Visual Studio 2010的并行调试支持
Visual Studio 2010大幅度的提升了并行调试的用户体验。Visual Stuido 2010的并行调试非常简单,,它提供了两个新的调试工具窗口,以帮助完成基于任务的并行编程。
在 Visual Studio 2010 中调试基于任务的并行应用程序
MSDN Walkthrough: Debugging a Parallel Application (VB, C++, C#).
Screencast of walkthrough for Parallel Stacks.
Screencast of walkthrough for Parallel Tasks.
MSDN "How To" on Parallel Tasks.
MSDN "How To" on Parallel Stacks.
Detailed blog post on Parallel Tasks.
Detailed blog post on Parallel Stacks.