第492篇-NSIS installation—kill process

If you are using NSIS to build your software installation package, you probably need the NSIS script.  Since NSIS does not provide the build-in method to kill the process that is running during the installation process, we need the plug-ins to help to do this.

1 Put the plug-ins in the NSIS installation directory Plugins directory.


2 There are may plug-ins that you can choose, like Processes.dll,processwork.dll,KillProcDLL.dll

1)      Processes::KillProcess "process name"  # no need to write “.exe”

2)       Push "QQ.exe


3)       KillProcDLL::KillProc "process name"  # no need to write “.exe”


Function LaunchExecutableFile

ExecShell "" "$PROGRAMFILES\foldername\process.exe"

End Function


NSIS dlls download:


posted @ 2013-01-20 23:04  Shanghai Jim Zhou  阅读(857)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报