Delphi -- Compiler helper for initializing/finalizing variable
1 it CompilerhelperForInitializingFinalizingVariable; 2 3 interface 4 5 { Compiler helper for initializing/finalizing variable } 6 7 procedure _Initialize(p : Pointer; typeInfo : Pointer); 8 procedure _InitializeArray(p : Pointer; typeInfo : Pointer; elemCount : NativeUInt); 9 procedure _InitializeRecord(p : Pointer; typeInfo : Pointer); 10 11 {$IF not defined(X86ASMRTL)} 12 // dcc64 generated code expects P to remain in RAX on exit from this function. 13 function _Finalize(P : Pointer; TypeInfo : Pointer): Pointer; 14 function _FinalizeArray(P : Pointer; TypeInfo : Pointer; ElemCount : NativeUInt): Pointer; 15 function _FinalizeRecord(P : Pointer; TypeInfo : Pointer): Pointer; 16 {$ELSE} 17 procedure _Finalize(p : Pointer; typeInfo : Pointer); 18 procedure _FinalizeArray(P : Pointer; TypeInfo : Pointer; ElemCount : NativeUInt); 19 procedure _FinalizeRecord(P : Pointer; TypeInfo : Pointer); 20 {$ENDIF} 21 22 procedure _CopyRecord(Dest, Source, TypeInfo : Pointer); 23 procedure _CopyObject(Dest, Source : Pointer; vmtPtrOffs : NativeInt; TypeInfo : Pointer); 24 procedure _CopyArray(Dest, Source, TypeInfo : Pointer; Count : NativeUInt); 25 26 procedure _AddRef(P : Pointer; TypeInfo : Pointer); 27 procedure _AddRefArray(P : Pointer; TypeInfo : Pointer; ElemCount : NativeUInt); 28 procedure _AddRefRecord(P : Pointer; TypeInfo : Pointer); 29 30 function _New(Size : NativeInt; TypeInfo : Pointer): Pointer; 31 procedure _Dispose(P : Pointer; TypeInfo : Pointer); 32 33 procedure InitializeArray(p : Pointer; typeInfo : Pointer; elemCount : NativeUInt); 34 procedure CopyArray(Dest, Source, TypeInfo : Pointer; Count : NativeInt); 35 procedure FinalizeArray(P : Pointer; TypeInfo : Pointer; Count : NativeUInt); 36 37 38 implementation 39 40 { =========================================================================== 41 InitializeRecord, InitializeArray, and Initialize are PIC safe even though 42 they alter EBX because they only call each other. They never call out to 43 other functions and they don t access global data. 44 45 FinalizeRecord, Finalize, and FinalizeArray are PIC safe because they call 46 Pascal routines which will have EBX fixup prologs. 47 ===========================================================================} 48 procedure _VarClr(var v : TVarData); 49 begin 50 if Assigned(VarClearProc) then 51 VarClearProc(v) 52 else 53 Error(reVarInvalidOp); 54 end; 55 56 procedure _VarCopy(var Dest : TVarData; const Src : TVarData); 57 begin 58 if Assigned(VarCopyProc) then 59 VarCopyProc(Dest, Src) 60 else 61 Error(reVarInvalidOp); 62 end; 63 64 procedure _VarAddRef(var v : TVarData); 65 begin 66 if Assigned(VarAddRefProc) then 67 VarAddRefProc(v) 68 else 69 Error(reVarInvalidOp); 70 end; 71 72 { =========================================================================== 73 InitializeRecord, InitializeArray, and Initialize are PIC safe even though 74 they alter EBX because they only call each other. They never call out to 75 other functions and they don t access global data. 76 77 FinalizeRecord, Finalize, and FinalizeArray are PIC safe because they call 78 Pascal routines which will have EBX fixup prologs. 79 ===========================================================================} 80 81 procedure _InitializeRecord(p : Pointer; typeInfo : Pointer); 82 var 83 FT : PFieldTable; 84 I : Cardinal; 85 begin 86 FT := PFieldTable(PByte(typeInfo) + Byte(PTypeInfo(typeInfo).Name[0])); 87 if FT.Count > 0 then 88 begin 89 for I := FT.Count - 1 downto 0 do 90 {$IFDEF WEAKREF} 91 if FT.Fields[I].TypeInfo <> nil then 92 {$ENDIF} 93 _InitializeArray(Pointer(PByte(P) + UIntPtr(FT.Fields[I].Offset)), 94 FT.Fields[I].TypeInfo^, 1); 95 end; 96 end; 97 98 function _FinalizeRecord(P : Pointer; TypeInfo : Pointer): Pointer; 99 var 100 FT : PFieldTable; 101 I : Cardinal; 102 {$IFDEF WEAKREF} 103 Weak : Boolean; 104 {$ENDIF} 105 begin 106 FT := PFieldTable(PByte(TypeInfo) + Byte(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo).Name[0])); 107 if FT.Count > 0 then 108 begin 109 {$IFDEF WEAKREF} 110 Weak := false; 111 {$ENDIF} 112 for I := 0 to FT.Count - 1 do 113 begin 114 {$IFDEF WEAKREF} 115 if FT.Fields[I].TypeInfo = nil then 116 begin 117 Weak := true; 118 Continue; 119 end; 120 if not Weak then 121 begin 122 {$ENDIF} 123 _FinalizeArray(Pointer(PByte(P) + IntPtr(FT.Fields[I].Offset)), 124 FT.Fields[I].TypeInfo^, 1); 125 {$IFDEF WEAKREF} 126 end 127 else 128 begin 129 case FT.Fields[I].TypeInfo^.Kind of 130 {$IFDEF WEAKINTFREF} 131 tkInterface: 132 _IntfWeakClear(IInterface(Pointer(PByte(P) + 133 IntPtr(FT.Fields[I].Offset))^)); 134 {$ENDIF} 135 {$IFDEF WEAKINSTREF} 136 tkClass: 137 _InstWeakClear(TObject(Pointer(PByte(P) + IntPtr(FT.Fields[I].Offset))^)); 138 {$ENDIF} 139 {$IFDEF WEAKREF} 140 tkMethod: 141 _ClosureRemoveWeakRef(TMethod(Pointer(PByte(P) + 142 IntPtr(FT.Fields[I].Offset))^)); 143 {$ENDIF} 144 else 145 Error(reInvalidPtr); 146 end; 147 end; 148 {$ENDIF} 149 end; 150 end; 151 Result := P; 152 end; 153 154 procedure _InitializeArray(p : Pointer; typeInfo : Pointer; elemCount : NativeUInt); 155 var 156 FT : PFieldTable; 157 I : Cardinal; 158 begin 159 if elemCount = 0 then 160 Exit; 161 case PTypeInfo(typeInfo).Kind of 162 {$IFDEF WEAKREF} 163 tkMethod: 164 while elemCount > 0 do 165 begin 166 TMethod(P^).Data := nil; 167 TMethod(P^).Code := nil; 168 Inc(PByte(P), SizeOf(TMethod)); 169 Dec(elemCount); 170 end; 171 {$ENDIF} 172 {$IFDEF AUTOREFCOUNT} 173 tkClass, 174 {$ENDIF} 175 tkLString, tkWString, tkInterface, tkDynArray, tkUString: 176 while elemCount > 0 do 177 begin 178 PPointer(P)^ := nil; 179 Inc(PByte(P), SizeOf(Pointer)); 180 Dec(elemCount); 181 end; 182 tkVariant: 183 while elemCount > 0 do 184 begin 185 with PVarData(P)^ do 186 for I := Low(RawData) to High(RawData) do 187 RawData[I] := 0; 188 Inc(PByte(P), SizeOf(TVarData)); 189 Dec(elemCount); 190 end; 191 tkArray: 192 begin 193 FT := PFieldTable(PByte(typeInfo) + Byte(PTypeInfo(typeInfo).Name[0])); 194 while elemCount > 0 do 195 begin 196 _InitializeArray(P, FT.Fields[0].TypeInfo^, FT.Count); 197 Inc(PByte(P), FT.Size); 198 Dec(elemCount); 199 end; 200 end; 201 tkRecord: 202 begin 203 FT := PFieldTable(PByte(typeInfo) + Byte(PTypeInfo(typeInfo).Name[0])); 204 while elemCount > 0 do 205 begin 206 _InitializeRecord(P, typeInfo); 207 Inc(PByte(P), FT.Size); 208 Dec(elemCount); 209 end; 210 end; 211 else 212 Error(reInvalidPtr); 213 end; 214 end; 215 216 function _FinalizeArray(P : Pointer; TypeInfo : Pointer; ElemCount : NativeUInt): Pointer; 217 var 218 FT : PFieldTable; 219 begin 220 Result := P; 221 if ElemCount = 0 then 222 Exit; 223 case PTypeInfo(TypeInfo).Kind of 224 {$IFDEF WEAKREF} 225 tkMethod: 226 while ElemCount > 0 do 227 begin 228 _ClosureRemoveWeakRef(TMethod(P^)); 229 Inc(PByte(P), SizeOf(TMethod)); 230 Dec(ElemCount); 231 end; 232 {$ENDIF} 233 {$IFDEF AUTOREFCOUNT} 234 tkClass: 235 while ElemCount > 0 do 236 begin 237 _InstClear(TObject(P^)); 238 Inc(PByte(P), SizeOf(Pointer)); 239 Dec(ElemCount); 240 end; 241 {$ENDIF} 242 tkLString: 243 _LStrArrayClr(P^, ElemCount); 244 tkWString: 245 _WStrArrayClr(P^, ElemCount); 246 tkUString: 247 _UStrArrayClr(P^, ElemCount); 248 tkVariant: 249 while ElemCount > 0 do 250 begin 251 _VarClr(PVarData(P)^); 252 Inc(PByte(P), SizeOf(TVarData)); 253 Dec(ElemCount); 254 end; 255 tkArray: 256 begin 257 FT := PFieldTable(PByte(typeInfo) + Byte(PTypeInfo(typeInfo).Name[0])); 258 while ElemCount > 0 do 259 begin 260 _FinalizeArray(P, FT.Fields[0].TypeInfo^, FT.Count); 261 Inc(PByte(P), FT.Size); 262 Dec(ElemCount); 263 end; 264 end; 265 tkRecord: 266 begin 267 FT := PFieldTable(PByte(TypeInfo) + Byte(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo).Name[0])); 268 while ElemCount > 0 do 269 begin 270 _FinalizeRecord(P, TypeInfo); 271 Inc(PByte(P), FT.Size); 272 Dec(ElemCount); 273 end; 274 end; 275 tkInterface: 276 while ElemCount > 0 do 277 begin 278 _IntfClear(IInterface(P^)); 279 Inc(PByte(P), SizeOf(Pointer)); 280 Dec(ElemCount); 281 end; 282 tkDynArray: 283 while ElemCount > 0 do 284 begin 285 { The cast and dereference of P here is to fake out the call to 286 _DynArrayClear. That function expects a var parameter. Our 287 declaration says we got a non-var parameter, but because of 288 the data type that got passed to us (tkDynArray), this isn t 289 strictly true. The compiler will have passed us a reference. } 290 _DynArrayClear(PPointer(P)^, typeInfo); 291 Inc(PByte(P), SizeOf(Pointer)); 292 Dec(ElemCount); 293 end; 294 else 295 Error(reInvalidPtr); 296 end; 297 end; 298 299 procedure _AddRefRecord(P : Pointer; TypeInfo : Pointer); 300 var 301 FT : PFieldTable; 302 I : Cardinal; 303 begin 304 FT := PFieldTable(PByte(TypeInfo) + Byte(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo).Name[0])); 305 if FT.Count > 0 then 306 begin 307 for I := 0 to FT.Count - 1 do 308 begin 309 {$IFDEF WEAKREF} 310 // Check for the sentinal indicating the following fields are weak references 311 // which don t need to be reference counted 312 if FT.Fields[I].TypeInfo = nil then 313 Break; 314 {$ENDIF} 315 _AddRefArray(Pointer(PByte(P) + UIntPtr(FT.Fields[I].Offset)), 316 FT.Fields[I].TypeInfo^, 1); 317 end; 318 end; 319 end; 320 321 procedure _AddRefArray(P : Pointer; TypeInfo : Pointer; ElemCount : NativeUInt); 322 var 323 FT : PFieldTable; 324 begin 325 if ElemCount = 0 then 326 Exit; 327 case PTypeInfo(TypeInfo).Kind of 328 {$IFDEF WEAKREF} 329 tkMethod: 330 while ElemCount > 0 do 331 begin 332 _ClosureAddWeakRef(TMethod(P^)); 333 Inc(PByte(P), SizeOf(TMethod)); 334 Dec(ElemCount); 335 end; 336 {$ENDIF} 337 {$IFDEF AUTOREFCOUNT} 338 tkClass: 339 while ElemCount > 0 do 340 begin 341 _InstAddRef(TObject(P^)); 342 Inc(PByte(P), SizeOf(Pointer)); 343 Dec(ElemCount); 344 end; 345 {$ENDIF} 346 tkLString: 347 while ElemCount > 0 do 348 begin 349 _LStrAddRef(PPointer(P)^); 350 Inc(PByte(P), SizeOf(Pointer)); 351 Dec(ElemCount); 352 end; 353 tkWString: 354 while ElemCount > 0 do 355 begin 356 {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} 357 _WStrAddRef(PWideString(P)^); 358 {$ELSE} 359 _WStrAddRef(PPointer(P)^); 360 {$ENDIF} 361 Inc(PByte(P), SizeOf(Pointer)); 362 Dec(ElemCount); 363 end; 364 tkUString: 365 while ElemCount > 0 do 366 begin 367 _UStrAddRef(PPointer(P)^); 368 Inc(PByte(P), SizeOf(Pointer)); 369 Dec(ElemCount); 370 end; 371 tkVariant: 372 while ElemCount > 0 do 373 begin 374 _VarAddRef(PVarData(P)^); 375 Inc(PByte(P), SizeOf(TVarData)); 376 Dec(ElemCount); 377 end; 378 tkArray: 379 begin 380 FT := PFieldTable(PByte(TypeInfo) + Byte(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo).Name[0])); 381 while ElemCount > 0 do 382 begin 383 _AddRefArray(P, FT.Fields[0].TypeInfo^, FT.Count); 384 Inc(PByte(P), FT.Size); 385 Dec(ElemCount); 386 end; 387 end; 388 tkRecord: 389 begin 390 FT := PFieldTable(PByte(TypeInfo) + Byte(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo).Name[0])); 391 while ElemCount > 0 do 392 begin 393 _AddRefRecord(P, TypeInfo); 394 Inc(PByte(P), FT.Size); 395 Dec(ElemCount); 396 end; 397 end; 398 tkInterface: 399 while ElemCount > 0 do 400 begin 401 _IntfAddRef(IInterface(P^)); 402 Inc(PByte(P), SizeOf(Pointer)); 403 Dec(ElemCount); 404 end; 405 tkDynArray: 406 while ElemCount > 0 do 407 begin 408 _DynArrayAddRef(PPointer(P)^); 409 Inc(PByte(P), SizeOf(Pointer)); 410 Dec(ElemCount); 411 end; 412 else 413 Error(reInvalidPtr); 414 end; 415 end; 416 417 procedure _AddRef(P : Pointer; TypeInfo : Pointer); 418 begin 419 _AddRefArray(P, TypeInfo, 1); 420 end; 421 422 procedure _CopyRecord(Dest, Source, TypeInfo : Pointer); 423 var 424 FT, EFT : PFieldTable; 425 I, Count, L : Cardinal; 426 {$IFDEF WEAKREF} 427 J, K : Cardinal; 428 {$ENDIF} 429 Offset : UIntPtr; 430 FTypeInfo : PTypeInfo; 431 DestOff, SrcOff : Pointer; 432 begin 433 FT := PFieldTable(PByte(TypeInfo) + Byte(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo).Name[0])); 434 Offset := 0; 435 if FT.Count > 0 then 436 begin 437 Count := FT.Count; 438 {$IFDEF WEAKREF} 439 J := 0; 440 K := Count; 441 for I := Count - 1 downto 0 do 442 if FT.Fields[I].TypeInfo = nil then 443 begin 444 K := I + 1; // found the weak sentinal 445 Dec(Count); // remove the sentinal from consideration 446 Break; 447 end; 448 {$ENDIF} 449 for L := 0 to Count - 1 do 450 begin 451 {$IFDEF WEAKREF} 452 if (FT.Fields[J].TypeInfo <> nil) and 453 ((K = FT.Count) or (FT.Fields[J].Offset < FT.Fields[K].Offset)) then 454 begin 455 I := J; 456 Inc(J); 457 end 458 else 459 begin 460 I := K; 461 Inc(K); 462 end; 463 {$ELSE} 464 I := L; 465 {$ENDIF} 466 if FT.Fields[I].Offset > Offset then 467 Move(Pointer(PByte(Source) + Offset)^, 468 Pointer(PByte(Dest) + Offset)^, 469 FT.Fields[I].Offset - Offset); 470 Offset := FT.Fields[I].Offset; 471 FTypeInfo := FT.Fields[I].TypeInfo^; 472 DestOff := Pointer(PByte(Dest) + Offset); 473 SrcOff := Pointer(PByte(Source) + Offset); 474 case FTypeInfo.Kind of 475 {$IFDEF WEAKREF} 476 tkMethod: 477 begin 478 _CopyClosure(PMethod(DestOff)^, PMethod(SrcOff)^); 479 Inc(Offset, SizeOf(TMethod)); 480 end; 481 {$ENDIF} 482 {$IFDEF AUTOREFCOUNT} 483 tkClass: 484 begin 485 {$IFDEF WEAKINSTREF} 486 if I > J then 487 _InstWeakCopy(TObject(PPointer(DestOff)^), 488 TObject(PPointer(SrcOff)^)) 489 else 490 {$ENDIF} 491 _InstCopy(TObject(PPointer(DestOff)^), TObject(PPointer(SrcOff)^)); 492 Inc(Offset, SizeOf(Pointer)); 493 end; 494 {$ENDIF} 495 tkLString: 496 begin 497 _LStrAsg(_PAnsiStr(DestOff)^, _PAnsiStr(SrcOff)^); 498 Inc(Offset, SizeOf(Pointer)); 499 end; 500 tkWString: 501 begin 502 _WStrAsg(_PWideStr(DestOff)^, _PWideStr(SrcOff)^); 503 Inc(Offset, SizeOf(Pointer)); 504 end; 505 tkUString: 506 begin 507 _UStrAsg(PUnicodeString(DestOff)^, PUnicodeString(SrcOff)^); 508 Inc(Offset, SizeOf(Pointer)); 509 end; 510 tkVariant: 511 begin 512 _VarCopy(PVarData(DestOff)^, PVarData(SrcOff)^); 513 Inc(Offset, SizeOf(TVarData)); 514 end; 515 tkArray: 516 begin 517 EFT := 518 PFieldTable(PByte(FTypeInfo) + Byte(PTypeInfo(FTypeInfo).Name[0])); 519 _CopyArray(DestOff, SrcOff, EFT.Fields[0].TypeInfo^, EFT.Count); 520 Inc(Offset, EFT.Size); 521 end; 522 tkRecord: 523 begin 524 EFT := 525 PFieldTable(PByte(FTypeInfo) + Byte(PTypeInfo(FTypeInfo).Name[0])); 526 _CopyRecord(DestOff, SrcOff, FTypeInfo); 527 528 Inc(Offset, EFT.Size); 529 end; 530 tkInterface: 531 begin 532 {$IFDEF WEAKINTFREF} 533 if I > J then 534 _IntfWeakCopy(IInterface(PPointer(DestOff)^), 535 IInterface(PPointer(SrcOff)^)) 536 else 537 {$ENDIF} 538 _IntfCopy(IInterface(PPointer(DestOff)^), 539 IInterface(PPointer(SrcOff)^)); 540 Inc(Offset, SizeOf(Pointer)); 541 end; 542 tkDynArray: 543 begin 544 _DynArrayAsg(PPointer(DestOff)^, PPointer(SrcOff)^, FTypeInfo); 545 Inc(Offset, SizeOf(Pointer)); 546 end; 547 else 548 Error(reInvalidPtr); 549 end; 550 end; 551 end; 552 if FT.Size > Offset then 553 Move(Pointer(PByte(Source) + Offset)^, 554 Pointer(PByte(Dest) + Offset)^, 555 FT.Size - Offset); 556 end; 557 558 procedure _CopyObject(Dest, Source : Pointer; vmtPtrOffs : NativeInt; TypeInfo : Pointer); 559 var 560 SavedVmtPtr : Pointer; 561 begin 562 SavedVmtPtr := PPointer(PByte(Dest) + vmtPtrOffs)^; 563 _CopyRecord(Dest, Source, TypeInfo); 564 PPointer(PByte(Dest) + vmtPtrOffs)^ := SavedVmtPtr; 565 end; 566 567 procedure _CopyArray(Dest, Source, TypeInfo : Pointer; Count : NativeUInt); 568 var 569 FT : PFieldTable; 570 begin 571 if Count = 0 then 572 Exit; 573 case PTypeInfo(TypeInfo).Kind of 574 {$IFDEF WEAKREF} 575 tkMethod: 576 while Count > 0 do 577 begin 578 _CopyClosure(PMethod(Dest)^, PMethod(Source)^); 579 Inc(PByte(Dest), SizeOf(TMethod)); 580 Inc(PByte(Source), SizeOf(TMethod)); 581 Dec(Count); 582 end; 583 {$ENDIF} 584 {$IFDEF AUTOREFCOUNT} 585 tkClass: 586 while Count > 0 do 587 begin 588 _InstCopy(TObject(PPointer(Dest)^), TObject(PPointer(Source)^)); 589 Inc(PByte(Dest), SizeOf(Pointer)); 590 Inc(PByte(Source), SizeOf(Pointer)); 591 Dec(Count); 592 end; 593 {$ENDIF} 594 tkLString: 595 while Count > 0 do 596 begin 597 _LStrAsg(_PAnsiStr(Dest)^, _PAnsiStr(Source)^); 598 Inc(PByte(Dest), SizeOf(Pointer)); 599 Inc(PByte(Source), SizeOf(Pointer)); 600 Dec(Count); 601 end; 602 tkWString: 603 while Count > 0 do 604 begin 605 _WStrAsg(_PWideStr(Dest)^, _PWideStr(Source)^); 606 Inc(PByte(Dest), SizeOf(Pointer)); 607 Inc(PByte(Source), SizeOf(Pointer)); 608 Dec(Count); 609 end; 610 tkUString: 611 while Count > 0 do 612 begin 613 _UStrAsg(PUnicodeString(Dest)^, PUnicodeString(Source)^); 614 Inc(PByte(Dest), SizeOf(Pointer)); 615 Inc(PByte(Source), SizeOf(Pointer)); 616 Dec(Count); 617 end; 618 tkVariant: 619 while Count > 0 do 620 begin 621 _VarCopy(PVarData(Dest)^, PVarData(Source)^); 622 Inc(PByte(Dest), SizeOf(TVarData)); 623 Inc(PByte(Source), SizeOf(TVarData)); 624 Dec(Count); 625 end; 626 tkArray: 627 begin 628 FT := PFieldTable(PByte(TypeInfo) + Byte(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo).Name[0])); 629 while Count > 0 do 630 begin 631 _CopyArray(Pointer(Dest), Pointer(Source), 632 FT.Fields[0].TypeInfo^, FT.Count); 633 Inc(PByte(Dest), FT.Size); 634 Inc(PByte(Source), FT.Size); 635 Dec(Count); 636 end; 637 end; 638 tkRecord: 639 begin 640 FT := PFieldTable(PByte(TypeInfo) + Byte(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo).Name[0])); 641 while Count > 0 do 642 begin 643 _CopyRecord(Dest, Source, TypeInfo); 644 Inc(PByte(Dest), FT.Size); 645 Inc(PByte(Source), FT.Size); 646 Dec(Count); 647 end; 648 end; 649 tkInterface: 650 while Count > 0 do 651 begin 652 _IntfCopy(IInterface(PPointer(Dest)^), IInterface(PPointer(Source)^)); 653 Inc(PByte(Dest), SizeOf(Pointer)); 654 Inc(PByte(Source), SizeOf(Pointer)); 655 Dec(Count); 656 end; 657 tkDynArray: 658 while Count > 0 do 659 begin 660 _DynArrayAsg(PPointer(Dest)^, PPointer(Source)^, TypeInfo); 661 Inc(PByte(Dest), SizeOf(Pointer)); 662 Inc(PByte(Source), SizeOf(Pointer)); 663 Dec(Count); 664 end; 665 else 666 Error(reInvalidPtr); 667 end; 668 end; 669 670 procedure CopyArray(Dest, Source, TypeInfo : Pointer; Count : NativeInt); 671 begin 672 if Count > 0 then 673 _CopyArray(Dest, Source, TypeInfo, Count); 674 end; 675 676 procedure InitializeArray(p : Pointer; typeInfo : Pointer; elemCount : NativeUInt); 677 begin 678 _InitializeArray(p, typeInfo, elemCount); 679 end; 680 681 procedure FinalizeArray(P, TypeInfo : Pointer; Count : NativeUInt); 682 begin 683 _FinalizeArray(P, TypeInfo, Count); 684 end; 685 686 procedure _Initialize(p : Pointer; typeInfo : Pointer); 687 begin 688 _InitializeArray(p, typeInfo, 1); 689 end; 690 691 function _Finalize(p : Pointer; typeInfo : Pointer): Pointer; 692 begin 693 Result := _FinalizeArray(p, typeInfo, 1); 694 end; 695 696 function _New(Size : NativeInt; TypeInfo : Pointer): Pointer; 697 begin 698 GetMem(Result, Size); 699 if Result <> nil then 700 _Initialize(Result, TypeInfo); 701 end; 702 703 procedure _Dispose(P : Pointer; TypeInfo : Pointer); 704 begin 705 _Finalize(P, TypeInfo); 706 FreeMem(P); 707 end;
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