Entity Framework Feature CTP 5系列文章
12月份发布了Entity Framework Feature CTP 5,这也是最后一个CTP版本了,明确了RTM的发布时间是2011年Q1,CTP5主要是加强了CTP4(Entity Framework Feature CTP 4更新了Code First编程模型并提升了生产率)已经引入的DbContext 和codeFirst。
- Model & Database First with DbContext
- Code First Walkthrough
- Code First Fluent API Samples
- Part 1: Introduction and Model
- Part 2: Connections and Models
- Part 3: Finding Entities
- Part 4: Add/Attach and Entity States
- Part 5: Working with Property Values
- Part 6: Loading Related Entities
- Part 7: Local Data
- Part 8: Working with Proxies
- Part 9: Optimistic Concurrency Patterns
- Part 10: Raw SQL Queries
- Part 11: Load and AsNoTracking
- Part 12: Automatically Detecting Changes
- entity-framework/tutorials