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iFolder Novell开源文件服务器

     iFolder 是Novell自己开发出的一套软件.将文件存放于iFolder服务器中,而不存放在Windows的工作站. 客户端可以使用下面两种方法进行资料的读取
     (1) 通过有安装iFolder client的notebook或PC
     (2) 通过 浏览器 进行读取, Pocket PC 或 Palm也可以通过他们的浏览器进行读取 
      iFolder 使用的Mono/C#开发的应用程序,客户端应用程序支持windows、suse、mac ,iFolder网站的介绍:
      iFolder is a simple and secure storage solution that can increase your productivity by enabling you to back up, access and manage your personal files-from anywhere, at any time. Once you have installed iFolder, you simply save your files locally-as you have always done-and iFolder automatically updates the files on a network server and delivers them to the other machines you use. Sponsored by Novell, the iFolder project is built on the Mono/.Net framework to integrate seamlessly into existing desktop environments.


posted @ 2007-01-21 18:16  张善友  阅读(3622)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报