:2 du 97 tmux select-window -t ${SESSION}:0 98 } 99 100 # https://pityonline.gitbooks.io/tmux-productive-mouse-free-development_zh/content/book-content/Chapter3.html 101 tmux has-session -t ${SESSION} 102 if [ $? != 0 ] 103 then 104 run_bbu ${SESSION} 105 fi 106 tmux rename-window -t ${SESSION}:0 phy 107 tmux rename-window -t ${SESSION}:1 cu 108 tmux rename-window -t ${SESSION}:2 du 109 tmux attach -t ${SESSION}
Session select example
Run or send a command to a tmux pane in a running tmux session
Attach to tmux session and run a command
session=whatever window=${session}:0 pane=${window}.4 tmux send-keys -t "$pane" C-z 'some -new command' Enter tmux select-pane -t "$pane" tmux select-window -t "$window" tmux attach-session -t "$session"
Tmux get screen output
# https://www.kancloud.cn/kancloud/tmux/62465 PANE= FILE= if [[ $1 =~ ^.*[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]] || [[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then PANE="-t $1" FILE=${2:-tmux.log} fi if [ -z "$PANE" ] && [ -n $2 ]; then FILE=${1} if [[ $2 =~ ^.*[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]] || [[ $2 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then PANE="-t $2" fi fi if [ -n $1 ] && [ -z "$PANE" ]; then FILE=${1} fi FILE=${FILE:-tmux.log} START=${3:-100000000} # capture-pane (alias: capturep) # tmux capturep -pS -100000000 -E 0 # tmux capturep -pS -${START} -E 0 $PANE > $FILE tmux capturep -S -100000000 -E 0 $PANE && tmux save-buffer $FILE echo "Capture pane: ${PANE:-default} to file $FILE" echo "tmux capturep -pS -${START} -E 0 $PANE |less" # show-buffer (alias: showb), choose-buffer echo "tmux showb" echo "" echo "--------------------------------" tmux ls echo "--------------------------------" # list-panes (alias: lsp) tmux lsp -s echo "" echo "--------------------------------" echo "tmux showb" echo "" echo "To list a specify panes of a session, please: append the session to the follow command" echo "tmux lsp -s -t "
log output
The easiest way to get logging activated is by following command
tmux pipe-pane -o 'cat >>~/tmux_output.#S:#I-#P'
This would log the output of the current pane to the file mentioned.
While you can use following substitutions to define your filename:
- #H Hostname of local host
- #h Hostname of local host without the domain name
- #F Current window flag
- #I Current window index
- #P Current pane index
- #S Session name
- #T Current window title
- #W Current window name
- ## A literal `#’
The substitution i choose assure unique-ness on any given point in time, so you will not overwrite your output. It does not assure uniqueness over the time, so maybe you will have output of the todays session added to a complete different session, which had the same ideas before.
Maybe there is an option to add the “pipe-pane” command as hook when a new pane gets created. Unfortunately i was not able to find a full list of hooks and unfortunately hooks do not exist with Version 1.8.
The configuration in ~/.tmux.conf would maybe be similar to:
set-hook -g -n 'after-new-pane' 'run "pipe-pane -o 'cat >>~/output.#S:#I-#P'"'
… not working. There are no hooks with my version of tmux.
tmux logging
It does require some gyrations to get around the fact that it logs everything (the command itself, terminal control, etc), and not just what's output by the command. Here's a quick and dirty example:
a) Start a tmux session to a remote host
b) On the local host, run this (assuming session 0):
$ tmux pipe-pane -o -t0 "tail -n +2 | col -b | base64 -d > ~/output"
$ tmux send-keys -t0 "base64 /some/file && read" Enter
$ tmux pipe-pane -t0
$ tmux send-keys -t0 Enter
You should now have ~/output on the local host, which is identical to /some/file on the remote.