SD-EWAN debug
五角大楼都要采用了。Aruba Bumps Cisco From the Pentagon
Aruba Networks swept the last remaining vestiges of Cisco’s switching gear from the Pentagon building as part of a Department of Defense modernization effort announced today.
The deal will see Aruba deploy its Edge Services Platform (ESP) architecture to automate the network, eliminating time consuming and often tedious processes such as port mapping and initial switch configuration. Aruba ESP is targeted at campuses, data centers, branches, and remote workers, but it only supports Aruba’s access points (APs), switches, and SD-WAN gateways.
The vendor’s Access Switches will replace existing Cisco switching gear that has reached end of life. The deployment will include more than 150,000 wired ports, distributed across the 6.5 million-square-foot facility. Alongside wired infrastructure, the DoD plans to deploy 3,000 additional Aruba APs to further extend wireless access throughout the campus.
While Aruba ESP can be operated in the cloud, on-site, or as a managed service through one of Aruba’s partners, the DoD will be using Aruba’s ClearPass Policy Manager to orchestrate the networking overhaul. Initially the platform will be used to manage Aruba’s switches to secure access controls across the network. However, Aruba notes that the DoD could extend these controls to its APs, unifying both wired and wireless networks.
SD-EWAN(GitHub) means software define edge WAN, it is used to address the network between multi edge clusters or between edge and internet.
这是intel cloud上海团队作为主力,开发的一个项目。基于openwrt的。
openness 项目在集成,集成过程中遇到很多问题,需要debug,在这里把问题都记录一下。
This is an e2e test-connection script from sdewan source code .
The introduction about e2e via hub is here.
sdewan depends on ovn3nfv
please follow this way to setup ovn cni:
function getpodns() { [[ ! -z ${2:-$PODNODE} ]] && echo "set: PODNODE=${2:-$PODNODE}" || kubectl get nodes echo -e "usage:\n getpodns \$POD_PATTERN \$PODNODE" echo -e " Search pod pattern: $1 on node: ${2:-$PODNODE} \n" PODINFO=`kubectl get pod -A -o wide --field-selector spec.nodeName=${2:-$PODNODE} |grep $1 | head -n 1` NS="$(cut -d' ' -f1 <<< $PODINFO)" POD=$(awk -F" " '{print $2}' <<< $PODINFO) echo "POD: $POD" echo "kubectl -n $NS" }
check the cluster info
kubectl get node
check CNI config
usally we use mutus to support multi inferface,this command to check the config
cat /etc/cni/net.d/00-multus.conf | jq . # same command cat /etc/cni/net.d/00-multus.conf | python -m json.tool
check the cni config by this command
# for calico cat /etc/cni/net.d/*calico.conflist* # for flannel cat /etc/cni/net.d/*flannel.conflist
# for other
cat /etc/cni/net.d/*network*
check sdewan info:
there are two kind depolyment for sdewan, one is as sdewan controller manager, another as sdewan cnf
check CNF run correctly
# Split string by delimiter and get N-th element, Kubernetes API - gets Pods on specific nodes, Get all worker nodes
get by lable
kubectl get pods -l 'sdewanPurpose,sdewanPurpose notin ()' -o wide
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES sdewan-edge-a-5984669d8-r9cc8 1/1 Running 0 162m icn-nuc8i7hvk <none> <none>
get CNF deatails info
kubectl get deployments -l 'sdewanPurpose,sdewanPurpose notin ()' CNFDEP=`kubectl get deployments -l 'sdewanPurpose,sdewanPurpose notin ()' -o name`
# get the last master MASTER=`kubectl get node --selector='' |tail -1` # get the last worker, if No worker it will be NAME WORKER=`kubectl get node --selector='!' |tail -1`
PODNODE=$MASTER SDEWANCNF=`kubectl get pod -A -o wide --field-selector spec.nodeName=$PODNODE|grep ${CNFDEP##*/} | head -n 1` NS="$(cut -d' ' -f1 <<< $SDEWANCNF)" POD=$(awk -F" " '{print $2}' <<< $SDEWANCNF) # check interface kubectl -n $NS exec -it $POD -- ifconfig # check interface kubectl -n $NS describe pod $POD # get inferfaces annotation kubectl -n $NS get pod $POD -o=jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations}'
get sdewan controller
kubectl get pods -l control-plane=controller-manager -A -o wide
NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATES sdewan-system sdewan-controller-manager-69f8c6c5bf-rjrn5 2/2 Running 0 3h42m icn-nuc8i7hvk <none> <none>
OVN check
There are 4 componnets for ovn4nfv, ovn-control-plan/ovn-controller/nfn-operator/nfn-agent.
Both ovn-control-plan and nfn-operator are on master. ovn-control-plan and nfn-agent are on worker
default ovn4nfv log is /var/log/openvswitch/ovn4k8s.log, ovn log and openvswitch log can be find in the /var/log/openvswitch
& /var/log/ovn
grep error /var/log/openvswitch/ovn4k8s.log # on centos grep error /var/log/messages |grep sdewan| grep multus # if too many log, you can use tail tail -n 500 /var/log/messages |grep error # on ubuntu grep error /var/log/syslog |grep sdewan| grep multus # if too many log, you can use tail tail -n 500 /var/log/syslog |grep error
check nfn-agent can connect to ovsdb
PODNODE=$MASTER PODPREFIX=nfn-agent kubectl get DaemonSet -A |grep $PODPREFIX
NS=`kubectl get DaemonSet -A |grep $PODPREFIX | cut -d " " -f1`
kubectl -n $NS get DaemonSet $PODPREFIX
PODINFO=`kubectl get pod -A -o wide --field-selector spec.nodeName=$PODNODE|grep $PODPREFIX | head -n 1`
NS="$(cut -d' ' -f1 <<< $PODINFO)" POD=$(awk -F" " '{print $2}' <<< $PODINFO) kubectl -n $NS exec -it $POD -- ovs-vsctl get open_vswitch . external_ids CONNECTION=`kubectl -n $NS exec -it $POD -- ovs-vsctl get open_vswitch . external_ids | grep -o -P 'tcp:.*?(?=")'` IP="$(cut -d':' -f2 <<< $CONNECTION)" PORT=$(awk -F":" '{print $3}' <<< $CONNECTION) kubectl -n $NS exec -it $POD -- nc -v $IP $PORT
or we can also install ovs in the host
sudo yum install -y epel-release sudo yum install -y centos-release-openstack-train sudo yum install openvswitch sudo ovs-vsctl get open_vswitch . external_ids
check nfn-agent log (log options)
# get the latest 10 minutes logs kubectl -n $NS logs --since=10m $POD # get the most recent 500 lines logs kubectl -n $NS logs --tail=500 $POD
check ovn-controller log
kubectl get DaemonSet -A |grep $PODPREFIX
NS=`kubectl get DaemonSet -A |grep $PODPREFIX | cut -d " " -f1`
kubectl -n $NS get DaemonSet $PODPREFIX
PODINFO=`kubectl get pod -A -o wide --field-selector spec.nodeName=$PODNODE|grep $PODPREFIX | head -n 1`
NS="$(cut -d' ' -f1 <<< $PODINFO)" POD=$(awk -F" " '{print $2}' <<< $PODINFO) # get the latest 10 minutes logs kubectl -n $NS logs --since=10m $POD # get the most recent 500 lines logs kubectl -n $NS logs --tail=500 $POD
check nfn-operator log
PATTERN=nfn-operator getpodns $PATTERN # get the latest 10 minutes logs kubectl -n $NS logs --since=10m $POD # get the most recent 500 lines logs kubectl -n $NS logs --tail=500 $POD # get pod kubectl -n $NS describe pod $POD kubectl -n $NS get pod $POD # get depolyment kubectl -n $NS get deploy $PATTERN
check ovn-control-plane log
PATTERN=ovn-control-plane getpodns $PATTERN # get the latest 10 minutes logs kubectl -n $NS logs --since=10m $POD # get the most recent 500 lines logs kubectl -n $NS logs --tail=500 $POD # get pod kubectl -n $NS describe pod $POD kubectl -n $NS get pod $POD # get depolyment kubectl -n $NS get deploy $PATTERN
check ovn4nfv-cni log
PATTERN=ovn4nfv-cni getpodns $PATTERN # get the latest 10 minutes logs kubectl -n $NS logs --since=10m $POD # get the most recent 500 lines logs kubectl -n $NS logs --tail=500 $POD # get pod kubectl -n $NS describe pod $POD kubectl -n $NS get pod $POD # get depolyment kubectl -n $NS get daemonset $PATTERN
ovn4nfv CR
kubectl api-resources -o wide
NAME SHORTNAMES APIGROUP NAMESPACED KIND VERBS networkchainings true NetworkChaining [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] networks true Network [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] providernetworks true ProviderNetwork [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch]
get network info for i in `kubectl api-resources --api-group=$GROUP -o name` do echo -e "\n********** $i **********" kubectl get $i kubectl describe $i done
1 ********** ********** 2 No resources found in default namespace. 3 4 ********** ********** 5 NAME AGE 6 ovn-network 3h24m 7 Name: ovn-network 8 Namespace: default 9 Labels: <none> 10 Annotations: 11 {"apiVersion":"","kind":"Network","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"ovn-network","namespace":"default"},"s... 12 API Version: 13 Kind: Network 14 Metadata: 15 Creation Timestamp: 2020-11-09T02:56:35Z 16 Finalizers: 17 nfnCleanUpNetwork 18 Generation: 2 19 Resource Version: 1700 20 Self Link: /apis/ 21 UID: 93913e73-f0fb-4f0a-8b55-c0a991b890bf 22 Spec: 23 Cni Type: ovn4nfv 24 Dns: 25 ipv4Subnets: 26 Exclude Ips: 27 Gateway: 28 Name: subnet1 29 Subnet: 30 Status: 31 State: Created 32 Events: <none> 33 34 ********** ********** 35 NAME AGE 36 pnetwork 3h24m 37 Name: pnetwork 38 Namespace: default 39 Labels: <none> 40 Annotations: 41 {"apiVersion":"","kind":"ProviderNetwork","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"pnetwork","namespace":"default... 42 API Version: 43 Kind: ProviderNetwork 44 Metadata: 45 Creation Timestamp: 2020-11-09T02:56:35Z 46 Finalizers: 47 nfnCleanUpProviderNetwork 48 Generation: 2 49 Resource Version: 1697 50 Self Link: /apis/ 51 UID: 12339ccf-68e5-4b5f-943a-efa21f99a824 52 Spec: 53 Cni Type: ovn4nfv 54 Direct: 55 Direct Node Selector: all 56 Provider Interface Name: eth1 57 Dns: 58 ipv4Subnets: 59 Exclude Ips: 60 Gateway: 61 Name: subnet 62 Subnet: 63 Provider Net Type: DIRECT 64 Vlan: 65 Provider Interface Name: 66 Vlan Id: 67 Vlan Node Selector: 68 Status: 69 State: Created 70 Events: <none>
kubectl api-resources -o wide
NAME SHORTNAMES APIGROUP NAMESPACED KIND VERBS firewalldnats true FirewallDNAT [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] firewallforwardings true FirewallForwarding [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] firewallrules true FirewallRule [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] firewallsnats true FirewallSNAT [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] firewallzones true FirewallZone [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] ipsechosts true IpsecHost [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] ipsecproposals true IpsecProposal [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] ipsecsites true IpsecSite [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] mwan3policies true Mwan3Policy [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] mwan3rules true Mwan3Rule [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch]
get sdewan cr info
for i in `kubectl api-resources --api-group=$GROUP -o name` do echo -e "\n********** $i **********" kubectl get $i kubectl describe $i done
1 ********** ********** 2 3 ********** ********** 4 5 ********** ********** 6 7 ********** ********** 8 9 ********** ********** 10 NAME AGE 11 ovnnetwork 141m 12 pnetwork 141m 13 Name: ovnnetwork 14 Namespace: default 15 Labels: sdewanPurpose=sdewan-edge-a 16 Annotations: 17 {"apiVersion":"","kind":"FirewallZone","metadata":{"annotations":{},"labels":{"sdewanPurpose":"sdewan-edg... 18 API Version: 19 Kind: FirewallZone 20 Metadata: 21 Creation Timestamp: 2020-11-09T04:02:56Z 22 Finalizers: 23 24 Generation: 1 25 Resource Version: 13047 26 Self Link: /apis/ 27 UID: 333e44de-6f14-44ee-ba71-00052ce3ab15 28 Spec: 29 Forward: ACCEPT 30 Input: ACCEPT 31 Network: 32 ovn-network 33 Output: ACCEPT 34 Status: 35 Applied Generation: 1 36 Applied Time: 2020-11-09T04:02:56Z 37 State: In Sync 38 Events: <none> 39 40 41 Name: pnetwork 42 Namespace: default 43 Labels: sdewanPurpose=sdewan-edge-a 44 Annotations: 45 {"apiVersion":"","kind":"FirewallZone","metadata":{"annotations":{},"labels":{"sdewanPurpose":"sdewan-edg... 46 API Version: 47 Kind: FirewallZone 48 Metadata: 49 Creation Timestamp: 2020-11-09T04:02:56Z 50 Finalizers: 51 52 Generation: 1 53 Resource Version: 13050 54 Self Link: /apis/ 55 UID: 92cc6efc-4bbd-43bb-afc5-8d33a3e4568e 56 Spec: 57 Forward: ACCEPT 58 Input: ACCEPT 59 Masq: 0 60 mtu_fix: 1 61 Network: 62 pnetwork 63 Output: ACCEPT 64 Status: 65 Applied Generation: 1 66 Applied Time: 2020-11-09T04:02:56Z 67 State: In Sync 68 Events: <none> 69 70 ********** ********** 71 NAME AGE 72 ipsechost 141m 73 Name: ipsechost 74 Namespace: default 75 Labels: sdewanPurpose=sdewan-edge-a 76 Annotations: 77 {"apiVersion":"","kind":"IpsecHost","metadata":{"annotations":{},"labels":{"sdewanPurpose":"sdewan-edge-a... 78 API Version: 79 Kind: IpsecHost 80 Metadata: 81 Creation Timestamp: 2020-11-09T04:02:46Z 82 Finalizers: 83 84 Generation: 1 85 Resource Version: 13027 86 Self Link: /apis/ 87 UID: 050135d3-a97f-4133-88f8-c77952747b91 88 Spec: 89 authentication_method: psk 90 Connections: 91 conn_type: tunnel 92 crypto_proposal: 93 ipsecproposal 94 local_sourceip: %config 95 Mode: start 96 Name: connA 97 remote_subnet:, 98 crypto_proposal: 99 ipsecproposal 100 force_crypto_proposal: 0 101 local_identifier: 102 Name: edgeA 103 pre_shared_key: test_key 104 Remote: 105 Status: 106 Applied Generation: 1 107 Applied Time: 2020-11-09T04:02:51Z 108 State: In Sync 109 Events: <none> 110 111 ********** ********** 112 NAME AGE 113 ipsecproposal 141m 114 Name: ipsecproposal 115 Namespace: default 116 Labels: sdewanPurpose=sdewan-edge-a 117 Annotations: 118 {"apiVersion":"","kind":"IpsecProposal","metadata":{"annotations":{},"labels":{"sdewanPurpose":"sdewan-ed... 119 API Version: 120 Kind: IpsecProposal 121 Metadata: 122 Creation Timestamp: 2020-11-09T04:02:45Z 123 Finalizers: 124 125 Generation: 2 126 Resource Version: 13011 127 Self Link: /apis/ 128 UID: 402001c1-cbeb-4755-94da-fd2279e962ab 129 Spec: 130 dh_group: modp3072 131 encryption_algorithm: aes128 132 hash_algorithm: sha256 133 Name: ipsecproposal 134 Status: 135 Applied Generation: 2 136 Applied Time: 2020-11-09T04:02:46Z 137 State: In Sync 138 Events: <none> 139 140 ********** ********** 141 142 ********** ********** 143 144 ********** **********
NAME SHORTNAMES APIGROUP NAMESPACED KIND VERBS firewalldnats true FirewallDNAT [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] firewallforwardings true FirewallForwarding [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] firewallrules true FirewallRule [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] firewallsnats true FirewallSNAT [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] firewallzones true FirewallZone [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] ipsechosts true IpsecHost [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] ipsecproposals true IpsecProposal [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] ipsecsites true IpsecSite [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] mwan3policies true Mwan3Policy [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch] mwan3rules true Mwan3Rule [delete deletecollection get list patch create update watch]
only reinstall sdewan
kubectl get namespace sdewan-system -o json > logging.json grep -n3 '"finalizers":' logging.json # Remove kubernetes from the finalizers array: sed -i -e '/"finalizers":/{n;d}' logging.json grep -n3 '"finalizers":' logging.json kubectl replace --raw "/api/v1/namespaces/sdewan-system/finalize" -f ./logging.json API_SERVER_IP=`ip route get 1 | awk '{match($0, /.+src\s([.0-9]+)/, a);print a[1];exit}'` helm install sdewan-ctrl /opt/openness-helm-charts/sdewan-crd-ctrl \ --set spec.sdewan.image.registryIpAddress=$API_SERVER_IP \ --set spec.sdewan.image.registryPort=5000 \ --set \ --set spec.sdewan.image.tag=0.3.0 \ --set spec.proxy.image.registryIpAddress=$API_SERVER_IP \ --set spec.proxy.image.registryPort=5000 \ --set \ --set spec.proxy.image.tag=v0.4.1
install ovs-tcpdump
curl -O -L sudo yum install -y epel-release centos-release-openstack-train sudo yum install openvswitch libibverbs sudo yum install python-openvswitch IFC= python --db-sock /var/run/openvswitch/db.sock -i $IFC -nv
opkg update opkg install wget opkg install ca-certificates
ovn4vnf install ovs-tcpdump
Try ton install ovs-tcpdump on nfn-agent, failed.
NFNA=`kubectl get pod -A -o name |grep nfn-agent` NM=kube-system H_PROXY= kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "echo $'nameserver\nnameserver\nnameserver' >> /etc/resolv.conf" H_PROXY= kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "http_proxy=$H_PROXY yum install ca-certificates" kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "http_proxy=$H_PROXY yum install -y epel-release centos-release-openstack-train" kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "http_proxy=$H_PROXY yum search openvswitch" kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "http_proxy=$H_PROXY dnf install -y python3-pip" kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "http_proxy=$H_PROXY yum -y install python3-devel" kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "http_proxy=$H_PROXY yum -y groupinstall 'development tools'" # kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "pip3 --proxy $H_PROXY search openvswitch" # kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "http_proxy=$H_PROXY yum install -y python-openvswitch" kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "pip3 --proxy $H_PROXY install setuptools wheel" kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "pip3 --proxy $H_PROXY install -U setuptools" kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "pip3 --proxy $H_PROXY install -U wheel" kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "pip3 --proxy $H_PRO XY install -U pip" kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "pip3 --proxy $H_PROXY install ovs" kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "python3 -m pip3 --proxy $H_PROXY install -U pip3" kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "https_proxy=$H_PROXY http_proxy=$H_PROXY wget -O" kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "http_proxy=$H_PROXY yum install -y tcpdump" kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "python3"
WARNING: Running pip install with root privileges is generally not a good idea. Try pip3 install --user instead.
Collecting ovs
Downloading (100kB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 102kB 627kB/s
Complete output from command python egg_info:/----------------------------------------
Command "python egg_info" failed with error code -9 in /tmp/pip-build-fll8tk_y/ovs/
Then try to install on ovn-controller, successfully
NFNA=`kubectl get pod -A -o name |grep nfn-agent` NFNA=`kubectl get pod -A -o name |grep ovn-controller` NM=kube-system H_PROXY= # kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "echo $'nameserver\nnameserver\nnameserver' >> /etc/resolv.conf" H_PROXY= # NOTE, only ovn-controller can works, but nfn-agent can not install python ovs package. kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "http_proxy=$H_PROXY dnf install -y python3-pip" kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "pip3 --proxy $H_PROXY install ovs" kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "https_proxy=$H_PROXY http_proxy=$H_PROXY wget -O" kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "http_proxy=$H_PROXY yum install -y tcpdump" kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- ovs-vsctl list-br kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- ovs-vsctl list-ports br-int IFC=ovn4nfv0-85000f kubectl -n $NM exec -it ${NFNA} -- bash -c "python3 -i $IFC --db-sock unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock"
check ipsecsites status
kubectl get -o=custom-columns=',MESSAGE:status.message,STATUS:status.state' NAME MESSAGE STATUS ipsecsite Post dial tcp i/o timeout Trying to apply
check providernetworks status
kubectl get providernetworks -o=custom-columns=',NETTYPE:.spec.providerNetType,STATUS:status.state' NAME NETTYPE STATUS pnetwork1 DIRECT Created pnetwork2 DIRECT Created
First, get inside the sdewan cnf and run cmd:
ipsec statusall
This will show the status of ipsec tunnel.
You can also use the command Huifeng provides, but you need to install the ip xfrm first
run ‘opkg install ip-full’
Second, you can check the interfaces, there shall be an extra interface attached under the interface net2
Third, you can ping the virtual ip of the remote edge cnf. To check the ipsec tunnels’ connection.
you may use below command to check ip sec data in cnf:
ip xfrm policy list – to show all xfrm rule for ip sec
ip xfrm m – monitor packets in channel
How to Install Pip on CentOS 8
How To Install Pip On CentOS 8
How to Install Pip on CentOS 8
Fedora, RHEL 7.x Packaging for Open vSwitch¶ (ovs 官网)
Information for build openvswitch-2.9.0-56.el7
How to Install and use ovs-tcpdump on Redhat
Regular Linux utilities can’t monitor everything that goes on inside OpenVswitch. The standard tcpdump utility can dump from devices that it knows about but not what’s going on inside the OpenVswitch. You can install ovs-tcpdump and use it similar to the regular utility.
We are doing this as part of the project to install Redhat Openstack with DPDK and VXLAN. We need to monitor how an instance communicates with the Controllers and each other.
Your servers need to be registered with Redhat as Openstack, so that you can access the Redhat Repositories.
SO run:$ subscription-manager attach –pool=YOURPOOL-OPENSTACK_ID
Ovs-tcpdump comes as part of the package openvswitch-test but this requires python-openvswitch
These are not stored in the same repository, so you need to enable both of the following:
$ yum-config-manager –enable rhel-7-server-openstack-13-devtools-rpms
$ yum-config-manager –enable rhel-7-server-openstack-13-rpms
$ yum makecache
$ yum install python-openvswitch
$ yum install openvswitch-test
You can now run$ ovs-tcpdump -i <interface name> <other parameters>
It accepts other parameters like tcpdump, but it doesn’t accept “any” for insterface name, since you can only dump from one interface at a time.
You can see the interface name via the command:$ ovs-vsctl show
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function set_cnf_snat(){ if [[ -z $1 ]] ; then echo "Please specify the namespace and pod name, get all pods name by:" echo " kubectl get pods -A" echo "Usage: " echo " set_cnf_snat [\$namespace/]\$pods [-t]" return 1 fi test=false # for arg do shift [ "$arg" = "-t" ] && test=true && continue set -- "$@" "$arg" done NS=${NS:-cnf} # NOTE maybe more than one pods pods=$(kubectl get pods -n $NS -o NAME) netip=$(kubectl exec -n $NS $pods -it -- bash -c "sudo cat /etc/config/ipsec | grep local_identifier|cut -d ' ' -f 3") regex=${netip//\'/} regex=${regex//$'\r'/} route=$(kubectl exec -n $NS $pods -it -- bash -c "sudo ip -4 -o r") # NOTE maybe more than one WAN interface dev=$(grep $regex <<< "$route" | awk '{match($0, /.+dev\s([^ /]*)/, a);print a[1];exit}') # NOTE maybe more than one tunnel on a WAN interface tunnel=$(grep "^[0-9. ]*dev $dev"<<< "$route" | awk '{print $1}') echo "The overlay ip of CNF is: $tunnel" # ns=${1%/*} search=${1##*/} if [ -z "${1##*/*}" ] ; then ips="$(kubectl get pods -n $ns -o wide |grep $search |awk '{print $6}')" else ips="$(kubectl get pods -A -o wide |grep $search |awk '{print $7}')" fi re='^(0*(1?[0-9]{1,2}|2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5]))\.){3}' re+='0*(1?[0-9]{1,2}|2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5]))$' for ip in $ips; do if [[ "$ip" =~ $re ]]; then echo "Set SNAT for $ip to $tunnel" if [ "$test" = true ]; then echo "This is just a test mode, please run the command manully:" echo " kubectl exec -it -n ${NS} $pods -- bash -c \"sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $ip -j SNAT --to-source $tunnel\"" return 0 fi kubectl exec -it -n ${NS} $pods -- bash -c "sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $ip -j SNAT --to-source $tunnel" kubectl exec -it -n ${NS} $pods -- bash -c 'sudo iptables --line -nv -t nat -L POSTROUTING' else echo "Not a validate IP: $ip" fi done }
function rm_cnf_snat(){ if [[ -z $1 ]] ; then echo "Please specify the NAT source IP address or Rule Number:" pods=$(kubectl get pods -n $NS -o NAME) echo " kubectl exec -it -n cnf $pods -- bash -c 'sudo iptables --line -nv -t nat -L POSTROUTING'" kubectl exec -it -n cnf $pods -- bash -c 'sudo iptables --line -nv -t nat -L POSTROUTING' echo "Usage: " echo " rm_cnf_snat [\$ip][\$num] [-t]" return 1 fi test=false # for arg do shift [ "$arg" = "-t" ] && test=true && continue set -- "$@" "$arg" done re='^(0*(1?[0-9]{1,2}|2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5]))\.){3}' re+='0*(1?[0-9]{1,2}|2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5]))$' isip=false if [[ "$1" =~ $re ]]; then isip=true fi if [ "$isip" = true ]; then rules=$(kubectl exec -it -n cnf $pods -- bash -c 'sudo iptables --line -nv -t nat -L POSTROUTING |grep '"$1"'') rule=$(tail -n 1 <<< "$rules") tunnel=${rule##*:} # Note these 2 commands can print "\r" # $(echo $tunnel) # $(echo "$tunnel") tunnel=${tunnel//$'\r'/} num=$(tail -n 1 <<< "$rules" | awk '{print $1}') if [ "$test" = true ]; then echo "This is just a test mode, please run the command manully:" echo " kubectl exec -it -n ${NS} $pods -- bash -c \"sudo iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s $ip -j SNAT --to-source $tunnel\"" return 0 fi kubectl exec -it -n ${NS} $pods -- bash -c "sudo iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s $ip -j SNAT --to-source $tunnel" else num=$1 if [ "$test" = true ]; then echo "This is just a test mode, please run the command manully:" echo " kubectl exec -it -n ${NS} $pods -- bash -c \"sudo iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING $1\"" return 0 fi kubectl exec -it -n ${NS} $pods -- bash -c "sudo iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING $1" fi kubectl exec -it -n ${NS} $pods -- bash -c 'sudo iptables --line -nv -t nat -L POSTROUTING' }
function set_cnf_dnat(){ if [[ -z $1 ]] ; then echo "Please specify the namespace and pod name, get all pods name by:" echo " kubectl get pods -A" echo "Usage: " echo " set_cnf_snat [\$namespace/]\$pods [-t]" return 1 fi test=false # for arg do shift [ "$arg" = "-t" ] && test=true && continue set -- "$@" "$arg" done NS=${NS:-cnf} # NOTE maybe more than one pods pods=$(kubectl get pods -n $NS -o NAME) netip=$(kubectl exec -n $NS $pods -it -- bash -c "sudo cat /etc/config/ipsec | grep local_identifier|cut -d ' ' -f 3") regex=${netip//\'/} regex=${regex//$'\r'/} route=$(kubectl exec -n $NS $pods -it -- bash -c "sudo ip -4 -o r") # NOTE maybe more than one WAN interface dev=$(grep $regex <<< "$route" | awk '{match($0, /.+dev\s([^ /]*)/, a);print a[1];exit}') # NOTE maybe more than one tunnel on a WAN interface tunnel=$(grep "^[0-9. ]*dev $dev"<<< "$route" | awk '{print $1}') echo "The overlay ip of CNF is: $tunnel" # ns=${1%/*} search=${1##*/} if [ -z "${1##*/*}" ] ; then ips="$(kubectl get pods -n $ns -o wide |grep $search |awk '{print $6}')" else ips="$(kubectl get pods -A -o wide |grep $search |awk '{print $7}')" fi re='^(0*(1?[0-9]{1,2}|2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5]))\.){3}' re+='0*(1?[0-9]{1,2}|2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5]))$' for ip in $ips; do if [[ "$ip" =~ $re ]]; then echo "Set DNAT for $ip from $tunnel" if [ "$test" = true ]; then echo "This is just a test mode, please run the command manully:" echo " kubectl exec -it -n ${NS} $pods -- iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $dev -d $tunnel -j DNAT --to-destination $ip" return 0 fi kubectl exec -it -n ${NS} $pods -- bash -c "sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d $tunnel -j DNAT --to-destination $ip" kubectl exec -it -n ${NS} $pods -- bash -c 'sudo iptables --line -nv -t nat -L PREROUTING' else echo "Not a validate IP: $ip" fi done }
function rm_cnf_dnat(){ if [[ -z $1 ]] ; then echo "Please specify the NAT source IP address or Rule Number:" pods=$(kubectl get pods -n $NS -o NAME) echo " kubectl exec -it -n cnf $pods -- bash -c 'sudo iptables --line -nv -t nat -L PREROUTING'" kubectl exec -it -n cnf $pods -- bash -c 'sudo iptables --line -nv -t nat -L PREROUTING' echo "Usage: " echo " rm_cnf_snat [\$ip][\$num] [-t]" return 1 fi test=false # for arg do shift [ "$arg" = "-t" ] && test=true && continue set -- "$@" "$arg" done re='^(0*(1?[0-9]{1,2}|2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5]))\.){3}' re+='0*(1?[0-9]{1,2}|2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5]))$' isip=false if [[ "$1" =~ $re ]]; then isip=true fi if [ "$isip" = true ]; then rules=$(kubectl exec -it -n cnf $pods -- bash -c 'sudo iptables --line -nv -t nat -L PREROUTING |grep '"$1"'') rule=$(tail -n 1 <<< "$rules") tunnel=${rule##*:} # Note these 2 commands can print "\r" # $(echo $tunnel) # $(echo "$tunnel") tunnel=$(tail -n 1 <<< "$rules" | awk '{print $10}') num=$(tail -n 1 <<< "$rules" | awk '{print $1}') if [ "$test" = true ]; then echo "This is just a test mode, please run the command manully:" echo " kubectl exec -it -n ${NS} $pods -- bash -c \"sudo iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -d $tunnel -j DNAT --to-destination $ip\"" return 0 fi kubectl exec -it -n ${NS} $pods -- bash -c "sudo iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -d $tunnel -j DNAT --to-destination $ip" else num=$1 if [ "$test" = true ]; then echo "This is just a test mode, please run the command manully:" echo " kubectl exec -it -n ${NS} $pods -- bash -c \"sudo iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING $1\"" return 0 fi kubectl exec -it -n ${NS} $pods -- bash -c "sudo iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING $1" fi kubectl exec -it -n ${NS} $pods -- bash -c 'sudo iptables --line -nv -t nat -L PREROUTING' }