
  The Geq element is an arithmetic operator that means "greater than or equal to." It can be used within a Where element in a view definition.
        <FieldRef Name="Expires" />
        <FieldRef Name="Expires" />
        <Value Type="DateTime">
          <Today />
   <FieldRef Name="Modified" Ascending="FALSE" />
  The Eq element is an arithmetic operator that means "equal to" and is used within the Query element.
    <FieldRef Name="Modified" Ascending="FALSE"></FieldRef>
        <FieldRef Name="Status"></FieldRef>
        <Value Type="Text">Completed</Value>
        <FieldRef Name="Status"></FieldRef>
The Gt element is an arithmetic operator that means "greater than." This element is used similarly to Eq and Lt.
        <FieldRef Name="Deadline" />
        <FieldRef Name="Deadline" />
        <Value Type="DateTime">
          <Today />
    <FieldRef Name="Modified" Ascending="FALSE" />
The Lt element is an arithmetic operator that means "less than" and is used in queries in views. This element is used similarly to Eq and Gt.
        <FieldRef Name="Deadline" />
        <FieldRef Name="Deadline" />
        <Value Type="DateTime">
          <Today />
    <FieldRef Name="Modified" Ascending="FALSE" />
The Neq element is an arithmetic operator that means "not equal to" and is used in queries.
    <FieldRef Name="Modified" Ascending="FALSE"></FieldRef>
        <FieldRef Name="Status"></FieldRef>
        <Value Type="Text">Completed</Value>
        <FieldRef Name="Status"></FieldRef>
posted on 2007-08-17 12:09  山 前  阅读(2639)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报