A profile to detect when a SMS database has been changed
A belated reply. My solution below [let Tasker know when an SMS was sent]
follows Pent's outline.
Prereqs - you must:
0. be root
0. have sqlite3 installed
0. locate your message database (mmssms.db). Most likely this is in
1. Create a Profile with the context of Application - Messages (or whichever SMS apps you care about).
2. On-entry task:
2a.- Script Action, Run Shell, Command:
- sqlite3 [your message db full path] SELECT MAX(_id) FROM sms ;
- store output in %PrevMaxMsg
3. On-exit task:
3a.- Script Action, Run Shell, Command:
- sqlite3 [your message db full path] SELECT MAX(_id) FROM sms ;
- store output in %NowMaxMsg
3b. - If %PrevMaxMsg !~ %NowMaxMsg:
3c. - [your actions]
This works because the mmssms.db database contains a table (sms) which
holds the details of sms and mms messages drafted, sent, received and
failed. Getting and comparing MAX(_id) on entry and exit lets you know if a
new message has been created.
4. Note with this approach "[your actions]" will also occur for a drafted,
unsent message - this may be undesirable. For more granularity:
- replace the SQL queries in 2a and 3a with something like "SELECT type,
COUNT(*) FROM sms GROUP BY type ;"
- This results in "1|47 2|43 3|1 6|1", which are message states and
counts "1. Inbox (Received) = 47; 2. Sent = 43; 3. Draft = 1; 6. Queued
(for Send) = 1". These counts could be used to drive different behaviours.
- I understood the message states from