image management in kubernet
How can I edit an existing docker image metadata?
Registry Disk kubevirt is a good exmple for image management
Getting to Know Kubevirt (see more about registry Disk)
Storing VMI Disks in the Container Registry
Let’s make your Docker Image better than 90% of existing ones
How to use docker images filter
FPGA device plugin:
adv-network-features-in-kubernetes-app-note.pdf (more)
demo demo source (Gzip Compression OpenCL™ Design Example)
xilinx github (fpga wiki, bitstream)
FPGA based system for the acceleration of Cloud (Nokia)
SRIOV network DP
sgx device plugin
Kubernets Official DOC
application-developer advanced
初始化容器 (more)
- 手摸手教你写 Kubernetes 的 golang 服务
- 在kubernetes 集群上搭建docker 私有仓库Harbor
- 手动搭建高可用的kubernetes 集群
- Docker 的多阶段构建
- Kubernetes Pod 工作流
- 使用kubeadm搭建kubernetes1.10集群
- k8s技术圈一周精选[第3期]
- Skaffold-简化本地开发kubernetes应用的神器
- k8s技术圈一周精选[第2期]
- kubernetes 的资源配额控制器
如何从零开始编写一个Kubernetes CRD · Service Mesh
Kubernetes 中文文档
Using Admission Controllers 中文 (Webhook Mode)
深度剖析Kubernetes动态准入控制之Admission Webhooks
Dynamic Admission Control (admission webhooks)
Kubernetes 准入控制 Admission Controller 介绍
深度剖析Kubernetes API Server三部曲 - part 1
In-depth introduction to Kubernetes admission webhooks
Diving into Kubernetes MutatingAdmissionWebhook (more)
Istio (More)
Istio 来了!帮助开发人员无缝连接、管理和保护不同微服务网络—而且与平台、源代码或供应商无关
微服务守护神 Istio:关于 1.0 版本以及性能优化
Istio 以及 Service Mesh 的未来
在生产环境运行Istio(一) (翻译)
Demo: How to Use Istio to Control Traffic Flow without Changing Your App
Live Demo: Use Istio to Control Traffic Flow without Changing your App (slides)
Live Demo: Create True Multi-Cloud Applications with Istio
下一代 Service Mesh -- istio 架构分析
sidecar in K8s
Multi-Container Pod Design Patterns in Kubernetes (sidecar)
Java Web Application with Tomcat and Init Container (sidecar example)
Multi-container pods and container communication in Kubernetes (sidecar example)
Communicate Between Containers in the Same Pod Using a Shared Volume (official)
Sidecar Pattern with Use Case Examples (形象)
Multi-Container Pods in Kubernetes
How did that sidecar get there? (推荐)
“Sidecar” containers in Kubernetes pods