nginx是一个开源的,支持高性能,高并发的www服务和代理服务软件。它是一个俄罗斯人lgor sysoev开发的,作者将源代码开源出来供全球使用。
nginx的优点: 支持高并发,能支持几万并发连接 资源消耗少,在3万并发连接下开启10个nginx线程消耗的内存不到200M 可以做http反向代理和负载均衡 支持异步网络i/o事件模型epoll
(1)解决nginx所需的依赖包(在opt目录下) yum install gcc patch libffi-devel python-devel zlib-devel bzip2-devel openssl-devel ncurses-devel sqlite-devel readline-devel tk-devel gdbm-devel db4-devel libpcap-devel xz-devel openssl openssl-devel -y (2)下载源码包 wget -c (3)解压缩源码 tar -zxvf nginx-1.12.0.tar.gz (4)配置,编译安装 ,开启nginx状态监测功能(先进入到nginx-1.12.0文件夹) ./configure --prefix=/opt/nginx1-12/ (5)make && make install
conf nginx的配置文件目录
html 网页根目录
logs 日志
sbin 存放nginx可执行命令
<style> @import url(''); body { margin: 0; font-family: 'Press Start 2P', cursive; font-size: 2em; color: white; } button { outline: none; cursor: pointer; } #counter { position: absolute; top: 20px; right: 20px; } #end { position: absolute; min-width: 100%; min-height: 100%; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; visibility: hidden; } #end button { background-color: red; padding: 20px 50px 20px 50px; font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; } #controlls { position: absolute; min-width: 100%; min-height: 100%; display: flex; align-items: flex-end; justify-content: center; } #controlls div { margin-bottom: 20px; font-size: 0; max-width: 180px; } #controlls button { width: 50px; font-family: inherit; font-size: 30px; border: 3px solid white; color: white; background-color: transparent; margin: 5px; } #controlls button:first-of-type { width: 170px; } </style> <script src=""></script> <a style="color:red";href="">博客园地址: 点我呀 老弟</a> <div id="counter">0</div> <div id="controlls"> <div> <button id="forward" style="color:black">↑向前</button> <button id="left" style="color:black">←向左</button> <button id="backward" style="color:black">↓向下</button> <button id="right" style="color:black">→向右</button> </div> </div> <div id="end"> <button id="retry">Retry</button> </div> <script> const counterDOM = document.getElementById('counter'); const endDOM = document.getElementById('end'); const scene = new THREE.Scene(); const distance = 500; const camera = new THREE.OrthographicCamera( window.innerWidth/-2, window.innerWidth/2, window.innerHeight / 2, window.innerHeight / -2, 0.1, 10000 ); camera.rotation.x = 50*Math.PI/180; camera.rotation.y = 20*Math.PI/180; camera.rotation.z = 10*Math.PI/180; const initialCameraPositionY = -Math.tan(camera.rotation.x)*distance; const initialCameraPositionX = Math.tan(camera.rotation.y)*Math.sqrt(distance**2 + initialCameraPositionY**2); camera.position.y = initialCameraPositionY; camera.position.x = initialCameraPositionX; camera.position.z = distance; const zoom = 2; const chickenSize = 15; const positionWidth = 42; const columns = 17; const boardWidth = positionWidth*columns; const stepTime = 200; // Miliseconds it takes for the chicken to take a step forward, backward, left or right let lanes; let currentLane; let currentColumn; let previousTimestamp; let startMoving; let moves; let stepStartTimestamp; const carFrontTexture = new Texture(40,80,[{x: 0, y: 10, w: 30, h: 60 }]); const carBackTexture = new Texture(40,80,[{x: 10, y: 10, w: 30, h: 60 }]); const carRightSideTexture = new Texture(110,40,[{x: 10, y: 0, w: 50, h: 30 }, {x: 70, y: 0, w: 30, h: 30 }]); const carLeftSideTexture = new Texture(110,40,[{x: 10, y: 10, w: 50, h: 30 }, {x: 70, y: 10, w: 30, h: 30 }]); const truckFrontTexture = new Texture(30,30,[{x: 15, y: 0, w: 10, h: 30 }]); const truckRightSideTexture = new Texture(25,30,[{x: 0, y: 15, w: 10, h: 10 }]); const truckLeftSideTexture = new Texture(25,30,[{x: 0, y: 5, w: 10, h: 10 }]); const generateLanes = () => [-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].map((index) => { const lane = new Lane(index); lane.mesh.position.y = index*positionWidth*zoom; scene.add( lane.mesh ); return lane; }).filter((lane) => lane.index >= 0); const addLane = () => { const index = lanes.length; const lane = new Lane(index); lane.mesh.position.y = index*positionWidth*zoom; scene.add(lane.mesh); lanes.push(lane); } const chicken = new Chicken(); scene.add( chicken ); const laneTypes = ['car', 'truck', 'forest']; const laneSpeeds = [2, 2.5, 3]; const vechicleColors = [0xa52523, 0xbdb638, 0x78b14b]; const threeHeights = [20,45,60]; const initaliseValues = () => { lanes = generateLanes() currentLane = 0; currentColumn = Math.floor(columns/2); previousTimestamp = null; startMoving = false; moves = []; stepStartTimestamp; chicken.position.x = 0; chicken.position.y = 0; camera.position.y = initialCameraPositionY; camera.position.x = initialCameraPositionX; } initaliseValues(); const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ alpha: true, antialias: true }); renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true; renderer.shadowMap.type = THREE.PCFSoftShadowMap; renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight ); document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement ); hemiLight = new THREE.HemisphereLight(0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0.6); scene.add(hemiLight) dirLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 0.6); dirLight.position.set(-100, -100, 200); dirLight.castShadow = true; scene.add(dirLight); dirLight.shadow.mapSize.width = 2048; dirLight.shadow.mapSize.height = 2048; var d = 500; = - d; = d; = d; = - d; // var helper = new THREE.CameraHelper( ); // var helper = new THREE.CameraHelper( camera ); // scene.add(helper) backLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0x000000, .4); backLight.position.set(200, 200, 50); backLight.castShadow = true; scene.add(backLight) function Texture(width, height, rects) { const canvas = document.createElement( "canvas" ); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; const context = canvas.getContext( "2d" ); context.fillStyle = "#ffffff"; context.fillRect( 0, 0, width, height ); context.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.6)"; rects.forEach(rect => { context.fillRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h); }); return new THREE.CanvasTexture(canvas); } function Wheel() { const wheel = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry( 12*zoom, 33*zoom, 12*zoom ), new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { color: 0x333333, flatShading: true } ) ); wheel.position.z = 6*zoom; return wheel; } function Car() { const car = new THREE.Group(); const color = vechicleColors[Math.floor(Math.random() * vechicleColors.length)]; const main = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry( 60*zoom, 30*zoom, 15*zoom ), new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color, flatShading: true } ) ); main.position.z = 12*zoom; main.castShadow = true; main.receiveShadow = true; car.add(main) const cabin = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry( 33*zoom, 24*zoom, 12*zoom ), [ new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0xcccccc, flatShading: true, map: carBackTexture } ), new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0xcccccc, flatShading: true, map: carFrontTexture } ), new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0xcccccc, flatShading: true, map: carRightSideTexture } ), new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0xcccccc, flatShading: true, map: carLeftSideTexture } ), new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0xcccccc, flatShading: true } ), // top new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0xcccccc, flatShading: true } ) // bottom ] ); cabin.position.x = 6*zoom; cabin.position.z = 25.5*zoom; cabin.castShadow = true; cabin.receiveShadow = true; car.add( cabin ); const frontWheel = new Wheel(); frontWheel.position.x = -18*zoom; car.add( frontWheel ); const backWheel = new Wheel(); backWheel.position.x = 18*zoom; car.add( backWheel ); car.castShadow = true; car.receiveShadow = false; return car; } function Truck() { const truck = new THREE.Group(); const color = vechicleColors[Math.floor(Math.random() * vechicleColors.length)]; const base = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry( 100*zoom, 25*zoom, 5*zoom ), new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { color: 0xb4c6fc, flatShading: true } ) ); base.position.z = 10*zoom; truck.add(base) const cargo = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry( 75*zoom, 35*zoom, 40*zoom ), new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0xb4c6fc, flatShading: true } ) ); cargo.position.x = 15*zoom; cargo.position.z = 30*zoom; cargo.castShadow = true; cargo.receiveShadow = true; truck.add(cargo) const cabin = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry( 25*zoom, 30*zoom, 30*zoom ), [ new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color, flatShading: true } ), // back new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color, flatShading: true, map: truckFrontTexture } ), new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color, flatShading: true, map: truckRightSideTexture } ), new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color, flatShading: true, map: truckLeftSideTexture } ), new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color, flatShading: true } ), // top new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color, flatShading: true } ) // bottom ] ); cabin.position.x = -40*zoom; cabin.position.z = 20*zoom; cabin.castShadow = true; cabin.receiveShadow = true; truck.add( cabin ); const frontWheel = new Wheel(); frontWheel.position.x = -38*zoom; truck.add( frontWheel ); const middleWheel = new Wheel(); middleWheel.position.x = -10*zoom; truck.add( middleWheel ); const backWheel = new Wheel(); backWheel.position.x = 30*zoom; truck.add( backWheel ); return truck; } function Three() { const three = new THREE.Group(); const trunk = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry( 15*zoom, 15*zoom, 20*zoom ), new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0x4d2926, flatShading: true } ) ); trunk.position.z = 10*zoom; trunk.castShadow = true; trunk.receiveShadow = true; three.add(trunk); height = threeHeights[Math.floor(Math.random()*threeHeights.length)]; const crown = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry( 30*zoom, 30*zoom, height*zoom ), new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { color: 0x7aa21d, flatShading: true } ) ); crown.position.z = (height/2+20)*zoom; crown.castShadow = true; crown.receiveShadow = false; three.add(crown); return three; } function Chicken() { const chicken = new THREE.Group(); const body = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry( chickenSize*zoom, chickenSize*zoom, 20*zoom ), new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color: 0xffffff, flatShading: true } ) ); body.position.z = 10*zoom; body.castShadow = true; body.receiveShadow = true; chicken.add(body); const rowel = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry( 2*zoom, 4*zoom, 2*zoom ), new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { color: 0xF0619A, flatShading: true } ) ); rowel.position.z = 21*zoom; rowel.castShadow = true; rowel.receiveShadow = false; chicken.add(rowel); return chicken; } function Road() { const road = new THREE.Group(); const createSection = color => new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry( boardWidth*zoom, positionWidth*zoom ), new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color } ) ); const middle = createSection(0x454A59); middle.receiveShadow = true; road.add(middle); const left = createSection(0x393D49); left.position.x = - boardWidth*zoom; road.add(left); const right = createSection(0x393D49); right.position.x = boardWidth*zoom; road.add(right); return road; } function Grass() { const grass = new THREE.Group(); const createSection = color => new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry( boardWidth*zoom, positionWidth*zoom, 3*zoom ), new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { color } ) ); const middle = createSection(0xbaf455); middle.receiveShadow = true; grass.add(middle); const left = createSection(0x99C846); left.position.x = - boardWidth*zoom; grass.add(left); const right = createSection(0x99C846); right.position.x = boardWidth*zoom; grass.add(right); grass.position.z = 1.5*zoom; return grass; } function Lane(index) { this.index = index; this.type = index <= 0 ? 'field' : laneTypes[Math.floor(Math.random()*laneTypes.length)]; switch(this.type) { case 'field': { this.type = 'field'; this.mesh = new Grass(); break; } case 'forest': { this.mesh = new Grass(); this.occupiedPositions = new Set(); this.threes = [1,2,3,4].map(() => { const three = new Three(); let position; do { position = Math.floor(Math.random()*columns); }while(this.occupiedPositions.has(position)) this.occupiedPositions.add(position); three.position.x = (position*positionWidth+positionWidth/2)*zoom-boardWidth*zoom/2; this.mesh.add( three ); return three; }) break; } case 'car' : { this.mesh = new Road(); this.direction = Math.random() >= 0.5; const occupiedPositions = new Set(); this.vechicles = [1,2,3].map(() => { const vechicle = new Car(); let position; do { position = Math.floor(Math.random()*columns/2); }while(occupiedPositions.has(position)) occupiedPositions.add(position); vechicle.position.x = (position*positionWidth*2+positionWidth/2)*zoom-boardWidth*zoom/2; if(!this.direction) vechicle.rotation.z = Math.PI; this.mesh.add( vechicle ); return vechicle; }) this.speed = laneSpeeds[Math.floor(Math.random()*laneSpeeds.length)]; break; } case 'truck' : { this.mesh = new Road(); this.direction = Math.random() >= 0.5; const occupiedPositions = new Set(); this.vechicles = [1,2].map(() => { const vechicle = new Truck(); let position; do { position = Math.floor(Math.random()*columns/3); }while(occupiedPositions.has(position)) occupiedPositions.add(position); vechicle.position.x = (position*positionWidth*3+positionWidth/2)*zoom-boardWidth*zoom/2; if(!this.direction) vechicle.rotation.z = Math.PI; this.mesh.add( vechicle ); return vechicle; }) this.speed = laneSpeeds[Math.floor(Math.random()*laneSpeeds.length)]; break; } } } document.querySelector("#retry").addEventListener("click", () => { lanes.forEach(lane => scene.remove( lane.mesh )); initaliseValues(); = 'hidden'; }); document.getElementById('forward').addEventListener("click", () => move('forward')); document.getElementById('backward').addEventListener("click", () => move('backward')); document.getElementById('left').addEventListener("click", () => move('left')); document.getElementById('right').addEventListener("click", () => move('right')); window.addEventListener("keydown", event => { if (event.keyCode == '38') { // up arrow move('forward'); } else if (event.keyCode == '40') { // down arrow move('backward'); } else if (event.keyCode == '37') { // left arrow move('left'); } else if (event.keyCode == '39') { // right arrow move('right'); } }); function move(direction) { const finalPositions = moves.reduce((position,move) => { if(move === 'forward') return {lane: position.lane+1, column: position.column}; if(move === 'backward') return {lane: position.lane-1, column: position.column}; if(move === 'left') return {lane: position.lane, column: position.column-1}; if(move === 'right') return {lane: position.lane, column: position.column+1}; }, {lane: currentLane, column: currentColumn}) if (direction === 'forward') { if(lanes[finalPositions.lane+1].type === 'forest' && lanes[finalPositions.lane+1].occupiedPositions.has(finalPositions.column)) return; if(!stepStartTimestamp) startMoving = true; addLane(); } else if (direction === 'backward') { if(finalPositions.lane === 0) return; if(lanes[finalPositions.lane-1].type === 'forest' && lanes[finalPositions.lane-1].occupiedPositions.has(finalPositions.column)) return; if(!stepStartTimestamp) startMoving = true; } else if (direction === 'left') { if(finalPositions.column === 0) return; if(lanes[finalPositions.lane].type === 'forest' && lanes[finalPositions.lane].occupiedPositions.has(finalPositions.column-1)) return; if(!stepStartTimestamp) startMoving = true; } else if (direction === 'right') { if(finalPositions.column === columns - 1 ) return; if(lanes[finalPositions.lane].type === 'forest' && lanes[finalPositions.lane].occupiedPositions.has(finalPositions.column+1)) return; if(!stepStartTimestamp) startMoving = true; } moves.push(direction); } function animate(timestamp) { requestAnimationFrame( animate ); if(!previousTimestamp) previousTimestamp = timestamp; const delta = timestamp - previousTimestamp; previousTimestamp = timestamp; // Animate cars and trucks moving on the lane lanes.forEach(lane => { if(lane.type === 'car' || lane.type === 'truck') { const aBitBeforeTheBeginingOfLane = -boardWidth*zoom/2 - positionWidth*2*zoom; const aBitAfterTheEndOFLane = boardWidth*zoom/2 + positionWidth*2*zoom; lane.vechicles.forEach(vechicle => { if(lane.direction) { vechicle.position.x = vechicle.position.x < aBitBeforeTheBeginingOfLane ? aBitAfterTheEndOFLane : vechicle.position.x -= lane.speed/16*delta; }else{ vechicle.position.x = vechicle.position.x > aBitAfterTheEndOFLane ? aBitBeforeTheBeginingOfLane : vechicle.position.x += lane.speed/16*delta; } }); } }); if(startMoving) { stepStartTimestamp = timestamp; startMoving = false; } if(stepStartTimestamp) { const moveDeltaTime = timestamp - stepStartTimestamp; const moveDeltaDistance = Math.min(moveDeltaTime/stepTime,1)*positionWidth*zoom; const jumpDeltaDistance = Math.sin(Math.min(moveDeltaTime/stepTime,1)*Math.PI)*8*zoom; switch(moves[0]) { case 'forward': { camera.position.y = initialCameraPositionY + currentLane*positionWidth*zoom + moveDeltaDistance; chicken.position.y = currentLane*positionWidth*zoom + moveDeltaDistance; // initial chicken position is 0 chicken.position.z = jumpDeltaDistance; break; } case 'backward': { camera.position.y = initialCameraPositionY + currentLane*positionWidth*zoom - moveDeltaDistance; chicken.position.y = currentLane*positionWidth*zoom - moveDeltaDistance; chicken.position.z = jumpDeltaDistance; break; } case 'left': { camera.position.x = initialCameraPositionX + (currentColumn*positionWidth+positionWidth/2)*zoom -boardWidth*zoom/2 - moveDeltaDistance; chicken.position.x = (currentColumn*positionWidth+positionWidth/2)*zoom -boardWidth*zoom/2 - moveDeltaDistance; // initial chicken position is 0 chicken.position.z = jumpDeltaDistance; break; } case 'right': { camera.position.x = initialCameraPositionX + (currentColumn*positionWidth+positionWidth/2)*zoom -boardWidth*zoom/2 + moveDeltaDistance; chicken.position.x = (currentColumn*positionWidth+positionWidth/2)*zoom -boardWidth*zoom/2 + moveDeltaDistance; chicken.position.z = jumpDeltaDistance; break; } } // Once a step has ended if(moveDeltaTime > stepTime) { switch(moves[0]) { case 'forward': { currentLane++; counterDOM.innerHTML = currentLane; break; } case 'backward': { currentLane--; counterDOM.innerHTML = currentLane; break; } case 'left': { currentColumn--; break; } case 'right': { currentColumn++; break; } } moves.shift(); // If more steps are to be taken then restart counter otherwise stop stepping stepStartTimestamp = moves.length === 0 ? null : timestamp; } } // Hit test if(lanes[currentLane].type === 'car' || lanes[currentLane].type === 'truck') { const chickenMinX = chicken.position.x - chickenSize*zoom/2; const chickenMaxX = chicken.position.x + chickenSize*zoom/2; const vechicleLength = { car: 60, truck: 105}[lanes[currentLane].type]; lanes[currentLane].vechicles.forEach(vechicle => { const carMinX = vechicle.position.x - vechicleLength*zoom/2; const carMaxX = vechicle.position.x + vechicleLength*zoom/2; if(chickenMaxX > carMinX && chickenMinX < carMaxX) { = 'visible'; } }); } renderer.render( scene, camera ); } requestAnimationFrame( animate ); </script>
worker_processes 4; nginx工作进程数,根据cpu的核数定义 events { worker_connections 1024; #连接数 } #http区域块,定义nginx的核心web功能 http { include(关键字) mime.types(可修改的值); default_type application/octet-stream; #定义日志格式 log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ' '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'; #开启访问日志功能的参数 access_log logs/access.log main; sendfile on; #tcp_nopush on; #keepalive_timeout 0; #保持长连接 keepalive_timeout 65; #支持图片 gif等等压缩,减少网络 gzip on; #这个server标签 控制着nginx的虚拟主机(web站点) server { # 定义nginx的入口端口是80端口 listen 80; # 填写域名,没有域名就写ip地址 server_name; # 定义编码 charset utf-8; # location定义网页的访问url #就代表 用户的请求 是 location / { #root参数定义网页根目录 root html; #定义网页的首页文件,的名字的 index index.html index.htm; } #定义错误页面,客户端的错误,就会返回40x系列错误码 error_page 404 403 401 400 /404.html; #500系列错误代表后端代码出错 error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; } #在另一个server{}的外面,写入新的虚拟主机2 server{ listen 80; server_name; location / { root /opt/myserver/oumei; #定义虚拟主机的网页根目录 index index.html; } } }
worker_processes 4; nginx工作进程数,根据cpu的核数定义 events { worker_connections 1024; #连接数 } #http区域块,定义nginx的核心web功能 http { include(关键字) mime.types(可修改的值); default_type application/octet-stream; #定义日志格式 log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ' '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'; #开启访问日志功能的参数 access_log logs/access.log main; sendfile on; #tcp_nopush on; #keepalive_timeout 0; #保持长连接 keepalive_timeout 65; #支持图片 gif等等压缩,减少网络 gzip on; #这个server标签 控制着nginx的虚拟主机(web站点) server { # 定义nginx的入口端口是80端口 listen 80; # 填写域名,没有域名就写ip地址 server_name; # 定义编码 charset utf-8; # location定义网页的访问url #就代表 用户的请求 是 location / { #root参数定义网页根目录 root html; #定义网页的首页文件,的名字的 index index.html index.htm; } #定义错误页面,客户端的错误,就会返回40x系列错误码 error_page 404 403 401 400 /404.html; #500系列错误代表后端代码出错 error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; } #在另一个server{}的外面,写入新的虚拟主机2 server{ listen 80; server_name; location / { root /opt/myserver/oumei; #定义虚拟主机的网页根目录 index index.html; } } }
[root@localhost myserver]# tree /opt/myserver/ /opt/myserver/ ├── oumei │ └── index.html 写入自己的内容 └── rihan └── index.html 写入自己的内容
修改windows本地的测试域名 C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts文件
写入如下内容 因为我们没有 也没有 ,因此要在本地搞一个测试域名, 不想改dns的话,就去阿里云去买一个域名~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ' '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'; #开启访问日志功能的参数 access_log logs/access.log main;
tail -f access.log
在server{}虚拟主机标签中,找到location 然后添加参数 #当有人访问 的时候 location / { #拒绝参数是 deny #deny 写你想拒绝的IP地址 #deny还支持拒绝一整个网站 deny; root /opt/myserver/rihan; index index.html; }
1.修改nginx.conf 中的配置参数
这个s1540x.html存在 虚拟主机定义的网页根目录下
error_page 404 /s1540x.html;
(1)访问原来无法访问的资源,如google (2) 可以做缓存,加速访问资源 (3)对客户端访问授权,上网进行认证 (4)代理可以记录用户访问记录(上网行为管理),对外隐藏用户信息
反向代理(Reverse Proxy)实际运行方式是指以代理服务器来接受internet上的连接请求,然后将请求转发给内部网络上的服务器,并将从服务器上得到的结果返回给internet上请求连接的客户端,此时代理服务器对外就表现为一个服务器。
location / {
#root html;
#index index.html index.htm;
浏览器 访问时 跳转到百度页面
1.实验准备 准备三台计算机 nginx1 作为nginx负载均衡器 只要我访问这个负载均衡器,查看页面的结果,到底是来自于 nginx2 web服务,提供一个页面 nginx3 web服务,提供一个页面 2.先配置两个nginx web页面 准备一个 index.html 写入 你好,我是192.168.13.24机器 准备一个 index.html 写入 老了老弟,我是192.168.13.79 然后启动两个nginx web 服务 3.准备一个nginx负载均衡器机器上,修改nginx.conf 写入如下内容 定义一个负载均衡池,负载均衡的算法有 调度算法 概述 轮询 按时间顺序逐一分配到不同的后端服务器(默认) weight 加权轮询,weight值越大,分配到的访问几率越高 ip_hash 每个请求按访问IP的hash结果分配,这样来自同一IP的固定访问一个后端服务器 url_hash 按照访问URL的hash结果来分配请求,是每个URL定向到同一个后端服务器 least_conn 最少链接数,那个机器链接数少就分发 1.轮询(不做配置,默认轮询) 2.weight权重(优先级) 3.ip_hash配置,根据客户端ip哈希分配,不能和weight一起用 upstream s15webserver { ip_hash; server ; server ; } 然后在虚拟主机中添加 反向代理配置,将用户的请求,直接转发给 负载均衡池中的服务器 server { listen 80; #当我的请求来自于时,走这>个虚拟主机 server_name; #charset koi8-r; #access_log logs/host.access.log main; location / { proxy_pass http://s15webserver; #root html; #index index.html index.htm; } } 4.启动负载均衡器的 nginx服务 5.在客户端windows中测试访问,负载均衡器 ,查看请求分发的结果