R 缓存画图代码,之后再总结

   1 options(stringsAsFactors = F )
   2 library(plyr)
   3 library(network)
   4 library(tidygraph)
   5 library(igraph)
   6 library(ggraph)
   7 library(scales)
   8 library(STRINGdb)
   9 library(Seurat)
  10 library(progress)
  11 library(lattice)
  12 #library(tidyverse)
  13 library(ggplot2)
  14 library(Matrix)
  15 #library(Rmisc)
  16 library(ggforce)
  17 library(rjson)
  18 library(cowplot)
  19 library(RColorBrewer)
  20 library(grid)
  21 library(sp)
  23 #library(readbitmap)
  24 library(ggExtra)
  25 library(reshape2)
  26 library(gridExtra)
  27 library(sctransform)
  28 library(pheatmap)
  29 library(Hmisc)#加载包
  30 library(magick)
  31 library(imager)
  32 library(seewave)
  33 library(MASS)
  34 library(scales)
  36 #load CV/PV genes
  37 dataPath <- "C:/Gu_lab/Liver/Data/"
  38 savePath <- "C:/Gu_lab/Liver/results/"
  39 CV_gl <- read.csv(file = paste0(dataPath,"CV markers.csv"))
  40 PV_gl <- read.csv(file = paste0(dataPath,"PV markers.csv"))
  41 CV_gl <- CV_gl$FeatureName
  42 PV_gl <- PV_gl$FeatureName
  43 paper_gl <- c("Glul","Cyp2e1","Ass1","Asl","Alb","Cyp2f2","Cyp8b1","Cdh1")
  44 #S1_Positive
  46 library(scCancer)
  47 library(cowplot)
  48 library(diptest)
  50 #
  51 stat.results <- runScStatistics(dataPath = 'C:/Gu_lab/Liver/Data/S1_positive/outs/',
  52                                 savePath = 'C:/Gu_lab/Liver/Data/S1_positive/outs/',
  53                                 sampleName = 'S1_Positive',
  54                                 genReport = T,
  55                                 species = "mouse",
  56                                 bool.runSoupx = F)
  58 anno.results <- runScAnnotation(
  59   dataPath = paste0(  'C:/Gu_lab/Liver/Data/S1_positive/outs/'),
  60   statPath = paste0(  'C:/Gu_lab/Liver/Data/S1_positive/outs/'),
  61   savePath = paste0(  'C:/Gu_lab/Liver/Data/S1_positive/outs/'),
  62   sampleName = 'S1_Positive',
  63   species = "mouse",
  64   anno.filter = c("mitochondrial", "ribosome", "dissociation"),
  65   nCell.min = 3, bgPercent.max = 1.0,
  66   vars.to.regress = c("nUMI", "mito.percent", "ribo.percent"),
  67   pc.use = 30,
  68   clusterStashName = "default",
  69   bool.runDiffExpr = T,
  70   bool.runMalignancy = T,
  71   genReport = T
  72 )
  74 stat.results <- runScStatistics(dataPath = 'C:/Gu_lab/Liver/Data/S1_Negative/',
  75                                 savePath = 'C:/Gu_lab/Liver/Data/S1_Negative/',
  76                                 sampleName = 'S1_Negative',
  77                                 genReport = T,
  78                                 species = "mouse",
  79                                 bool.runSoupx = F)
  81 anno.results <- runScAnnotation(
  82   dataPath = paste0(  'C:/Gu_lab/Liver/Data/S1_Negative/'),
  83   statPath = paste0(  'C:/Gu_lab/Liver/Data/S1_Negative/'),
  84   savePath = paste0(  'C:/Gu_lab/Liver/Data/S1_Negative/'),
  85   sampleName = 'S1_Negative',
  86   species = "mouse",
  87   anno.filter = c("mitochondrial", "ribosome", "dissociation"),
  88   nCell.min = 3, bgPercent.max = 1.0,
  89   vars.to.regress = c("nUMI", "mito.percent", "ribo.percent"),
  90   pc.use = 30,
  91   clusterStashName = "default",
  92   bool.runDiffExpr = T,
  93   bool.runMalignancy = T,
  94   genReport = T
  95 )
  97 #P1 
  98 S1P_dataPath <- "C:/Gu_lab/Liver/Data/S1_positive/outs/Nofilter_0.75/"
  99 S1P_savePath <- "C:/Gu_lab/Liver/results/S1P/MT_0.7/"
 100 S1N_dataPath <- "C:/Gu_lab/Liver/Data/S1_Negative/"
 101 S1N_savePath <- "C:/Gu_lab/Liver/results/S1N/"
 102 merge_savePath <- "C:/Gu_lab/Liver/results/merge_MNN//"
 103 S1_Positive <- readRDS(file = paste0(S1P_dataPath,"expr.RDS"))
 104 S1_Positive <- RenameCells(S1_Positive,add.cell.id = "P",for.merge = T )
 105 S1_Negative <- readRDS(file = paste0(S1N_dataPath,"expr.RDS"))
 106 S1_Negative <- RenameCells(S1_Negative,add.cell.id = "N",for.merge = T )
 109 #MNN
 111 expr_all <- FindIntegrationAnchors(c(S1_Positive,S1_Negative))
 112 expr_all <- IntegrateData(anchorset = expr_all, dims = 1:30)
 113 expr_all <- FindVariableFeatures(expr_all)
 114 expr_all <- ScaleData(expr_all,features = VariableFeatures(expr_all))
 115 #linear reg
 116 gene <- intersect(rownames(S1_Negative),rownames(S1_Positive))
 117 expr_all_matrix <- cbind(S1_Negative@assays$RNA@counts[gene,],S1_Positive@assays$RNA@counts[gene,])
 118 expr_all <- CreateSeuratObject(expr_all_matrix)
 119 expr_all <- NormalizeData(expr_all)
 120 expr_all <- FindVariableFeatures(expr_all)
 122 source <- colnames(expr_all)
 123 source <- filter_str(source)
 125 expr_all[["sample.ident"]] <- source
 126 expr_all <- ScaleData(object = expr_all,
 127                       features = union(VariableFeatures(expr_all),union(PV_gl,CV_gl)),
 128                       vars.to.regress = c("sample.ident"),
 129                       verbose = F)
 131 #Harmony
 132 expr_all_matrix <- cbind(S1_Negative@assays$RNA@counts[gene,],S1_Positive@assays$RNA@counts[gene,])
 133 expr_all <- CreateSeuratObject(expr_all_matrix)
 134 expr_all <- RunHarmony(expr_all, "dataset")
 137 #############
 138 expr_all <- RunPCA(expr_all)
 139 expr_all <- FindNeighbors(expr_all)
 140 expr_all <- FindClusters(expr_all,resolution = 0.6)
 141 #expr_all_0.6 <- FindClusters(expr_all,resolution = 0.6)
 142 ElbowPlot(expr_all)
 143 expr_all <- RunUMAP(expr_all,dims = 1:20)
 144 DimPlot(expr_all)
 146 saveRDS(expr_all,file = paste0(merge_savePath,"expr_all_MNN_0.6.RDS"))
 147 saveRDS(expr_all,file = paste0(merge_savePath,"expr_filter_MNN_0.6.RDS"))
 150 #delete unused cell and rerun QC
 151 expr_all <- SubsetData(expr_all, ident.remove = c("10","9"))
 152 expr_all <- NormalizeData(expr_all)
 153 expr_all <- FindVariableFeatures(expr_all)
 155 source <- colnames(expr_all)
 156 source <- filter_str(source)
 158 expr_all[["sample.ident"]] <- source
 159 expr_all <- ScaleData(object = expr_all,
 160                       features = union(VariableFeatures(expr_all),union(PV_gl,CV_gl)),
 161                       vars.to.regress = c("sample.ident"),
 162                       verbose = F)
 164 expr_all <- RunPCA(expr_all)
 165 expr_all <- FindNeighbors(expr_all)
 166 expr_all <- FindClusters(expr_all,resolution = 0.6)
 167 expr_all <- RunUMAP(expr_all,dims = 1:20)
 169 #############################
 170 expr_all_manifast <- data.frame(barcode = colnames(expr_all),
 171                                 source = source,
 172                                 idents_res0.8 = Idents(expr_all),
 173                                 UMAP_x = expr_all@reductions$umap@cell.embeddings[,1],
 174                                 UMAP_y = expr_all@reductions$umap@cell.embeddings[,2],
 175                                 PCA_x = expr_all@reductions$pca@cell.embeddings[,1],
 176                                 PCA_y = expr_all@reductions$pca@cell.embeddings[,2])
 178 #Plot MT vs RiboP  &   MT vs Dissoc.Genes
 179 #S1_Positive_raw <- Read10X(paste0(S1P_dataPath,"/filtered_feature_bc_matrix"))
 180 #S1_Positive_raw[["percent.mt"]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(S1_Positive_raw, pattern = "^Mt-")
 183 #nofilter 
 186 anno.results <- runScAnnotation(
 187   dataPath = paste0('C:/Gu_lab/Liver/Data/S1_positive/outs/'),
 188   statPath = paste0('C:/Gu_lab/Liver/Data/S1_positive/outs/'),
 189   savePath = paste0('C:/Gu_lab/Liver/Data/S1_positive/outs/Nofilter_0.75/'),
 190   sampleName = 'S1_Positive',
 191   species = "mouse",
 192   anno.filter = c("mitochondrial", "ribosome", "dissociation"),
 193   nCell.min = 3, bgPercent.max = 1.0,
 194   vars.to.regress = c("nUMI", "mito.percent", "ribo.percent"),
 195   pc.use = 30,
 196   clusterStashName = "default",
 197   bool.runDiffExpr = T,
 198   bool.runMalignancy = T,
 199   genReport = T
 200 )
 204 anno.results <- runScAnnotation(
 205   dataPath = paste0(  'C:/Gu_lab/Liver/Data/S1_Negative/'),
 206   statPath = paste0(  'C:/Gu_lab/Liver/Data/S1_Negative/'),
 207   savePath = paste0(  'C:/Gu_lab/Liver/Data/S1_Negative/Nofilter_0.75/'),
 208   sampleName = 'S1_Negative',
 209   species = "mouse",
 210   anno.filter = c("mitochondrial", "ribosome", "dissociation"),
 211   nCell.min = 3, bgPercent.max = 1.0,
 212   vars.to.regress = c("nUMI", "mito.percent", "ribo.percent"),
 213   pc.use = 30,
 214   clusterStashName = "default",
 215   bool.runDiffExpr = T,
 216   bool.runMalignancy = T,
 217   genReport = T
 218 )
 221 #########################################################
 222 expr_all <- readRDS(file = paste0(S1P_dataPath,"/Nofilter_2/expr.RDS"))
 223 S1_Positive <- RunUMAP(S1_Positive,dim = 1:20)
 224 S1P_manifast <- data.frame(barcode = colnames(S1_Positive),
 225                                 idents_res0.8 = Idents(S1_Positive),
 226                                 UMAP_x = S1_Positive@reductions$umap@cell.embeddings[,1],
 227                                 UMAP_y = S1_Positive@reductions$umap@cell.embeddings[,2],
 228                                 PCA_x = S1_Positive@reductions$pca@cell.embeddings[,1],
 229                                 PCA_y = S1_Positive@reductions$pca@cell.embeddings[,2])
 232 S1_Negative <- RunUMAP(S1_Negative,dim = 1:20)
 233 S1N_manifast <- data.frame(barcode = colnames(S1_Negative),
 234                            idents_res0.8 = Idents(S1_Negative),
 235                            UMAP_x = S1_Negative@reductions$umap@cell.embeddings[,1],
 236                            UMAP_y = S1_Negative@reductions$umap@cell.embeddings[,2],
 237                            PCA_x = S1_Negative@reductions$pca@cell.embeddings[,1],
 238                            PCA_y = S1_Negative@reductions$pca@cell.embeddings[,2])
 242 expr_show <- data.frame(barcode = colnames(expr_all),
 243                         idents_res0.8 = Idents(expr_all),
 244                         UMAP_x = expr_all@reductions$umap@cell.embeddings[,1],
 245                         UMAP_y = expr_all@reductions$umap@cell.embeddings[,2],
 246                         PCA_x = expr_all@reductions$pca@cell.embeddings[,1],
 247                         PCA_y = expr_all@reductions$pca@cell.embeddings[,2],
 248                         MT.percent = expr_all@meta.data$mito.percent*100,
 249                         Ribo.percent = expr_all@meta.data$ribo.percent*100,
 250                         Diss.percent = expr_all@meta.data$diss.percent*100,
 251                         nCount_RNA = expr_all@meta.data$nCount_RNA,
 252                         nFeature_RNA = expr_all@meta.data$nFeature_RNA)
 254 Idents <- array(rep("Delete",length(rownames(expr_show))))
 255 rownames(Idents) <- expr_show$barcode
 256 Idents[S1P_manifast$barcode] <- as.character(S1P_manifast$idents_res0.8)
 257 Idents[S1N_manifast$barcode] <- as.character(S1N_manifast$idents_res0.8)
 260 #idents <- data.frame(barcode = expr_show$barcode, idents = Idents)
 261 #idents <- merge(idents,S1P_manifast,by.x = "barcode",by.y = "barcode")
 263 expr_show$idents_res0.8 <- Idents
 265 expr_show_2 <- data.frame(barcode = colnames(expr_all),
 266                         idents_res0.8 = Idents(expr_all),
 267                         UMAP_x = expr_all@reductions$umap@cell.embeddings[,1],
 268                         UMAP_y = expr_all@reductions$umap@cell.embeddings[,2],
 269                         PCA_x = expr_all@reductions$pca@cell.embeddings[,1],
 270                         PCA_y = expr_all@reductions$pca@cell.embeddings[,2],
 271                         MT.percent = expr_all@meta.data$mito.percent,
 272                         Ribo.percent = expr_all@meta.data$ribo.percent,
 273                         Diss.percent = expr_all@meta.data$diss.percent)
 275 cols = as.array(getDefaultColors(length(table(expr_show$idents_res0.8))))
 276 rownames(cols) = names(table(expr_show$idents_res0.8))
 277 xpand = 0
 278 ypand = 1
 280 ggplot(expr_show,aes(x =MT.percent,y =Ribo.percent, fill = idents_res0.8)) + 
 281   geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2, stroke = 0.2, color = "lightgrey") + 
 282   #scale_color_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 283   #scale_color_brewer("Label") +
 284   scale_fill_manual(values = cols, name = "idents")+
 285   labs( x = "MT.percent", y = "Ribo.percent") + 
 286   geom_vline(xintercept = 50, colour = "red", linetype = "dashed") + 
 287   geom_hline(yintercept = 19.8, colour = "red", linetype = "dashed") + 
 288   ggplot_config(base.size = 6)
 290 ggplot(expr_show,aes(x =MT.percent,y = Diss.percent, fill = idents_res0.8)) + 
 291   geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2, stroke = 0.2, color = "lightgrey") + 
 292   #scale_color_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 293   #scale_color_brewer("Label") +
 294   scale_fill_manual(values = cols, name = "idents")+
 295   labs( x = "MT.percent", y = "Diss.percent") + 
 296   geom_vline(xintercept = 50, colour = "red", linetype = "dashed") + 
 297   geom_hline(yintercept = 3.7, colour = "red", linetype = "dashed") + 
 298   ggplot_config(base.size = 6)
 301 ggplot(expr_show,aes(x =MT.percent,y = nCount_RNA, fill = idents_res0.8)) + 
 302   geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2, stroke = 0.2, color = "lightgrey") + 
 303   #scale_color_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 304   #scale_color_brewer("Label") +
 305   scale_fill_manual(values = cols, name = "idents")+
 306   labs( x = "MT.percent", y = "nCount_RNA") + 
 307   geom_vline(xintercept = 50, colour = "red", linetype = "dashed")  + 
 308   ggplot_config(base.size = 6)
 310 ggplot(expr_show,aes(x =MT.percent,y = nFeature_RNA, fill = idents_res0.8)) + 
 311   geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2, stroke = 0.2, color = "lightgrey") + 
 312   #scale_color_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 313   #scale_color_brewer("Label") +
 314   scale_fill_manual(values = cols, name = "idents")+
 315   labs( x = "MT.percent", y = "nFeature_RNA") + 
 316   geom_vline(xintercept = 50, colour = "red", linetype = "dashed")  + 
 317   ggplot_config(base.size = 6)
 319 #############################################################################
 321 saveRDS(expr_all,file = paste0(merge_savePath,"expr_0.6.RDS"))
 323 cols = as.array(getDefaultColors(length(table(Idents(expr_all)))))
 324 rownames(cols) = names(table(Idents(expr_all)))
 325 xpand = 0
 326 ypand = 1
 327 #plot(expr_all_manifast$UMAP_x,expr_all_manifast$UMAP_y, pch=19, col= cols[expr_all_manifast$idents_res0.8],xlab = "UMAP_1",ylab = "UMAP_2")
 328 p <- ggplot(expr_all_manifast,aes(x =UMAP_x,y =UMAP_y ,fill = idents_res0.8)) + 
 329   geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2, stroke = 0.2, color = "lightgrey") + 
 330   #scale_color_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 331   scale_color_brewer("Label")+
 332   scale_x_discrete(expand = c(xpand,  ypand)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(xpand, ypand)) +
 333   coord_equal() + 
 334   labs(title = "Integration", x = "UMAP1", y = "UMAP2") + 
 335   scale_fill_manual(values = cols,
 336                     guide = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 3),
 337                                          keywidth = 0.1,
 338                                          keyheight = 0.15,
 339                                          default.unit = "inch"))+
 340   #theme_bw()
 341   ggplot_config(base.size = 6)
 342 #dev.off()
 343 ggsave(filename = paste0(merge_savePath,"UMAP_2.png"), p,
 344        width = 10, height = 8, dpi = 800)
 346 p <- ggplot(expr_all_manifast,aes(x =UMAP_x,y =UMAP_y ,fill = source)) + 
 347   geom_point(shape = 21, size = 1, stroke = 0.2, color = "lightgrey") + 
 348   #scale_color_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 349   scale_color_brewer("Label")+
 350   scale_x_discrete(expand = c(xpand,  ypand)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(xpand, ypand)) +
 351   coord_equal() + 
 352   labs(title = "Integration", x = "UMAP1", y = "UMAP2") + 
 353   scale_fill_manual(values = c("blue","red"),
 354                     guide = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 3),
 355                                          keywidth = 0.1,
 356                                          keyheight = 0.15,
 357                                          default.unit = "inch"))+
 358   #theme_bw()
 359   ggplot_config(base.size = 6)
 360 #dev.off()
 361 ggsave(filename = paste0(merge_savePath,"source.png"), p,
 362        width = 10, height = 8, dpi = 1000)
 364 #MarkerPlot
 366 #Feature Plot
 368 genetitle <- intersect(rownames(expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data),PV_gl)
 369 rel_vst_ct <- expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data[genetitle,]
 370 rel_vst_ct[which(rel_vst_ct>4)] = 4
 372 pltdat <- cbind.data.frame(expr_all_manifast[, c("UMAP_x","UMAP_y")], t(rel_vst_ct))
 373 pal <- colorRampPalette(c("mediumseagreen", "lightyellow2", "deeppink"))
 375 png(filename=paste0(merge_savePath,"PV_marker_plot_2.png"), width=5*400, height=400*(length(genetitle)/5+1))
 376 pp <- lapply(1:(ncol(pltdat)-2), function(x) {
 377   ggplot(pltdat,aes(x =UMAP_x,y =UMAP_y ,fill = pltdat[,2+x])) + 
 378     geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2, stroke = 0.2, color = "lightgrey") + 
 379     scale_fill_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 380     scale_x_discrete(expand = c(xpand,  ypand)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(xpand, ypand)) +
 381     coord_equal() + 
 382     labs(title = genetitle[x], x = "UMAP1", y = "UMAP2") +
 383     guides(fill = guide_colorbar(title = genetitle[x])) +
 384     ggplot_config(base.size = 6)
 385 })
 386 grid.arrange(grobs = pp, ncol = 4)
 387 dev.off()
 389 genetitle <- intersect(rownames(expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data),CV_gl)
 390 rel_vst_ct <- expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data[genetitle,]
 391 rel_vst_ct[which(rel_vst_ct>4)] = 4
 393 pltdat <- cbind.data.frame(expr_all_manifast[, c("UMAP_x","UMAP_y")], t(rel_vst_ct))
 395 png(filename=paste0(merge_savePath,"CV_marker_plot_2.png"), width=5*400, height=400*(length(genetitle)/5+1))
 396 pp <- lapply(1:(ncol(pltdat)-2), function(x) {
 397   ggplot(pltdat,aes(x =UMAP_x,y =UMAP_y ,fill = pltdat[,2+x])) + 
 398     geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2, stroke = 0.2, color = "lightgrey") + 
 399     scale_fill_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 400     scale_x_discrete(expand = c(xpand,  ypand)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(xpand, ypand)) +
 401     coord_equal() + 
 402     labs(title = genetitle[x], x = "UMAP1", y = "UMAP2") + 
 403     guides(fill = guide_colorbar(title = genetitle[x])) +
 404     ggplot_config(base.size = 6)
 405 })
 406 grid.arrange(grobs = pp, ncol = 4)
 407 dev.off()
 409 genetitle <- intersect(rownames(expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data),paper_gl)
 410 rel_vst_ct <- expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data[genetitle,]
 411 rel_vst_ct[which(rel_vst_ct>4)] = 4
 413 pltdat <- cbind.data.frame(expr_all_manifast[, c("UMAP_x","UMAP_y")], t(rel_vst_ct))
 415 png(filename=paste0(merge_savePath,"paper_marker_plot_2.png"), width=5*400, height=400*(length(genetitle)/5+1))
 416 pp <- lapply(1:(ncol(pltdat)-2), function(x) {
 417   ggplot(pltdat,aes(x =UMAP_x,y =UMAP_y ,fill = pltdat[,2+x])) + 
 418     geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2, stroke = 0.2, color = "lightgrey") + 
 419     scale_fill_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 420     scale_x_discrete(expand = c(xpand,  ypand)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(xpand, ypand)) +
 421     coord_equal() + 
 422     labs(title = genetitle[x], x = "UMAP1", y = "UMAP2") + 
 423     guides(fill = guide_colorbar(title = genetitle[x])) +
 424     ggplot_config(base.size = 6)
 425 })
 426 grid.arrange(grobs = pp, ncol = 4)
 427 dev.off()
 429 boxplot(Cdh1~idents_res0.8, data = expr_all_manifast, xlab = "Cdh1",
 430         ylab = "scale data")
 432 #old seri
 433 #rawcount <- SC_obj@assays$RNA@counts[which(rownames( SC_obj@assays$RNA@counts)%in%union(gene_plot,VariableFeatures(SC_obj))),]
 434 #count <- as.matrix(rawcount)
 435 #vst_ct <- var_stabilize(count)
 437 gene_plot <- CV_gl
 438 gene_plot <- unique(gene_plot)
 439 expr_all <- ScaleData(expr_all)
 440 vst_ct <- expr_all@assays$integrated@scale.data
 441 sig_vst_ct <- vst_ct[intersect(gene_plot,rownames(vst_ct)), ]
 442 #rel_vst_ct <- apply(sig_vst_ct, 1, relative_func)
 443 rel_vst_ct <- t(sig_vst_ct)
 444 pltdat <- cbind.data.frame(expr_all_manifast[, c("UMAP_x","UMAP_y")], rel_vst_ct)
 445 colnames(pltdat)[1:2] <- c("x","y")
 446 genetitle <- gene_plot
 447 png(filename=paste0(merge_savePath,"CV_marker_plot.png"), width=5*400, height=400*(length(gene_plot)/5+1))
 448 pp <- lapply(1:(ncol(pltdat) - 2), function(x) {
 449   pattern_plot2(pltdat, x ,main = T, titlesize = 1.5, title = genetitle[x])
 450 })
 451 grid.arrange(grobs = pp, ncol = 4)
 452 dev.off()
 453 gene_plot <- PV_gl
 454 gene_plot <- unique(gene_plot)
 455 #vst_ct <- expr_all@assays$integrated@scale.data
 456 sig_vst_ct <- vst_ct[intersect(gene_plot,rownames(vst_ct)), ]
 457 #rel_vst_ct <- apply(sig_vst_ct, 1, relative_func)
 458 rel_vst_ct <- t(sig_vst_ct)
 459 pltdat <- cbind.data.frame(expr_all_manifast[, c("UMAP_x","UMAP_y")], rel_vst_ct)
 460 colnames(pltdat)[1:2] <- c("x","y")
 461 genetitle <- gene_plot
 462 png(filename=paste0(merge_savePath,"PV_marker_plot.png"), width=5*400, height=400*(length(gene_plot)/5+1))
 463 pp <- lapply(1:(ncol(pltdat) - 2), function(x) {
 464   pattern_plot2(pltdat, x ,main = T, titlesize = 1.5, title = genetitle[x])
 465 })
 466 grid.arrange(grobs = pp, ncol = 4)
 467 dev.off()
 469 gene_plot <- paper_gl
 470 gene_plot <- unique(gene_plot)
 471 #vst_ct <- expr_all@assays$integrated@scale.data
 472 sig_vst_ct <- vst_ct[intersect(gene_plot,rownames(vst_ct)), ]
 473 #rel_vst_ct <- apply(sig_vst_ct, 1, relative_func)
 474 rel_vst_ct <- t(sig_vst_ct)
 475 pltdat <- cbind.data.frame(expr_all_manifast[, c("UMAP_x","UMAP_y")], rel_vst_ct)
 476 colnames(pltdat)[1:2] <- c("x","y")
 477 genetitle <- gene_plot
 478 png(filename=paste0(merge_savePath,"Paper_marker_plot.png"), width=5*400, height=400*(length(gene_plot)/5+1))
 479 pp <- lapply(1:(ncol(pltdat) - 2), function(x) {
 480   pattern_plot2(pltdat, x ,main = T, titlesize = 1.5, title = genetitle[x])
 481 })
 482 grid.arrange(grobs = pp, ncol = 4)
 483 dev.off()
 485 #-------------Markers Plot----------------------
 486 Markers_expr <- FindAllMarkers(expr_all, only.pos = TRUE, min.pct = 0.25, logfc.threshold = 0.25)
 487 saveRDS(Markers_expr,file = paste0(merge_savePath,"Markers.RDS"))
 488 top5_sc <- Markers_expr %>% group_by(cluster) %>% top_n(n = 10, wt = avg_logFC)
 489 gl <- top5_sc$gene
 490 #expr_all <- ScaleData(expr_all)
 491 sc_matrix <- expr_all@assays$integrated@scale.data
 492 show_sc_matrix <- cbind(expr_all_manifast,as.numeric(expr_all_manifast$idents_res0.8))
 493 colnames(show_sc_matrix) <- c(colnames(expr_all_manifast),"idents_sort")
 494 show_sc_matrix <- cbind(show_sc_matrix,t(sc_matrix[intersect(gl,rownames(sc_matrix)),]))
 495 show_sc_matrix <- show_sc_matrix[sort(show_sc_matrix$idents_sort,index.return=TRUE)$ix,]
 496 show_sc <- t(as.matrix(show_sc_matrix)[,9:length(colnames(show_sc_matrix))])
 497 show_sc <- apply(show_sc,2,as.numeric)
 498 rownames(show_sc) <- colnames(show_sc_matrix)[9:length(colnames(show_sc_matrix))]
 499 show_sc[which(show_sc>4)] <- 4
 500 show_sc[which(show_sc<(-3))] <- -3
 501 annocol_cs <- data.frame(idents = as.character(show_sc_matrix$idents_sort-1))
 502 rownames(annocol_cs) <- (show_sc_matrix$barcode)
 503 cols <- array(cols)
 504 rownames(cols) <- as.character(0:(length(cols)-1))
 505 ann_colors_sc = list(
 506   idents = cols
 507 )
 508 png(filename=paste0(merge_savePath,"Diffgene.png"), width=1200, height=900)
 509 pheatmap(show_sc, annotation_col =annocol_cs,cluster_rows =F,cluster_cols =F,show_colnames = F,annotation_colors = ann_colors_sc)
 510 dev.off()
 511 #
 512 pal <- colorRampPalette(c("mediumseagreen", "lightyellow2", "deeppink"))
 513 p <- ggplot(expr_all_manifast,aes(x =UMAP_x,y =UMAP_y ,fill = expr_all@meta.data$nCount_RNA)) + 
 514   geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2, stroke = 0.2, color = "lightgrey") + 
 515   scale_fill_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 516   scale_x_discrete(expand = c(xpand,  ypand)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(xpand, ypand)) +
 517   coord_equal() + 
 518   labs(title = "nCount_RNA", x = "UMAP1", y = "UMAP2") +
 519   guides(fill = guide_colorbar(title = "nCount")) +
 520   ggplot_config(base.size = 6)
 522 ggsave(filename = paste0(merge_savePath,"nCount_RNA.png"), p,
 523        width = 10, height = 8, dpi = 1000)
 525 #expr_all[["mito.percent"]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(expr_all, pattern = "^mt-")
 527 p <- ggplot(expr_all_manifast,aes(x =UMAP_x,y =UMAP_y ,fill = expr_all@meta.data$mito.percent)) + 
 528   geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2, stroke = 0.2, color = "lightgrey") + 
 529   scale_fill_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 530   scale_x_discrete(expand = c(xpand,  ypand)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(xpand, ypand)) +
 531   coord_equal() + 
 532   labs(title = "mito.percent", x = "UMAP1", y = "UMAP2") +
 533   guides(fill = guide_colorbar(title = "mito")) +
 534   ggplot_config(base.size = 6)
 536 ggsave(filename = paste0(merge_savePath,"mito.percent.png"), p,
 537        width = 10, height = 8, dpi = 1000)
 539 ##########
 540 PV_gl <- intersect(PV_gl,rownames(sc_matrix))
 541 CV_gl <- intersect(CV_gl,rownames(sc_matrix))
 543 for(i in 1:length(PV_gl)){
 544   for(j in 1:length(CV_gl)){
 545     gene1 <- PV_gl[i]
 546     gene2 <- CV_gl[j]
 547     if(gene1!=gene2){
 548       gene1_expr <- (sc_matrix[gene1,])
 549       gene2_expr <- (sc_matrix[gene2,])
 550       sc_id <- expr_all_manifast$idents_res0.8
 551       sc_gp_df <- data.frame(gene1_expr = gene1_expr,gene2_expr = gene2_expr,sc_id = sc_id)
 552       png(filename=paste0(merge_savePath,"/corrGene/",gene1,"_",gene2,"_sc.png"), width=900, height=900)
 553       plot(sc_gp_df$gene1_expr,sc_gp_df$gene2_expr, cex= 1, col="black", pch=21, bg=cols[sc_gp_df$sc_id],xlab = gene1,ylab = gene2)
 554       #text(sc_gp_df$gene1_expr,sc_gp_df$gene2_expr, 1:length(sc_gp_df$gene2_expr), cex=0.9)
 555       dev.off()
 556     }
 557   }
 558 }
 559 #_-----------Evolution
 561 ##PCA plot
 563 #plot(expr_all_manifast$UMAP_x,expr_all_manifast$UMAP_y, pch=19, col= cols[expr_all_manifast$idents_res0.8],xlab = "UMAP_1",ylab = "UMAP_2")
 564 p <- ggplot(expr_all_manifast,aes(x = PCA_x,y = PCA_y ,fill = idents_res0.8)) + 
 565   geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2, stroke = 0.2, color = "lightgrey") + 
 566   #scale_color_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 567   scale_color_brewer("Label")+
 568   scale_x_discrete(expand = c(xpand,  ypand)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(xpand, ypand)) +
 569   coord_equal() + 
 570   labs(title = "Integration", x = "CD1", y = "CD2") + 
 571   scale_fill_manual(values = cols,
 572                     guide = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 3),
 573                                          keywidth = 0.1,
 574                                          keyheight = 0.15,
 575                                          default.unit = "inch"))+
 576   #theme_bw()
 577   ggplot_config(base.size = 6)
 578 #dev.off()
 579 ggsave(filename = paste0(merge_savePath,"PCA.png"), p,
 580        width = 10, height = 10, dpi = 1000)
 582 p <- ggplot(expr_all_manifast[which(expr_all_manifast$idents_res0.8%in%c(0,1,2,3,4,6,7)),],aes(x =PCA_x,y =PCA_y ,fill = idents_res0.8)) + 
 583   geom_point(shape = 21, size = 2, stroke = 0.2, color = "lightgrey") + 
 584   #scale_color_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 585   scale_color_brewer("Label")+
 586   scale_x_discrete(expand = c(xpand,  ypand)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(xpand, ypand)) +
 587   coord_equal() + 
 588   labs(title = "Integration", x = "CD1", y = "CD2") + 
 589   scale_fill_manual(values = cols,
 590                     guide = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 3),
 591                                          keywidth = 0.1,
 592                                          keyheight = 0.15,
 593                                          default.unit = "inch"))+
 594   #theme_bw()
 595   ggplot_config(base.size = 6)
 597 ggsave(filename = paste0(merge_savePath,"PCA.png"), p,
 598        width = 10, height = 10, dpi = 1000)
 599 ############monocel for cluster 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
 600 library(monocle)
 601 data <- as(as.matrix(expr_all@assays$RNA@counts[,which(expr_all@meta.data$RNA_snn_res.0.8%in%c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9))]), 'sparseMatrix')
 602 pd <- new('AnnotatedDataFrame', data = expr_all@meta.data[which(expr_all@meta.data$RNA_snn_res.0.8%in%c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)),] )
 603 fData <- data.frame(gene_short_name = rownames(expr_all@assays$RNA@counts), row.names = rownames(expr_all@assays$RNA@counts))
 604 fd <- new('AnnotatedDataFrame', data = fData)
 607 data <- as(as.matrix(expr_all@assays$RNA@counts), 'sparseMatrix')
 608 pd <- new('AnnotatedDataFrame', data = expr_all@meta.data )
 610 #Construct monocle cds
 611 monocle_cds <- newCellDataSet(data,
 612                               phenoData = pd,
 613                               featureData = fd,
 614                               lowerDetectionLimit = 0.5,
 615                               expressionFamily = negbinomial.size())
 616 HSMM <- monocle_cds
 617 HSMM <- estimateSizeFactors(HSMM)
 618 HSMM <- estimateDispersions(HSMM)
 619 HSMM <- detectGenes(HSMM, min_expr = 3 )
 620 print(head(fData(HSMM)))
 621 #expressed_genes <- row.names(subset(fData(HSMM),num_cells_expressed >= 10))
 622 expressed_genes <- union(PV_gl,union(CV_gl,paper_gl))
 623 HSMM <- setOrderingFilter(HSMM, expressed_genes)
 624 plot_ordering_genes(HSMM)
 625 HSMM <- reduceDimension(HSMM, max_components = 2,reduction_method = 'DDRTree')
 626 HSMM <- orderCells(HSMM)
 629 genetitle <- intersect(rownames(expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data),PV_gl)
 630 rel_vst_ct <- expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data[genetitle,]
 631 rel_vst_ct[which(rel_vst_ct>4)] = 4
 632 pltdat <- cbind.data.frame(t(HSMM@reducedDimS[,]), t(rel_vst_ct))
 633 colnames(pltdat)[1:2] <- c("X","Y")
 635 png(filename=paste0(merge_savePath,"PV_monocle_plot.png"), width=5*400, height=400*(length(genetitle)/5+1))
 636 pp <- lapply(1:(ncol(pltdat)-2), function(x) {
 637   ggplot(pltdat,aes(x =X,y =Y ,fill = pltdat[,2+x])) + 
 638     geom_point(shape = 21, size = 1, stroke = 0.2, color = "lightgrey") + 
 639     scale_fill_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 640     scale_x_discrete(expand = c(xpand,  ypand)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(xpand, ypand)) +
 641     coord_equal() + 
 642     labs(title = genetitle[x], x = "x", y = "y") +
 643     guides(fill = guide_colorbar(title = genetitle[x])) +
 644     ggplot_config(base.size = 6)
 645 })
 646 grid.arrange(grobs = pp, ncol = 4)
 647 dev.off()
 649 genetitle <- intersect(rownames(expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data),CV_gl)
 650 rel_vst_ct <- expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data[genetitle,]
 651 rel_vst_ct[which(rel_vst_ct>4)] = 4
 653 pltdat <-  cbind.data.frame(t(HSMM@reducedDimS[,]), t(rel_vst_ct))
 654 colnames(pltdat)[1:2] <- c("X","Y")
 656 png(filename=paste0(merge_savePath,"CV_monocle_plot.png"), width=5*400, height=400*(length(genetitle)/5+1))
 657 pp <- lapply(1:(ncol(pltdat)-2), function(x) {
 658   ggplot(pltdat,aes(x =X,y =Y ,fill = pltdat[,2+x])) + 
 659     geom_point(shape = 21, size = 1, stroke = 0.2, color = "lightgrey") + 
 660     scale_fill_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 661     scale_x_discrete(expand = c(xpand,  ypand)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(xpand, ypand)) +
 662     coord_equal() + 
 663     labs(title = genetitle[x], x = "x", y = "y") + 
 664     guides(fill = guide_colorbar(title = genetitle[x])) +
 665     ggplot_config(base.size = 6)
 666 })
 667 grid.arrange(grobs = pp, ncol = 4)
 668 dev.off()
 670 genetitle <- intersect(rownames(expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data),paper_gl)
 671 rel_vst_ct <- expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data[genetitle,]
 672 rel_vst_ct[which(rel_vst_ct>4)] = 4
 674 pltdat <- cbind.data.frame(t(HSMM@reducedDimS[,]), t(rel_vst_ct))
 675 colnames(pltdat)[1:2] <- c("X","Y")
 678 png(filename=paste0(merge_savePath,"paper_monocle_plot.png"), width=5*400, height=400*(length(genetitle)/5+1))
 679 pp <- lapply(1:(ncol(pltdat)-2), function(x) {
 680   ggplot(pltdat,aes(x =X,y =Y ,fill = pltdat[,2+x])) + 
 681     geom_point(shape = 21, size = 1, stroke = 0.2, color = "lightgrey") + 
 682     scale_fill_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 683     scale_x_discrete(expand = c(xpand,  ypand)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(xpand, ypand)) +
 684     coord_equal() + 
 685     labs(title = genetitle[x], x = "x", y = "y") + 
 686     guides(fill = guide_colorbar(title = genetitle[x])) +
 687     ggplot_config(base.size = 6)
 688 })
 689 grid.arrange(grobs = pp, ncol = 4)
 690 dev.off()
 692   boxplot(Cdh1~idents_res0.8, data = expr_all_manifast, xlab = "Cdh1",
 693         ylab = "scale data")
 696 ##PCA
 697 gene_plot <- CV_gl
 698 gene_plot <- unique(gene_plot)
 699 expr_all <- ScaleData(expr_all)
 700 vst_ct <- expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data
 701 sig_vst_ct <- vst_ct[intersect(gene_plot,rownames(vst_ct)), ]
 702 #rel_vst_ct <- apply(sig_vst_ct, 1, relative_func)
 703 rel_vst_ct <- t(sig_vst_ct)
 704 pltdat <- cbind.data.frame(expr_all_manifast[, c("PCA_x","PCA_y")], rel_vst_ct)
 705 colnames(pltdat)[1:2] <- c("x","y")
 706 genetitle <- gene_plot
 707 png(filename=paste0(merge_savePath,"CV_marker_plot_PCA.png"), width=5*400, height=400*(length(gene_plot)/5+1))
 708 pp <- lapply(1:(ncol(pltdat) - 2), function(x) {
 709   pattern_plot2(pltdat[which(expr_all_manifast$idents_res0.8%in%c(0,1,2,3,4,6,7)),], x ,main = T, titlesize = 1.5, title = genetitle[x])
 710 })
 711 grid.arrange(grobs = pp, ncol = 4)
 712 dev.off()
 713 gene_plot <- PV_gl
 714 gene_plot <- unique(gene_plot)
 715 vst_ct <- expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data
 716 sig_vst_ct <- vst_ct[intersect(gene_plot,rownames(vst_ct)), ]
 717 #rel_vst_ct <- apply(sig_vst_ct, 1, relative_func)
 718 rel_vst_ct <- t(sig_vst_ct)
 719 pltdat <- cbind.data.frame(expr_all_manifast[, c("PCA_x","PCA_y")], rel_vst_ct)
 720 colnames(pltdat)[1:2] <- c("x","y")
 721 genetitle <- gene_plot
 722 png(filename=paste0(merge_savePath,"PV_marker_plot_PCA.png"), width=5*400, height=400*(length(gene_plot)/5+1))
 723 pp <- lapply(1:(ncol(pltdat) - 2), function(x) {
 724   pattern_plot2(pltdat[which(expr_all_manifast$idents_res0.8%in%c(0,1,2,3,4,6,7)),], x ,main = T, titlesize = 1.5, title = genetitle[x])
 725 })
 726 grid.arrange(grobs = pp, ncol = 4)
 727 dev.off()
 728 gene_plot <- paper_gl
 729 gene_plot <- unique(gene_plot)
 730 expr_all <- ScaleData(expr_all)
 731 #vst_ct <- expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data
 732 sig_vst_ct <- vst_ct[intersect(gene_plot,rownames(vst_ct)), ]
 733 #rel_vst_ct <- apply(sig_vst_ct, 1, relative_func)
 734 rel_vst_ct <- t(sig_vst_ct)
 735 pltdat <- cbind.data.frame(expr_all_manifast[, c("PCA_x","PCA_y")], rel_vst_ct)
 736 colnames(pltdat)[1:2] <- c("x","y")
 737 genetitle <- gene_plot
 738 png(filename=paste0(merge_savePath,"paper_gl_marker_plot_PCA.png"), width=5*400, height=400*(length(gene_plot)/5+1))
 739 pp <- lapply(1:(ncol(pltdat) - 2), function(x) {
 740   pattern_plot2(pltdat[which(expr_all_manifast$idents_res0.8%in%c(0,1,2,3,4,6,7)),], x ,main = T, titlesize = 1.5, title = genetitle[x])
 741 })
 742 grid.arrange(grobs = pp, ncol = 4)
 743 dev.off()
 744 ##diffusion map
 745 library(destiny)
 747 res <- DiffusionMap(data = t(as.matrix(expr_all@assays$RNA@data[VariableFeatures(expr_all),which(expr_all_manifast$idents_res0.8%in%c(0,1,2,3,4,6,7))])))
 749 expr_genelist <- intersect(union(PV_gl,union(CV_gl,paper_gl)),rownames(expr_all))
 750 res <- DiffusionMap(data = t(as.matrix(expr_all@assays$RNA@data[expr_genelist,which(expr_all_manifast$idents_res0.8%in%c(0,1,2,3,4,6,7))])))
 752 genetitle <- intersect(rownames(expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data),PV_gl)
 753 rel_vst_ct <- expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data[genetitle,]
 754 rel_vst_ct[which(rel_vst_ct>4)] = 4
 755 pltdat <- cbind.data.frame((res@eigenvectors[,1:2]*20), t(rel_vst_ct))
 756 colnames(pltdat)[1:2] <- c("X","Y")
 758 png(filename=paste0(merge_savePath,"PV_DiffusionMap_plot.png"), width=5*400, height=400*(length(genetitle)/5+1))
 759 pp <- lapply(1:(ncol(pltdat)-2), function(x) {
 760   ggplot(pltdat,aes(x =X,y =Y ,fill = pltdat[,2+x])) + 
 761     geom_point(shape = 21, size = 1, stroke = 0.2, color = "lightgrey") + 
 762     scale_fill_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 763     scale_x_discrete(expand = c(xpand,  ypand)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(xpand, ypand)) +
 764     coord_equal() + 
 765     labs(title = genetitle[x], x = "x", y = "y") +
 766     guides(fill = guide_colorbar(title = genetitle[x])) +
 767     ggplot_config(base.size = 6)
 768 })
 769 grid.arrange(grobs = pp, ncol = 4)
 770 dev.off()
 772 genetitle <- intersect(rownames(expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data),CV_gl)
 773 rel_vst_ct <- expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data[genetitle,]
 774 rel_vst_ct[which(rel_vst_ct>4)] = 4
 776 pltdat <- pltdat <- cbind.data.frame((res@eigenvectors[,1:2]*20), t(rel_vst_ct))
 777 colnames(pltdat)[1:2] <- c("X","Y")
 779 png(filename=paste0(merge_savePath,"CV_DiffusionMap_plot.png"), width=5*400, height=400*(length(genetitle)/5+1))
 780 pp <- lapply(1:(ncol(pltdat)-2), function(x) {
 781   ggplot(pltdat,aes(x =X,y =Y ,fill = pltdat[,2+x])) + 
 782     geom_point(shape = 21, size = 1, stroke = 0.2, color = "lightgrey") + 
 783     scale_fill_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 784     scale_x_discrete(expand = c(xpand,  ypand)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(xpand, ypand)) +
 785     coord_equal() + 
 786     labs(title = genetitle[x], x = "x", y = "y") + 
 787     guides(fill = guide_colorbar(title = genetitle[x])) +
 788     ggplot_config(base.size = 6)
 789 })
 790 grid.arrange(grobs = pp, ncol = 4)
 791 dev.off()
 793 genetitle <- intersect(rownames(expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data),paper_gl)
 794 rel_vst_ct <- expr_all@assays$RNA@scale.data[genetitle,]
 795 rel_vst_ct[which(rel_vst_ct>4)] = 4
 797 pltdat <- pltdat <- cbind.data.frame((res@eigenvectors[,1:2]*20), t(rel_vst_ct))
 798 colnames(pltdat)[1:2] <- c("X","Y")
 800 png(filename=paste0(merge_savePath,"paper_DiffusionMap_plot.png"), width=5*400, height=400*(length(genetitle)/5+1))
 801 pp <- lapply(1:(ncol(pltdat)-2), function(x) {
 802   ggplot(pltdat,aes(x =X,y =Y ,fill = pltdat[,2+x])) + 
 803     geom_point(shape = 21, size = 1, stroke = 0.2, color = "lightgrey") + 
 804     scale_fill_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 805     scale_x_discrete(expand = c(xpand,  ypand)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(xpand, ypand)) +
 806     coord_equal() + 
 807     labs(title = genetitle[x], x = "x", y = "y") + 
 808     guides(fill = guide_colorbar(title = genetitle[x])) +
 809     ggplot_config(base.size = 6)
 810 })
 811 grid.arrange(grobs = pp, ncol = 4)
 812 dev.off()
 815 #Cell cycle
 817 cell_cycle_gl <- c("Foxa1", "Foxa2", "Gata4", "Gata6", "vHnf1",
 818                    "Hex", "Tbx3", "Prox1", "Hnf6/OC-1", "OC-2",
 819                    "Hnf4",
 820                    "Hnf6/OC-1",
 821                    "Hex", "Hnf6/OC-1", "Ptf1a",
 822                    "Foxa1", "Foxa2", "Hnf6/OC-1", "Hlxb9", "Ptf1a",
 823                    "Pdx1", "Ptf1a", "Hes1", "Rbpj", "Sox9", "Cpa1",
 824                    "Ptf1a", "Rpbji",
 825                    "Hnf6/OC-1",
 826                    "lsl1", "Ngn3", "NeuroD", "lnsm1",
 827                    "Mafa", "Pdx1", "Hlxb9", "Pax4", "Pax6", "lsl1", "Nkx2.2", "Nkx6.1",
 828                    "Foxa2", "Nkx2.2")
 830 S1_Negative_C <- CellCycleScoring(S1_Negative, s.features = s.genes, g2m.features = g2m.genes, set.ident = TRUE)
 832 # view cell cycle scores and phase assignments
 833 head(marrow[[]])
 837 #RNA velocity
 838 library(Seurat)
 839 library(velocyto.R)
 840 library(SeuratWrappers)
 843 ##############################################################################################
 844 #                                           Functions                                        #
 845 ##############################################################################################
 846 filter_str <- function(data,strsep = '_',filter_id = 1){
 847   filter_barcode <- strsplit(data,strsep)
 848   filter_barcode_ <- rep(1,length(filter_barcode))
 849   for(i in 1:length(filter_barcode_)){
 850     filter_barcode_[i] <- filter_barcode[[i]][filter_id]
 851   }
 852   return(filter_barcode_)
 853 }
 854 pattern_plot2 <- function(pltdat, igene, xy = T, main = F, titlesize = 2, 
 855                           pointsize = 1, xpand = 0, ypand = 1, title = NULL) {
 856   if (!xy) {
 857     xy <- matrix(as.numeric(do.call(rbind, strsplit(as.character(pltdat[, 
 858                                                                         1]), split = "x"))), ncol = 2)
 859     rownames(xy) <- as.character(pltdat[, 1])
 860     colnames(xy) <- c("x", "y")
 861     pd <- cbind.data.frame(xy, pltdat[, 2:ncol(pltdat)])
 862   } else {
 863     pd <- pltdat
 864   }
 866   # pal <- colorRampPalette(c('seagreen1','orangered')) pal <-
 867   # colorRampPalette(c('#00274c','#ffcb05')) pal <-
 868   # colorRampPalette(c('deepskyblue','goldenrod1')) pal <-
 869   # colorRampPalette(c('deepskyblue','deeppink'))
 870   pal <- colorRampPalette(c("mediumseagreen", "lightyellow2", "deeppink"))
 871   #pal <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "lightyellow2", "red"))
 872   gpt <- ggplot(pd, aes(x = x, y = y, color = pd[, igene + 2])) + geom_point(size = pointsize) + 
 873     # scale_color_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 874     scale_color_gradientn(colours = pal(5)) + scale_x_discrete(expand = c(xpand, 
 875                                                                           ypand)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(xpand, ypand)) + coord_equal() + 
 876     # labs(title = colnames(pd)[igene+2], x = NULL, y = NULL)+
 877     theme_bw()
 878   if (main) {
 879     if (is.null(title)) {
 880       title = colnames(pd)[igene + 2]
 881     }
 882     out = gpt + labs(title = title, x = NULL, y = NULL) + theme(legend.position = "none", 
 883                                                                 plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = rel(titlesize)))
 884   } else {
 885     out = gpt + labs(title = NULL, x = NULL, y = NULL) + theme(legend.position = "none")
 886   }
 887   return(out)
 888 }
 889 pattern_plot1 <- function(pltdat, igene, xy = T, main = F, titlesize = 2, 
 890                           pointsize = 1, xpand = 0, ypand = 1, title = NULL) {
 891   if (!xy) {
 892     xy <- matrix(as.numeric(do.call(rbind, strsplit(as.character(pltdat[, 
 893                                                                         1]), split = "x"))), ncol = 2)
 894     rownames(xy) <- as.character(pltdat[, 1])
 895     colnames(xy) <- c("x", "y")
 896     pd <- cbind.data.frame(xy, pltdat[, 2:ncol(pltdat)])
 897   } else {
 898     pd <- pltdat
 899   }
 901   # pal <- colorRampPalette(c('seagreen1','orangered')) pal <-
 902   # colorRampPalette(c('#00274c','#ffcb05')) pal <-
 903   # colorRampPalette(c('deepskyblue','goldenrod1')) pal <-
 904   # colorRampPalette(c('deepskyblue','deeppink'))
 905   #pal <- colorRampPalette(c("mediumseagreen", "lightyellow2", "deeppink"))
 906   pal <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "lightyellow2", "red"))
 907   gpt <- ggplot(pd, aes(x = x, y = y, color = pd[, igene + 2])) + geom_point(size = pointsize) + 
 908     # scale_color_gradientn(colours=pal(5))+
 909     scale_color_gradientn(colours = pal(5)) + scale_x_discrete(expand = c(xpand, 
 910                                                                           ypand)) + scale_y_discrete(expand = c(xpand, ypand)) + coord_equal() + 
 911     # labs(title = colnames(pd)[igene+2], x = NULL, y = NULL)+
 912     theme_bw()
 913   if (main) {
 914     if (is.null(title)) {
 915       title = colnames(pd)[igene + 2]
 916     }
 917     out = gpt + labs(title = title, x = NULL, y = NULL) + theme(legend.position = "none", 
 918                                                                 plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = rel(titlesize)))
 919   } else {
 920     out = gpt + labs(title = NULL, x = NULL, y = NULL) + theme(legend.position = "none")
 921   }
 922   return(out)
 923 }
 925 convertMouseGeneList <- function(x){
 926   require("biomaRt")
 927   human = useMart("ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
 928   mouse = useMart("ensembl", dataset = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl")
 930   genesV2 = getLDS(attributes = c("mgi_symbol"), filters = "mgi_symbol", values = x , mart = mouse, attributesL = c("hgnc_symbol"), martL = human, uniqueRows=T)
 931   #humanx <- unique(genesV2[, 2])
 933   # Print the first 6 genes found to the screen
 934   #print(head(humanx))
 935   return(genesV2)
 936 }
 938 getDefaultColors <- function(n = NULL, type = 1){
 939   if(type == 1){
 940     colors <- c("#cb7c77", "#68d359", "#6a7dc9", "#c9d73d", "#c555cb",
 941                 "#d7652d", "#7cd5c8", "#c49a3f", "#507d41", "#5d8d9c",
 942                 "#90353b", "#674c2a", "#1B9E77", "#c5383c", "#0081d1",
 943                 "#ffd900", "#502e71", "#c8b693", "#aed688", "#f6a97a",
 944                 "#c6a5cc", "#798234", "#6b42c8", "#cf4c8b", "#666666",
 945                 "#feb308", "#ff1a1a", "#1aff1a", "#1a1aff", "#ffff1a")
 946   }else if(type == 2){
 947     if(n <= 8){
 948       colors <- c("#66C2A5", "#FC8D62", "#8DA0CB", "#E78AC3",
 949                   "#A6D854", "#FFD92F", "#E5C494", "#B3B3B3")
 950     }else if(n <= 14){
 951       colors <- c("#437BFE", "#FEC643", "#43FE69", "#FE6943", "#C643FE",
 952                   "#43D9FE", "#B87A3D", "#679966", "#993333", "#7F6699",
 953                   "#E78AC3", "#333399", "#A6D854", "#E5C494")
 954     }
 955     else if(n <= 20){
 956       colors <- c("#87b3d4", "#d5492f", "#6bd155", "#683ec2", "#c9d754",
 957                   "#d04dc7", "#81d8ae", "#d34a76", "#607d3a", "#6d76cb",
 958                   "#ce9d3f", "#81357a", "#d3c3a4", "#3c2f5a", "#b96f49",
 959                   "#4e857e", "#6e282c", "#d293c8", "#393a2a", "#997579")
 960     }else if(n <= 30){
 961       colors <- c("#628bac", "#ceda3f", "#7e39c9", "#72d852", "#d849cc",
 962                   "#5e8f37", "#5956c8", "#cfa53f", "#392766", "#c7da8b",
 963                   "#8d378c", "#68d9a3", "#dd3e34", "#8ed4d5", "#d84787",
 964                   "#498770", "#c581d3", "#d27333", "#6680cb", "#83662e",
 965                   "#cab7da", "#364627", "#d16263", "#2d384d", "#e0b495",
 966                   "#4b272a", "#919071", "#7b3860", "#843028", "#bb7d91")
 967     }else{
 968       colors <- c("#982f29", "#5ddb53", "#8b35d6", "#a9e047", "#4836be",
 969                   "#e0dc33", "#d248d5", "#61a338", "#9765e5", "#69df96",
 970                   "#7f3095", "#d0d56a", "#371c6b", "#cfa738", "#5066d1",
 971                   "#e08930", "#6a8bd3", "#da4f1e", "#83e6d6", "#df4341",
 972                   "#6ebad4", "#e34c75", "#50975f", "#d548a4", "#badb97",
 973                   "#b377cf", "#899140", "#564d8b", "#ddb67f", "#292344",
 974                   "#d0cdb8", "#421b28", "#5eae99", "#a03259", "#406024",
 975                   "#e598d7", "#343b20", "#bbb5d9", "#975223", "#576e8b",
 976                   "#d97f5e", "#253e44", "#de959b", "#417265", "#712b5b",
 977                   "#8c6d30", "#a56c95", "#5f3121", "#8f846e", "#8f5b5c")
 978     }
 979   }else if(type == 3){
 980     # colors <- c("#07a2a4", "#9a7fd1", "#588dd5", "#f5994e",
 981     #             "#c05050", "#59678c", "#c9ab00", "#7eb00a")
 982     colors <- c("#c14089", "#6f5553", "#E5C494", "#738f4c", "#bb6240",
 983                 "#66C2A5", "#2dfd29", "#0c0fdc")
 984   }
 985   if(!is.null(n)){
 986     if(n <= length(colors)){
 987       colors <- colors[1:n]
 988     }else{
 989       step <- 16777200 %/% (n - length(colors)) - 2
 990       add.colors <- paste0("#", as.hexmode(seq(from = sample(1:step, 1),
 991                                                by = step, length.out = (n-length(colors)))))
 992       colors <- c(colors, add.colors)
 993     }
 994   }
 995   return(colors)
 996 }
 998 ggplot_config <- function(base.size = 8){
 999   p <- theme_classic() +
1000     theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 2 * base.size),
1001           axis.title.x = element_text(size = 2 * base.size, vjust = -0.2),
1002           axis.title.y = element_text(size = 2 * base.size, vjust = 0.2),
1003           axis.text.x = element_text(size = 2 * base.size),
1004           axis.text.y = element_text(size = 2 * base.size),
1005           panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
1006           panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
1007           legend.title = element_text(size = 2 * base.size - 2),
1008           legend.text = element_text(size = 1.5 * base.size)
1009     )
1010   return(p)
1011 }


posted on 2020-08-14 21:32  若流芳千古  阅读(307)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
