to study or google


1. git 

2. spring 



  (1) typeMismatch

   message location:,

   Web Flow generated messages occurs during view-to-model data binding

   When a binding error occurs, such as a type conversion error, Web Flow will map that error to a message retrieved from your resource bundle automatically.To lookup the message to display, Web Flow tries resource keys that contain the binding error code and target property name.

   (2) ModelAndView 

3. jquery:是javascript的一个库,

4. jsp

5. tomcat

6.Apache Web Server    


8. struts

9. JSON:javascirpt object notatain,根据javascript对象数组特性,创造了方便转换成javascript对象的格式。比xml更方便使用

10. Mock测试

11. Jenkins

12. powershell

13. ActionScript

14. Prototype

14. Ajax:是js和java程序交互的一个技术,页面局部刷新

15. php

16. web service基本协议

  • SOAP(simple object acess protocol)简单的基于xml的对象访问协议,规定了消息传递的
  • WSDL
  • UDDI

17. Node

18. Go语言

19. CSS

20. JavaScirpt

21. HTML5


posted on 2012-08-01 19:19  coralshanshan  阅读(146)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报