LPC-Link2 CMSIS-DAP firmware source
LPC-Link2 CMSIS-DAP firmware source
I'm using the CMSIS-DAP firmware with the LPC-Link2.
I'd like to add some features (like a virtual COM port).
I understand there is a reference implementation with available source code,
which not directly related to the LPC-Link2s firmware.
But I was looking for the source code anyway and found this repository which has a LPC43xx target:
Is it related to the original firmware?
If not, is the source of the orignal firmware available somewhere?
What is published from ARM for the LPC-Link2 can be found here:
It's a Keil µVision 4.74 project, the USB_CM3.lib can be found in the µVision installation folder
and in DAP_config.h the foillowing defines need to be added:
#define DEBUG(...)
#define INFO(...)
#define ERROR(...)
Or alternatively a define which really brings this out on the UART.
NXP Support Team
/**************************************************************************//** * @file DAP_config.h * @brief CMSIS-DAP Configuration File for LPC-Link-II * @version V1.00 * @date 31. May 2012 * * @note * Copyright (C) 2012 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. * * @par * ARM Limited (ARM) is supplying this software for use with Cortex-M * processor based microcontrollers. * * @par * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED * OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. * ARM SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __DAP_CONFIG_H__ #define __DAP_CONFIG_H__ //************************************************************************************************** /** \defgroup DAP_Config_Debug_gr CMSIS-DAP Debug Unit Information \ingroup DAP_ConfigIO_gr @{ Provides definitions about: - Definition of Cortex-M processor parameters used in CMSIS-DAP Debug Unit. - Debug Unit communication packet size. - Debug Access Port communication mode (JTAG or SWD). - Optional information about a connected Target Device (for Evaluation Boards). */ #include <LPC43xx.H> // Debug Unit Cortex-M Processor Header File /// Processor Clock of the Cortex-M MCU used in the Debug Unit. /// This value is used to calculate the SWD/JTAG clock speed. #define CPU_CLOCK 180000000 ///< Specifies the CPU Clock in Hz /// Number of processor cycles for I/O Port write operations. /// This value is used to calculate the SWD/JTAG clock speed that is generated with I/O /// Port write operations in the Debug Unit by a Cortex-M MCU. Most Cortex-M processors /// requrie 2 processor cycles for a I/O Port Write operation. If the Debug Unit uses /// a Cortex-M0+ processor with high-speed peripheral I/O only 1 processor cycle might be /// requrired. #define IO_PORT_WRITE_CYCLES 2 ///< I/O Cycles: 2=default, 1=Cortex-M0+ fast I/0 /// Indicate that Serial Wire Debug (SWD) communication mode is available at the Debug Access Port. /// This information is returned by the command \ref DAP_Info as part of <b>Capabilities</b>. #define DAP_SWD 1 ///< SWD Mode: 1 = available, 0 = not available /// Indicate that JTAG communication mode is available at the Debug Port. /// This information is returned by the command \ref DAP_Info as part of <b>Capabilities</b>. #define DAP_JTAG 1 ///< JTAG Mode: 1 = available, 0 = not available. /// Configure maximum number of JTAG devices on the scan chain connected to the Debug Access Port. /// This setting impacts the RAM requirements of the Debug Unit. Valid range is 1 .. 255. #define DAP_JTAG_DEV_CNT 8 ///< Maximum number of JTAG devices on scan chain /// Default communication mode on the Debug Access Port. /// Used for the command \ref DAP_Connect when Port Default mode is selected. #define DAP_DEFAULT_PORT 1 ///< Default JTAG/SWJ Port Mode: 1 = SWD, 2 = JTAG. /// Default communication speed on the Debug Access Port for SWD and JTAG mode. /// Used to initialize the default SWD/JTAG clock frequency. /// The command \ref DAP_SWJ_Clock can be used to overwrite this default setting. #define DAP_DEFAULT_SWJ_CLOCK 1000000 ///< Default SWD/JTAG clock frequency in Hz. /// Maximum Package Size for Command and Response data. /// This configuration settings is used to optimized the communication performance with the /// debugger and depends on the USB peripheral. Change setting to 1024 for High-Speed USB. #define DAP_PACKET_SIZE 1024 ///< USB: 64 = Full-Speed, 1024 = High-Speed. /// Maximum Package Buffers for Command and Response data. /// This configuration settings is used to optimized the communication performance with the /// debugger and depends on the USB peripheral. For devices with limited RAM or USB buffer the /// setting can be reduced (valid range is 1 .. 255). Change setting to 4 for High-Speed USB. #define DAP_PACKET_COUNT 4 ///< Buffers: 64 = Full-Speed, 4 = High-Speed. /// Debug Unit is connected to fixed Target Device. /// The Debug Unit may be part of an evaluation board and always connected to a fixed /// known device. In this case a Device Vendor and Device Name string is stored which /// may be used by the debugger or IDE to configure device parameters. #define TARGET_DEVICE_FIXED 0 ///< Target Device: 1 = known, 0 = unknown; #if TARGET_DEVICE_FIXED #define TARGET_DEVICE_VENDOR "" ///< String indicating the Silicon Vendor #define TARGET_DEVICE_NAME "" ///< String indicating the Target Device #endif ///@} // LPC43xx peripheral register bit masks (used by macros) #define CCU_CLK_CFG_RUN (1UL << 0) #define CCU_CLK_CFG_AUTO (1UL << 1) #define CCU_CLK_STAT_RUN (1UL << 0) #define SCU_SFS_EPD (1UL << 3) #define SCU_SFS_EPUN (1UL << 4) #define SCU_SFS_EHS (1UL << 5) #define SCU_SFS_EZI (1UL << 6) #define SCU_SFS_ZIF (1UL << 7) // Debug Port I/O Pins // SWCLK/TCK Pin P1_17: GPIO0[12] #define PIN_SWCLK_TCK_PORT 0 #define PIN_SWCLK_TCK_BIT 12 // SWDIO/TMS Pin P1_6: GPIO1[9] #define PIN_SWDIO_TMS_PORT 1 #define PIN_SWDIO_TMS_BIT 9 // SWDIO Output Enable Pin P1_5: GPIO1[8] #define PIN_SWDIO_OE_PORT 1 #define PIN_SWDIO_OE_BIT 8 // TDI Pin P1_18: GPIO0[13] #define PIN_TDI_PORT 0 #define PIN_TDI_BIT 13 // TDO Pin P1_14: GPIO1[7] #define PIN_TDO_PORT 1 #define PIN_TDO_BIT 7 // nTRST Pin Not available #define PIN_nTRST_PORT #define PIN_nTRST_BIT // nRESET Pin P2_5: GPIO5[5] #define PIN_nRESET_PORT 5 #define PIN_nRESET_BIT 5 // nRESET Output Enable Pin P2_6: GPIO5[6] #define PIN_nRESET_OE_PORT 5 #define PIN_nRESET_OE_BIT 6 // Debug Unit LEDs // Connected LED P1_1: GPIO0[8] #define LED_CONNECTED_PORT 0 #define LED_CONNECTED_BIT 8 // Target Running LED Not available //************************************************************************************************** /** \defgroup DAP_Config_PortIO_gr CMSIS-DAP Hardware I/O Pin Access \ingroup DAP_ConfigIO_gr @{ Standard I/O Pins of the CMSIS-DAP Hardware Debug Port support standard JTAG mode and Serial Wire Debug (SWD) mode. In SWD mode only 2 pins are required to implement the debug interface of a device. The following I/O Pins are provided: JTAG I/O Pin | SWD I/O Pin | CMSIS-DAP Hardware pin mode ---------------------------- | -------------------- | --------------------------------------------- TCK: Test Clock | SWCLK: Clock | Output Push/Pull TMS: Test Mode Select | SWDIO: Data I/O | Output Push/Pull; Input (for receiving data) TDI: Test Data Input | | Output Push/Pull TDO: Test Data Output | | Input nTRST: Test Reset (optional) | | Output Open Drain with pull-up resistor nRESET: Device Reset | nRESET: Device Reset | Output Open Drain with pull-up resistor DAP Hardware I/O Pin Access Functions ------------------------------------- The various I/O Pins are accessed by functions that implement the Read, Write, Set, or Clear to these I/O Pins. For the SWDIO I/O Pin there are additional functions that are called in SWD I/O mode only. This functions are provided to achieve faster I/O that is possible with some advanced GPIO peripherals that can independently write/read a single I/O pin without affecting any other pins of the same I/O port. The following SWDIO I/O Pin functions are provided: - \ref PIN_SWDIO_OUT_ENABLE to enable the output mode from the DAP hardware. - \ref PIN_SWDIO_OUT_DISABLE to enable the input mode to the DAP hardware. - \ref PIN_SWDIO_IN to read from the SWDIO I/O pin with utmost possible speed. - \ref PIN_SWDIO_OUT to write to the SWDIO I/O pin with utmost possible speed. */ // Configure DAP I/O pins ------------------------------ // LPC-Link-II HW uses buffers for debug port pins. Therefore it is not // possible to disable outputs SWCLK/TCK, TDI and they are left active. // Only SWDIO/TMS output can be disabled but it is also left active. // nRESET is configured for open drain mode. /** Setup JTAG I/O pins: TCK, TMS, TDI, TDO, nTRST, and nRESET. Configures the DAP Hardware I/O pins for JTAG mode: - TCK, TMS, TDI, nTRST, nRESET to output mode and set to high level. - TDO to input mode. */ static __inline void PORT_JTAG_SETUP (void) { LPC_GPIO_PORT->MASK[PIN_SWDIO_TMS_PORT] = 0; LPC_GPIO_PORT->MASK[PIN_TDI_PORT] = ~(1 << PIN_TDI_BIT); } /** Setup SWD I/O pins: SWCLK, SWDIO, and nRESET. Configures the DAP Hardware I/O pins for Serial Wire Debug (SWD) mode: - SWCLK, SWDIO, nRESET to output mode and set to default high level. - TDI, TMS, nTRST to HighZ mode (pins are unused in SWD mode). */ static __inline void PORT_SWD_SETUP (void) { LPC_GPIO_PORT->MASK[PIN_TDI_PORT] = 0; LPC_GPIO_PORT->MASK[PIN_SWDIO_TMS_PORT] = ~(1 << PIN_SWDIO_TMS_BIT); } /** Disable JTAG/SWD I/O Pins. Disables the DAP Hardware I/O pins which configures: - TCK/SWCLK, TMS/SWDIO, TDI, TDO, nTRST, nRESET to High-Z mode. */ static __inline void PORT_OFF (void) { LPC_GPIO_PORT->SET[PIN_SWCLK_TCK_PORT] = (1 << PIN_SWCLK_TCK_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->SET[PIN_SWDIO_TMS_PORT] = (1 << PIN_SWDIO_TMS_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->SET[PIN_SWDIO_OE_PORT] = (1 << PIN_SWDIO_OE_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->SET[PIN_TDI_PORT] = (1 << PIN_TDI_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->DIR[PIN_nRESET_PORT] &= ~(1 << PIN_nRESET_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->CLR[PIN_nRESET_OE_PORT] = (1 << PIN_nRESET_OE_BIT); } // SWCLK/TCK I/O pin ------------------------------------- /** SWCLK/TCK I/O pin: Get Input. \return Current status of the SWCLK/TCK DAP hardware I/O pin. */ static __forceinline uint32_t PIN_SWCLK_TCK_IN (void) { return ((LPC_GPIO_PORT->PIN[PIN_SWCLK_TCK_PORT] >> PIN_SWCLK_TCK_BIT) & 1); } /** SWCLK/TCK I/O pin: Set Output to High. Set the SWCLK/TCK DAP hardware I/O pin to high level. */ static __forceinline void PIN_SWCLK_TCK_SET (void) { LPC_GPIO_PORT->SET[PIN_SWCLK_TCK_PORT] = 1 << PIN_SWCLK_TCK_BIT; } /** SWCLK/TCK I/O pin: Set Output to Low. Set the SWCLK/TCK DAP hardware I/O pin to low level. */ static __forceinline void PIN_SWCLK_TCK_CLR (void) { LPC_GPIO_PORT->CLR[PIN_SWCLK_TCK_PORT] = 1 << PIN_SWCLK_TCK_BIT; } // SWDIO/TMS Pin I/O -------------------------------------- /** SWDIO/TMS I/O pin: Get Input. \return Current status of the SWDIO/TMS DAP hardware I/O pin. */ static __forceinline uint32_t PIN_SWDIO_TMS_IN (void) { return ((LPC_GPIO_PORT->PIN[PIN_SWDIO_TMS_PORT] >> PIN_SWDIO_TMS_BIT) & 1); } /** SWDIO/TMS I/O pin: Set Output to High. Set the SWDIO/TMS DAP hardware I/O pin to high level. */ static __forceinline void PIN_SWDIO_TMS_SET (void) { LPC_GPIO_PORT->SET[PIN_SWDIO_TMS_PORT] = 1 << PIN_SWDIO_TMS_BIT; } /** SWDIO/TMS I/O pin: Set Output to Low. Set the SWDIO/TMS DAP hardware I/O pin to low level. */ static __forceinline void PIN_SWDIO_TMS_CLR (void) { LPC_GPIO_PORT->CLR[PIN_SWDIO_TMS_PORT] = 1 << PIN_SWDIO_TMS_BIT; } /** SWDIO I/O pin: Get Input (used in SWD mode only). \return Current status of the SWDIO DAP hardware I/O pin. */ static __forceinline uint32_t PIN_SWDIO_IN (void) { return (LPC_GPIO_PORT->MPIN[PIN_SWDIO_TMS_PORT] >> PIN_SWDIO_TMS_BIT); } /** SWDIO I/O pin: Set Output (used in SWD mode only). \param bit Output value for the SWDIO DAP hardware I/O pin. */ static __forceinline void PIN_SWDIO_OUT (uint32_t bit) { LPC_GPIO_PORT->MPIN[PIN_SWDIO_TMS_PORT] = bit << PIN_SWDIO_TMS_BIT; } /** SWDIO I/O pin: Switch to Output mode (used in SWD mode only). Configure the SWDIO DAP hardware I/O pin to output mode. This function is called prior \ref PIN_SWDIO_OUT function calls. */ static __forceinline void PIN_SWDIO_OUT_ENABLE (void) { LPC_GPIO_PORT->SET[PIN_SWDIO_OE_PORT] = 1 << PIN_SWDIO_OE_BIT; } /** SWDIO I/O pin: Switch to Input mode (used in SWD mode only). Configure the SWDIO DAP hardware I/O pin to input mode. This function is called prior \ref PIN_SWDIO_IN function calls. */ static __forceinline void PIN_SWDIO_OUT_DISABLE (void) { LPC_GPIO_PORT->CLR[PIN_SWDIO_OE_PORT] = 1 << PIN_SWDIO_OE_BIT; } // TDI Pin I/O --------------------------------------------- /** TDI I/O pin: Get Input. \return Current status of the TDI DAP hardware I/O pin. */ static __forceinline uint32_t PIN_TDI_IN (void) { return ((LPC_GPIO_PORT->PIN [PIN_TDI_PORT] >> PIN_TDI_BIT) & 1); } /** TDI I/O pin: Set Output. \param bit Output value for the TDI DAP hardware I/O pin. */ static __forceinline void PIN_TDI_OUT (uint32_t bit) { LPC_GPIO_PORT->MPIN[PIN_TDI_PORT] = bit << PIN_TDI_BIT; } // TDO Pin I/O --------------------------------------------- /** TDO I/O pin: Get Input. \return Current status of the TDO DAP hardware I/O pin. */ static __forceinline uint32_t PIN_TDO_IN (void) { return ((LPC_GPIO_PORT->PIN[PIN_TDO_PORT] >> PIN_TDO_BIT) & 1); } // nTRST Pin I/O ------------------------------------------- /** nTRST I/O pin: Get Input. \return Current status of the nTRST DAP hardware I/O pin. */ static __forceinline uint32_t PIN_nTRST_IN (void) { return (0); // Not available } /** nTRST I/O pin: Set Output. \param bit JTAG TRST Test Reset pin status: - 0: issue a JTAG TRST Test Reset. - 1: release JTAG TRST Test Reset. */ static __forceinline void PIN_nTRST_OUT (uint32_t bit) { ; // Not available } // nRESET Pin I/O------------------------------------------ /** nRESET I/O pin: Get Input. \return Current status of the nRESET DAP hardware I/O pin. */ static __forceinline uint32_t PIN_nRESET_IN (void) { return ((LPC_GPIO_PORT->PIN[PIN_nRESET_PORT] >> PIN_nRESET_BIT) & 1); } /** nRESET I/O pin: Set Output. \param bit target device hardware reset pin status: - 0: issue a device hardware reset. - 1: release device hardware reset. */ static __forceinline void PIN_nRESET_OUT (uint32_t bit) { if (bit) { LPC_GPIO_PORT->DIR[PIN_nRESET_PORT] &= ~(1 << PIN_nRESET_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->CLR[PIN_nRESET_OE_PORT] = (1 << PIN_nRESET_OE_BIT); } else { LPC_GPIO_PORT->SET[PIN_nRESET_OE_PORT] = (1 << PIN_nRESET_OE_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->DIR[PIN_nRESET_PORT] |= (1 << PIN_nRESET_BIT); } } ///@} //************************************************************************************************** /** \defgroup DAP_Config_LEDs_gr CMSIS-DAP Hardware Status LEDs \ingroup DAP_ConfigIO_gr @{ CMSIS-DAP Hardware may provide LEDs that indicate the status of the CMSIS-DAP Debug Unit. It is recommended to provide the following LEDs for status indication: - Connect LED: is active when the DAP hardware is connected to a debugger. - Running LED: is active when the debugger has put the target device into running state. */ /** Debug Unit: Set status of Connected LED. \param bit status of the Connect LED. - 1: Connect LED ON: debugger is connected to CMSIS-DAP Debug Unit. - 0: Connect LED OFF: debugger is not connected to CMSIS-DAP Debug Unit. */ static __inline void LED_CONNECTED_OUT (uint32_t bit) { LPC_GPIO_PORT->B[32*LED_CONNECTED_PORT + LED_CONNECTED_BIT] = bit; } /** Debug Unit: Set status Target Running LED. \param bit status of the Target Running LED. - 1: Target Running LED ON: program execution in target started. - 0: Target Running LED OFF: program execution in target stopped. */ static __inline void LED_RUNNING_OUT (uint32_t bit) { ; // Not available } ///@} //************************************************************************************************** /** \defgroup DAP_Config_Initialization_gr CMSIS-DAP Initialization \ingroup DAP_ConfigIO_gr @{ CMSIS-DAP Hardware I/O and LED Pins are initialized with the function \ref DAP_SETUP. */ /** Setup of the Debug Unit I/O pins and LEDs (called when Debug Unit is initialized). This function performs the initialization of the CMSIS-DAP Hardware I/O Pins and the Status LEDs. In detail the operation of Hardware I/O and LED pins are enabled and set: - I/O clock system enabled. - all I/O pins: input buffer enabled, output pins are set to HighZ mode. - for nTRST, nRESET a weak pull-up (if available) is enabled. - LED output pins are enabled and LEDs are turned off. */ static __inline void DAP_SETUP (void) { /* Enable clock and init GPIO outputs */ LPC_CCU1->CLK_M4_GPIO_CFG = CCU_CLK_CFG_AUTO | CCU_CLK_CFG_RUN; while (!(LPC_CCU1->CLK_M4_GPIO_STAT & CCU_CLK_STAT_RUN)); /* Configure I/O pins: function number, input buffer enabled, */ /* no pull-up/down except nRESET (pull-up) */ LPC_SCU->SFSP1_17 = 0 | SCU_SFS_EPUN|SCU_SFS_EZI; /* SWCLK/TCK: GPIO0[12] */ LPC_SCU->SFSP1_6 = 0 | SCU_SFS_EPUN|SCU_SFS_EZI; /* SWDIO/TMS: GPIO1[9] */ LPC_SCU->SFSP1_5 = 0 | SCU_SFS_EPUN|SCU_SFS_EZI; /* SWDIO_OE: GPIO1[8] */ LPC_SCU->SFSP1_18 = 0 | SCU_SFS_EPUN|SCU_SFS_EZI; /* TDI: GPIO0[13] */ LPC_SCU->SFSP1_14 = 0 | SCU_SFS_EPUN|SCU_SFS_EZI; /* TDO: GPIO1[7] */ LPC_SCU->SFSP2_5 = 4 | SCU_SFS_EZI; /* nRESET: GPIO5[5] */ LPC_SCU->SFSP2_6 = 4 | SCU_SFS_EPUN|SCU_SFS_EZI; /* nRESET_OE: GPIO5[6] */ LPC_SCU->SFSP1_1 = 0 | SCU_SFS_EPUN|SCU_SFS_EZI; /* LED: GPIO0[8] */ /* Configure: SWCLK/TCK, SWDIO/TMS, SWDIO_OE, TDI as outputs (high level) */ /* TDO as input */ /* nRESET as input with output latch set to low level */ /* nRESET_OE as output (low level) */ LPC_GPIO_PORT->SET[PIN_SWCLK_TCK_PORT] = (1 << PIN_SWCLK_TCK_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->SET[PIN_SWDIO_TMS_PORT] = (1 << PIN_SWDIO_TMS_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->SET[PIN_SWDIO_OE_PORT] = (1 << PIN_SWDIO_OE_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->SET[PIN_TDI_PORT] = (1 << PIN_TDI_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->CLR[PIN_nRESET_PORT] = (1 << PIN_nRESET_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->CLR[PIN_nRESET_OE_PORT] = (1 << PIN_nRESET_OE_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->DIR[PIN_SWCLK_TCK_PORT] |= (1 << PIN_SWCLK_TCK_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->DIR[PIN_SWDIO_TMS_PORT] |= (1 << PIN_SWDIO_TMS_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->DIR[PIN_SWDIO_OE_PORT] |= (1 << PIN_SWDIO_OE_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->DIR[PIN_TDI_PORT] |= (1 << PIN_TDI_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->DIR[PIN_TDO_PORT] &= ~(1 << PIN_TDO_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->DIR[PIN_nRESET_PORT] &= ~(1 << PIN_nRESET_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->DIR[PIN_nRESET_OE_PORT] |= (1 << PIN_nRESET_OE_BIT); /* Configure: LED as output (turned off) */ LPC_GPIO_PORT->CLR[LED_CONNECTED_PORT] = (1 << LED_CONNECTED_BIT); LPC_GPIO_PORT->DIR[LED_CONNECTED_PORT] |= (1 << LED_CONNECTED_BIT); } /** Reset Target Device with custom specific I/O pin or command sequence. This function allows the optional implementation of a device specific reset sequence. It is called when the command \ref DAP_ResetTarget and is for example required when a device needs a time-critical unlock sequence that enables the debug port. \return 0 = no device specific reset sequence is implemented.\n 1 = a device specific reset sequence is implemented. */ static __inline uint32_t RESET_TARGET (void) { return (0); // change to '1' when a device reset sequence is implemented } ///@} #endif /* __DAP_CONFIG_H__ */
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