01 2014 档案
摘要:www.stmcu.org/download/index.php?act=down&id=5264IntroductionThe purpose of this application note is to give a presentation of the CCM RAM available onSTM32F303xB/xC and STM32F313xC microcontrollers and describe what is required toexecute part of the application code from this memory region usin
摘要:Interfacing C to AssemblerYou can easily interface your C programs to routines written in XC16x/C16x/ST10 assembly language.The A166 Assembler is a macro assembler that emits object modules in OMF166 format.By following a few programming rules, you can call assembly routines from C and vice versa.Pu
摘要:MON166: SOFTWARE RESET USING THE MONITORQUESTIONWhat happens when debugging using MON166 and my program executes a software reset using the SRTS instruction?Specifically, does SRST restart the monitor or does it restart my program?ANSWERThe behavior of SRST depends on how MON166 is integrated into y
摘要:MON166 is a debug monitor for C16x and ST10 user programs. It consists of:A configurable monitor program that resides and runs on your target system.The µVision Debugger and its associated MON166 driver.The code space requirements of MON166 are small. It can run from about 5K of external or on-
摘要:http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.faqs/ka10535.htmlC166: START167 AND BOOT167QUESTIONI do not quite understand the files START167.A66 and BOOT167.A66.Is BOOT.A66 used for the monitor and START167.A66 used for the final application ?ANSWERThe BOOT167.A66 file is part of the
摘要:http://supp.iar.com/Support/?Note=27498EWARM v5.xx (and newer)The placement of a few functions in a specific section is done with the ...#pragma location="FUNCTIONS"void h(void);... but this becomes impractical when there are many functions to place. So the ILINK linker of EWARM 5.xx can p
摘要:Bootstrap LoaderThe built-in bootstrap loader (BSL) of theST10F269 provides a mechanism to load thestartup program through the serial interface afterreset. In this case, no external memory or internalFlash memory is required for the initializationcode starting at location 00'0000h (see Figure 5)
摘要:http://www.kalinskyassociates.com/Wpaper4.htmlArchitecture of Device I/O DriversMany embedded systems developers will tell you that writing a device driver consists of a lot of "bit-bashing andregister-twiddling" to convince some ornery unit of hardware to submit to the control of driver s
摘要:Power Train ECU的CPU用的比较多的基本来自于Infineon,ST,FreescaleBOSCH的16位ECUM(E)7系列主要使用C167内核的CPU,早期的M(E)7系列使用西门子半导体(Infineon英飞凌的前身)的C167的,后来ST从西门子引进了C167内核,为BOSCH定制了ST10系列CPU,价格上更有优势,因此之后BOSCH的ECU都基本上采用ST的ST10系列CPU。BOSCH的32位ECUME9系列主要使用PowerPC内核的CPU MPC55系列,那时候还叫Motorola,现在叫Freescale,M(E)9主要在美国市场上销售MED17系列主要使用I
摘要:http://blog.163.com/modingfa_002/blog/static/11092546620133193264579结构体的自引用(self reference),就是在结构体内部,包含指向自身类型结构体的指针。结构体的相互引用(mutual reference),就是说在多个结...
摘要:__ARM_PROFILE_M__ Description An integer that is set based on the --cpu option. The symbol is set to 1 if the selected processor architecture is a pro
摘要:http://www.embedded.com/design/embedded/4231326/Taking-advantage-of-the-Cortex-M3-s-pre-emptive-context-switchesThe ARM Cortex-M3 (CM3) architecture is a 32-bit microcontroller core designed to replace many 8-bit and 16-bit devices by offering faster speeds and advanced system features.Leveraging th
摘要:http://www.zembedded.com/cortex-m3-registers-in-depth/Thanks for the overwhelm response you show in our first tutorial on Cortex_M3 series controllers.This is going to be the second tutorial, where we are going to discuss about the registers availableon Cortex-M3 series of microcontrollers.If you ar
摘要:Using pre-build actions for time stampingIf necessary, you can specify pre-build and post-build actions that you want to occurbefore or after the build.The Build Actions dialog box—available from the Projectmenu—lets you specify the actions required.For more information about the Build Actions dialo
摘要:IAR参数变量 您可以为路径和参数使用参数变量,例如,当您在选项对话框中指定include路径时,或者当需要基于当前上下文的类似宏的扩展时,例如在工具的参数中。您可以使用广泛的预定义参数变量以及创建自己的参数变量,请参见配置自定义参数变量对话框。这些是预定义的参数变量: 参数变量还可以在IDE选项对
摘要:http://blog.csdn.net/rejoice818/article/details/7736029一、注意:官方光盘内“Software Utilities”目录下,可找到ICP或ISP下载工具:ISP下载工具内含3个子文件夹:具体操作可参照:User Manual目录下的用户使用指南:NuMicro ISP Programming Tool User's Guide。二、新唐M0 ISP的设置及实现步骤:1,电脑上装上“NuMicro_ICP_Programming_Tool_v1.18.5320.zip”;2,把目标板通过SWD口的NU-LINK连接到电脑的USB口上;
摘要:http://www.nuvoton.com/hq/chs/productfaqs/Pages/00000001.aspx是的,使用者可利用UID来对以下系列芯片进行加密,Mini51 Series, M051 Series, NUC100 Series, Nano100 Series与NUC200 Series。UID (Unique ID):新唐将以上所述系列芯片植入UID,每一芯片UID是独特唯一的,使用者可利用此唯一码在韧体程序中对欲操作芯片加入判断机制,如此便可避免他人窃取程序代码重现相同商品可能。What is UID and UCID►UID( Unique Customer I
摘要:https://www.hex-rays.com/products/decompiler/manual/tricks.shtmlFirst of all, read thetroubleshootingpage. It explains how to deal with most decompilation problems.Below is a mix of other useful information that did not fit into any other page:Volatile memorySometimes the decompiler can be overly ag
摘要:The Atmel® ATSHA204 is a full turnkey security device. It includes a 4.5Kb EEPROM divided into 16 slots. This array can be used for storage of keys, miscellaneous read/write, read-only, password or secret data, and consumption tracking. Access to the various sections of memory can be restricted