IDASDK里面提供的UI(userinterface)函数 AskUsingForm_c,该函数弹出一个对话框,而对话框的外观形式,就由此函数的第一个参数form(constchar*类型)指定。 static const char *dialog = // "STARTITEM 0\n" // dont change "This is the title\n\n" // dialog title "This is static text\n" // static text "\n" //need char[MA 阅读全文
The STM32F401 line is the entry level to the STM32 F4 series. It is designed for medical, industrial and consumer applications requiring balanced performance and power efficiency with a high level of integration of embedded memories and peripherals inside packages as small as 3 x 3 mm, in the most c 阅读全文
http://www.2cto.com/shouce/ida/162.htm按字母顺序排列的IDC函数列表下面是函数描述信息中的约定: 'ea' 线性地址 'success' 0表示函数失败;反之为1 'void'表示函数返回的是没有意义的值(总是0) AddBptEx AddBpt AddCodeXref AddConstEx AddEntryPoint AddEnum AddHotkey AddSourceFile AddStrucEx AddStrucMember AltOp Analysis AnalyzeArea AppendFchun 阅读全文
http://www.pediy.com/kssd/pediy05/pediy50528.htmIda Pro 的默认设置里对中文字串的支持比较差,对于首字节大于'E0'的都显示成?了.其实...打开IDA PRO 目录下的IDA.CFG看到如下:// the following characters are allowed in ASCII strings, i.e.// in order to find end of a string IDA looks for a character// which doesn't belong to this array:// 阅读全文
http://www.taylorkillian.com/2013/01/retrieving-st-linkv2-firmware-from.htmlhttp://forum.easyelectronics.ru/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=6620&start=0Reversing proshivatelya ST-LinkFor what?I want to pull out the full firmware from apple cores to try to make a full Discovery (well, almost) ST-Link.Na 阅读全文
https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/support/tutorials/idc/autocomment.shtmlThis program creates a segment at paragraph 0x40 and comments the BIOS data area. You should load and execute this file to see the names of BIOS data area variables.//-------------------------------------------------------- 阅读全文