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在 JavaScript 当前广泛使用的版本中,它缺少 .NET 开发人员所熟悉的几个 OOP 的关键概念,而 ASP.NET AJAX 可以模拟其中的大多数,而且 ASP.NET AJAX 的目标是将使用 .NET 的开发人员所熟悉的某些其他构造(例如属性、事件、枚举和接口)转换成 JavaScript.ASP.NET AJAX 中的反射 API 将检查所有类型(无论是内置类型、类、接口、命名空间、或者甚至是枚举),而它们包括的类似 .NET Framework 的函数(例如 isInstanceOfType 和 inheritsFrom)可以在运行时检查类的层次结构。


// (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation.
// This source is subject to the Microsoft Permissive License.
// See
// All other rights reserved.

Type.registerNamespace('AjaxControlToolkit');   //定义命名空间

//在 ASP.NET AJAX 中定义类,您需要将其构造函数赋给变量(注意,构造函数如何调用基础函数):

AjaxControlToolkit.ConfirmButtonBehavior = function(element) {
/// <summary>
/// The ConfirmButtonBehavior extends buttons by providing a confirmation dialog when clicked
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element" type="Sys.UI.DomElement" domElement="true">
/// Button the behavior is associated with
/// </param>

//调用初始化基类,类似于C++/C# base关键字
AjaxControlToolkit.ConfirmButtonBehavior.initializeBase(this, [element]);

// Confirm text
this._ConfirmTextValue = null;
// Click handler for the target control
this._clickHandler = null;

AjaxControlToolkit.ConfirmButtonBehavior.prototype = {

initialize : function() {
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the behavior
/// </summary>
AjaxControlToolkit.ConfirmButtonBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize');
// Attach the handler
this._clickHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onClick);
$addHandler(this.get_element(), "click", this._clickHandler);


dispose : function() {
/// <summary>
/// Dispose the behavior
/// </summary>

// Detach event handlers
if (this._clickHandler) {
$removeHandler(this.get_element(), "click", this._clickHandler);
this._clickHandler = null;

AjaxControlToolkit.ConfirmButtonBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose');

_onClick : function(e) {
/// <summary>
/// Button's click handler to display the confirmation dialog
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e" type="Sys.UI.DomEvent">
/// Event info
/// </param>

if (this.get_element() && !this.get_element().disabled) {
// Display confirm dialog and return result to allow cancellation
if (!window.confirm(this._ConfirmTextValue)) {
return false;

get_ConfirmText : function() {
/// <value type="String">
/// The text to show when you want to confirm the click. (Note: HTML entities can be used here (ex: "&#10;" for new-line))
/// </value>
return this._ConfirmTextValue;
set_ConfirmText : function(value) {
if (this._ConfirmTextValue != value) {
this._ConfirmTextValue = value;

AjaxControlToolkit.ConfirmButtonBehavior.registerClass('AjaxControlToolkit.ConfirmButtonBehavior', AjaxControlToolkit.BehaviorBase);


参考:[ASP.NET AJAX]类似.NET框架的JavaScript扩展

posted @ 2007-05-05 15:58  张善友  阅读(2254)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报