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ASP.NET MVC是继ASP.NET WebForms之后,微软推出的Front Controller式的Web开发模型,它弥补了前者对HTML控制能力不足,单元测试较为困难等缺点。更重要的是,ASP.NET MVC基于MS-PL发布,是一个真正的开源框架——且没有任何平台限制,也就是说,您可以在mono下使用或开发ASP.NET MVC的相关项目。

微软在今年3月的MIX大会上发布ASP.NET MVC RTM的时候,就已经公布了部分ASP.NET MVC 2的计划,并且在官方代码源中包含的MvcFutures项目中实现了V2的部分功能雏形。在沉寂了4个多月之后,10月初微软 发布了ASP.NET MVC 2的Preview 1版本,并在论坛中向社区征求反馈意见和建议。令人放心的是,ASP.NET MVC 2 Preview 1能够与ASP.NET MVC 1.0 RTM共存,不会影响后者的正常使用。12月16日微软又发布了ASP.NET MVC 2 RC,进行了小的更新:

IIS script mapping script is no longer available in the installer

The IIS script mapping script is a command-line script that is used to configure script maps for IIS 6 and for IIS 7 in Classic mode. The script-mapping script is not needed if you use the Visual Studio Development Server or if you use IIS 7 in Integrated mode. The scripts are available as a separate unsupported download on the ASP.NET CodePlex site.

The Html.Substitute helper method in MVC Futures is no longer available

Due to changes in the rendering behavior of MVC view engines, the Html.Substitute helper method does not work and has been removed.

下载地址:ASP.NET MVC 2 Release Candidate




ASP.NET MVC 2 RC Released

posted @ 2009-12-18 09:16  张善友  阅读(2162)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报