python 基础之第九天
说明:e 是错误的具体原因,else 表示没有异常才会执行else的语句,finally 是无乱有没异常都要执行
raise 自定义触发异常
assert 断言异常,assert 后面的为真,这句话没有意义,不会执行;为假,则会执行‘Age out of range’
#############with 语句###################
In [9]: def foo(*args): ...: print args ...: In [10]: foo(10) (10,) In [11]: foo(10,20,'fush') (10, 20, 'fush')
In [12]: def add(x,y):
....: return x+y
In [13]: add(*[10,20])
Out[13]: 30
In [14]: add(*(10,20))
Out[14]: 30
In [15]: def bar(**args): ....: print agrs In [18]: bar(name='bob',age=23) {'age': 23, 'name': 'bob'}
In [21]: def fun1(args,*non_args,**kwargs): print args print non_args print kwargs In [23]: fun1(10) 10 () {} In [24]: fun1(10,20) 10 (20,) {} In [25]: fun1(10,(20,30)) 10 ((20, 30),) {} In [26]: fun1(10,(20,30),name='bob') 10 ((20, 30),) {'name': 'bob'}
[root@master script]# cat #!/usr/bin/python # coding:utf-8 import random def probe(): CMDs = {'+':add,'-':sub} N_list = [random.randint(1,50) for i in range(2)] N_list.sort(reverse=True) op = random.choice('+-') answer = CMDs[op](*N_list) prompt = '%s %s %s = ' % (N_list[0],op,N_list[1]) tries = 0 while tries < 3: result = int(raw_input(prompt)) if answer == result: print 'Very Good!' break print 'answer is wrong!' tries +=1 else: print '\033[31;1m正确答案是%s%s\033[0m' % (prompt,answer) def add(x,y): return x+y def sub(x,y): return x-y if __name__ == '__main__': while True: probe() choice = raw_input('Contine(Y/N) ').strip()[0] if choice in 'Nn ': break
[root@master script]# python 49 + 35 = 45 answer is wrong! 49 + 35 = 45 answer is wrong! 49 + 35 = 45 answer is wrong! Contine(Y/N) y 27 + 10 = 37 Very Good! Contine(Y/N) n
shell: [root@master script]# date +%F 2017-08-16 [root@master script]# date +%Y-%m-%d 2017-08-16 python: In [1]: import time In [2]: time.strftime('%F') #或者 time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') Out[2]: '2017-08-16'
[root@master script]# cat #!/usr/bin/python # coding:utf-8 import os import cPickle as P import time import sys def spend_money(wallet,record,date,amount,comment): with open(wallet) as fobj: balance = P.load(fobj) - amount with open(wallet,'w') as fobj: P.dump(balance,fobj) with open(record,'a') as fobj: fobj.write('%-12s%-8s%-10s%-10s%-20s\n' % (date,amount,'N/A',balance,comment)) def save_money((wallet,record,date,amount,comment)): with open(wallet) as fobj: balance = P.load(fobj) + amount with open(wallet,'w') as fobj: P.dump(balance,fobj) with open(record,'a') as fobj: fobj.write('%-12s%-8s%-10s%-10s%-20s\n' % (date,'N/A',amount,balance,comment)) def query_money(wallet,record): print '%-12s%-8s%-10s%-10s%-20s\n' % ('date','spend','save','balance','comment') with open(record) as fobj: for line in fobj: print line with open(wallet) as fobj: print 'New balance:\n%s' %(P.load(fobj)) def show_menu(wallet,record): CMDs = {'0':spend_money,'1':save_money,'2':query_money} prompt = """(0) spend_money (1) save_money (2) query (3) quit Please your choice(0/1/2/3):""" while True: try: choice = raw_input(prompt).strip()[0] except(KeyboardInterrupt,EOFError): print "Bye-Bye" sys.exit(1) #except IndexError: # continue if choice == '3': print 'Bye-Bye' break if choice not in '0123': print 'Invalid input,Try again' continue args = (wallet,record) if choice in '01': date = time.strftime('%F') amount = int(raw_input('amount:')) comment = raw_input('comment:') args = (wallet,record,date,amount,comment) CMDs[choice](*args) if __name__ == '__main__': wallet = '' record = 'record.txt' if not os.path.exists(wallet): with open(wallet,'w') as fobj: P.dump(10000,fobj) if not os.path.exists(record): os.mknod(record) show_menu(wallet,record)
[root@master script]# python (0) spend_money (1) save_money (2) query (3) quit Please your choice(0/1/2/3):2 date spend save balance comment 2017-08-16 N/A 500 10500 water 2017-08-16 400 N/A 10100 supermarket New balance: 10100 (0) spend_money (1) save_money (2) query (3) quit Please your choice(0/1/2/3):3 Bye-Bye
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