第489篇-Tips to completely uninstall SQL Server

It is quite annoying that after you install the SQL Server, you found you cannot get connected to the SQL Server.

Illustrator 1:

One direct or useful way is to uninstall the SQL Server you have installed. However, this process will probably make you unhappy. Because uninstall the SQL Server is not that easy, there will always be existing “something related with SQL” in your computer,  so even if you re-install the SQL Server, you may also get the same error like Illustrator 1 shows.

In this post, I would like to share with you a quite useful process to completely uninstall SQL Server.

1 In the control panel, uninstall all the SQL Server related components.

2 RunàType “Regedit”, delete the two folders at the following two path:
 1) HKEY_CURRENT_USER-->Software-->Microsoft-->Microsoft SQL Server

 2)HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-->Software-->Microsoft-->Microsoft SQL Server

3 In the installation path, delete all the files and folders. Normally, it’s:

C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server

4 Use :

Windows Install Clean Up


PS: normally, there are four approaches to get connected the local SQL Server:

1 computer name

2 “.”



SQL service cleaner(srvinstw).rar


posted @ 2013-01-20 20:07  Shanghai Jim Zhou  阅读(225)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报