动力钙 Dyna-Cal 100 tablets

Bone actually contains the "hard" part (calcium), and "soft" part (supporting tissues). Dyna-Cal mainly supplies calcium while Glucosamine helps the "soft" part of bone and the joint.

In addition to calcium, Dyna-Cal tablet also contains 镁 Magnesium, Vitamin D-3, which helps the body using calcium more efficiently as well as preventing the spread of cancer. Thus it is also good for patients during and after cancer treatment.

DynaCal full product description

Manufacturer: Douglas Laboratories
Product Code: DGL80261-100X
Your Price: $13.90

钙 Calcium
钙是骨骼的主要成份,因此摄入适量的钙非常重要,特别是对于减缓由于年龄增长导致的骨质疏松。 许多临床研究表明每天补充800-1500 mg的钙有助于减缓由于年龄增长导致的骨质疏松,降低老年人发生骨折的几率。
There is little evidence that any one form of supplemental calcium is preferable to others. Although calcium carbonate taken on an empty stomach is poorly absorbed by people with hypochlorhydria, calcium carbonate taken with food appears to be well absorbed regardless of gastric acid secretory capacity.
维生素 D Vitamin D
维生素 D 增加钙的吸收,促进骨胳、牙齿正常发育。在绝经后妇女的临床研究中发现,每天补充800 IU的维生素D可以减少骨折的发生(每天400 IU则无效)。
镁 Magnesium
骨质疏松一般都伴随着“低镁”。一项临床试验结果表明绝经后妇女每天补充250-750 mg的镁1-2年,71%的试验者骨密度都有提高。
维生素 K Vitamin K
成熟的成骨细胞合成和分泌骨钙蛋白,后者与钙离子结合,将钙离子固定下来,这样骨骼才得以骨质化。骨钙蛋白必须要有维生素K才能正常工作。 无数的临床试验结果表明补充维生素K可以减缓骨质疏松,预防骨折。
锶 Strontium
锶是一种微量元素,每天食物中可以摄取2-3 mg。 锶的作用是促进成骨,进而增加骨密度。.
In double-blind trials, strontium supplementation (170-680 mg per day) significantly increased bone mineral density and decreased fracture incidence in postmenopausal women. Preliminary evidence suggests that 170 mg per day is at least as effective as 680 mg per day for fracture prevention, which raises the possibility that even lower dosages would be effective.

posted @ 2013-03-15 12:53  Shanghai Jim Zhou  阅读(255)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报