图形码农 2016-07-13 13:37:33
收藏 1
分类专栏: 碰撞检测
射线和圆相交, origin是射线起点, dir是射线的方向向量。p0,p1是两个交点,center为圆心,半径为R,d为圆心到射线的距离。
我们先以2D切面图来说明,当射线和圆相交的时候,可以看到,球心 center 到射线 ray 的距离 d <= R,这个即为相交的条件。那么射线与球相切就转化为了球心到射线的距离d的判断。先求出d:
- 设圆心在射线上的投影为c',则 origin,center, c' 形成了一个直角三角形。
- 获得射线起点到圆心的向量 Voc = Vcenter - Vorigin
- 在射线方向上的投影为: Poc = Voc·dir
- 勾股定理:d·d = Voc·Voc - Poc·Poc
- d < R,射线穿过圆,与圆有两个交点。
- d = R,射线与圆相切,有一个交点为切点。
- d > R,射线在圆外,没有交点。
- c',center,P0 or P1点构成直角三角形。
- P0 or P1到c'的距离 tca·tca = R·R - d·d;
- 有如下式子
- P0 = dir·( |Poc| - tca );
- P1 = dir·( |Poc| + tca );
要注意,没有交点的时候, tca·tca < 0 是没办法开平方的
- bool Intersect(const Ray& ray, const Sphere& sphere, float& t0, float& t1)
- {
- Vector3 oc = sphere.GetCenter() - ray.GetOrigin();
- float projoc = dot(ray.GetDirection(), oc);
- if (projoc < 0)
- return false;
- float oc2 = dot(oc, oc);
- float distance2 = oc2 - projoc * projoc; //计算出的球心到射线的距离
- if (distance2 > sphere.GetRadiusSquare())
- return false;
- float discriminant = sphere.GetRadiusSquare() - distance2; //使用勾股定理,计算出另一条边的长度
- if(discriminant < FLOAT_EPSILON) //表明只有一个交点,射线与球相切
- t0 = t1 = projoc;
- else
- {
- discriminant = sqrt(discriminant);
- t0 = projoc - discriminant;
- t1 = projoc + discriminant;
- if (t0 < 0)
- t0 = t1;
- }
- return true;
- }
射线方程:ray : P(t) = O + D·t ( t >= 0 )
球的方程:sphere : sqr( P-C ) = R·R (sqr(x) = x^2 = x·x)
O=origin, D=direction, C=center, R=radius
射线方程表明的是如下一个点的集合P,当t从零增大时, D·t会沿着D向量的方向从零逐步变长,t 取值无限表示了射线单方向。从O点开始在D方向上无限个点构成了一条射线。
因此当射线与球相交的时候,这个点既在射线上,又在球面上。等式射线的P(t) = 球的P成立。
联立两个方程,试着求解 t 有:
sqr( O + D·t - C ) = R·R
设 O-C=OC,有:
- sqr( OC+D·t ) - R·R = 0
- //展开得到如下式子
- => D·D·t·t + 2·OC·D·t + OC·OC - R·R = 0
- => (D·D)·t·t + 2·(OC·D)·t + OC·OC - R·R = 0
因为 D 是单位向量有D·D = dot(D, D) = 1最后方程为:
t·t + 2·(OC·D)·t + OC·OC - R·R = 0;
这是一个关于 t 的二次方程at^2 + bt + c = 0那么解就已经出来了:
- t0 = -(b + √Δ) / 2a
- t1 = -(b - √Δ) / 2a
- a = D·D = dot(D, D) = 1;
- b = 2·OC·D = 2·dot(OC, D);
- c = OC·OC - R·R = dot(OC, OC) - R·R;
- 判别式 Δ = sqr(b) - 4ac
= 4·sqr( OC·D ) - 4·( OC·OC - R·R )
= 4·( sqr( OC·D ) - OC·OC + R·R );
如果判别式 Δ > 0,则表明球与射线相交。
根据以上方程,我们其中试着展开 t 的式子
t0 = -(b + √Δ) / 2a = -(b + √Δ) / 2·1
= -b/2 - √(Δ/4)
= -dot(OC, D) - √( sqr( dot(OC, D) ) - dot(OC, OC) + R·R )
求出 t 后可以根据P(t) = O + D * t 得到交点。
- inline int cIntersectionSegmentSphere(const cVector3d& a_segmentPointA,
- const cVector3d& a_segmentPointB,
- const cVector3d& a_spherePos,
- const double& a_sphereRadius,
- cVector3d& a_collisionPoint0,
- cVector3d& a_collisionNormal0,
- cVector3d& a_collisionPoint1,
- cVector3d& a_collisionNormal1)
- {
- // temp variables
- cVector3d AB, CA;
- a_segmentPointB.subr(a_segmentPointA, AB);
- a_segmentPointA.subr(a_spherePos, CA);
- double radiusSq = a_sphereRadius * a_sphereRadius;
- double a = AB.lengthsq();
- double b = 2.0 * cDot(AB, CA);
- double c = CA.lengthsq() - radiusSq;
- // invalid segment
- if (a == 0)
- {
- return (0);
- }
- double d = b*b - 4*a*c;
- // segment ray is located outside of sphere
- if (d < 0)
- {
- return (0);
- }
- // segment ray intersects sphere
- d = sqrt(d);
- double e = 2.0 * a;
- // compute both solutions
- double u0 = (-b + d) / e;
- double u1 = (-b - d) / e;
- // check if the solutions are located along the segment AB
- bool valid_u0 = cContains(u0, 0.0, 1.0);
- bool valid_u1 = cContains(u1, 0.0, 1.0);
- // two intersection points are located along segment AB
- if (valid_u0 && valid_u1)
- {
- if (u0 > u1) { cSwap(u0, u1); }
- // compute point 0
- AB.mulr(u0, a_collisionPoint0);
- a_collisionPoint0.add(a_segmentPointA);
- a_collisionPoint0.subr(a_spherePos, a_collisionNormal0);
- a_collisionNormal0.normalize();
- // compute point 1
- AB.mulr(u1, a_collisionPoint1);
- a_collisionPoint1.add(a_segmentPointA);
- a_collisionPoint1.subr(a_spherePos, a_collisionNormal1);
- a_collisionNormal1.normalize();
- return (2);
- }
- // one intersection point is located along segment AB
- else if (valid_u0)
- {
- // compute point 0
- AB.mulr(u0, a_collisionPoint0);
- a_collisionPoint0.add(a_segmentPointA);
- a_collisionPoint0.subr(a_spherePos, a_collisionNormal0);
- a_collisionNormal0.normalize();
- // check dot product to see if the intial segment point is located
- // inside the sphere.
- double dotProduct = cDot(AB, a_collisionNormal0); //如果射线在球内部与球发生相交,就不能算作相交,保证射线运动的方向性,射线从球体出来时的交点不算作相交点
- if (dotProduct < 0.0)
- {
- return (1);
- }
- else
- {
- return (0);
- }
- }
- // one intersection point is located along segment AB
- else if (valid_u1)
- {
- // compute point 0
- AB.mulr(u1, a_collisionPoint0);
- a_collisionPoint0.add(a_segmentPointA);
- a_collisionPoint0.subr(a_spherePos, a_collisionNormal0);
- a_collisionNormal0.normalize();
- // check dot product to see if the intial segment point is located
- // inside the sphere.
- double dotProduct = cDot(AB, a_collisionNormal0);
- if (dotProduct < 0.0)
- {
- return (1);
- }
- else
- {
- return (0);
- }
- }
- // both points are located outside of the segment AB
- else
- {
- return (0);
- }
- }</span>