image management in kubernet


How can I edit an existing docker image metadata?


Registry Disk kubevirt is a good exmple for image management

Docker Registry HTTP API V2

Getting to Know Kubevirt (see more about registry Disk)

Storing VMI Disks in the Container Registry

Let’s make your Docker Image better than 90% of existing ones

harbor swagget API 

How to use docker images filter

FPGA device plugin:

git hub



adv-network-features-in-kubernetes-app-note.pdf (more

demo  demo source (Gzip Compression OpenCL™ Design Example

xilinx github  (fpga wikibitstream)

FPGA based system for the acceleration of Cloud (Nokia)

SRIOV network DP


sgx device plugin

git hub


git hub

Kubernets Official DOC

application-developer advanced

init containers (more)

初始化容器 (more)

k8s 中文文档



 解读 2017 之容器篇:后 Kubernetes 时代


如何从零开始编写一个Kubernetes CRD · Service Mesh

Kubernetes 中文文档




Using Admission Controllers 中文 (Webhook Mode)


深度剖析Kubernetes动态准入控制之Admission Webhooks

ISTIO 动态准入 Webhook 概述

Dynamic Admission Control (admission webhooks)


Kubernetes 准入控制 Admission Controller 介绍


深度剖析Kubernetes API Server三部曲 - part 1


In-depth introduction to Kubernetes admission webhooks


Diving into Kubernetes MutatingAdmissionWebhook (more

 Istio (More)


微服务管理框架service mesh——Istio简介

Istio 是什么

Istio 来了!帮助开发人员无缝连接、管理和保护不同微服务网络—而且与平台、源代码或供应商无关

微服务守护神 Istio:关于 1.0 版本以及性能优化

Istio 以及 Service Mesh 的未来

在生产环境运行Istio(一) (翻译)   

Demo: How to Use Istio to Control Traffic Flow without Changing Your App  

Live Demo: Use Istio to Control Traffic Flow without Changing your App (slides)    

Live Demo: Create True Multi-Cloud Applications with Istio   

什么是 istio (不错)

下一代 Service Mesh -- istio 架构分析

Istio Service Mesh 管理微服务 (详细)



sidecar in K8s

Multi-Container Pod Design Patterns in Kubernetes (sidecar)

 Java Web Application with Tomcat and Init Container (sidecar example)

Multi-container pods and container communication in Kubernetes  (sidecar example)

Communicate Between Containers in the Same Pod Using a Shared Volume (official)


Sidecar Pattern with Use Case Examples (形象)

Multi-Container Pods in Kubernetes

How did that sidecar get there?  (推荐)

“Sidecar” containers in Kubernetes pods



“Sidecar” containers in Kubernetes pods

posted @ 2019-04-03 19:50  lvmxh  阅读(260)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报