TAxThread - Inter thread message based communication - Delphi
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Alexandr Štefek
Military Academy in Brno
This paper present implementation of parallel execution.
If we use parallel proces in programs we have to solve synchronization.
We show the effective implementation of parallel execution without using critical sections, semaphores, mutexes or events.
The thread is system object defined on platform Win32.
SDK defines some method for thread creating and handling.
In real implementation must be defined the procedure for all parallel procedures.
If in system Win32 thread create new window handle then all messages are handled by this thread.
For this fact commes the idea of problem solution.
We can simply create window handle on executing thread.
When this thread executes loop for message handling it is possible to send special message to thread window handle.
The parameters of message can be method to execute and parameter for this method.
But method has 8 bytes and the message parameter only 4.
So we have allocate memory block, copy method to this block and send adress of allocated block.
Coding the method
We want to create class that has method for sync parallel and async parallel execution of methods.
Now we show, how to code the 8 byte method to 4 byte adress of method.
function TAxThread.NotifyEventToPointer( Proc : TNotifyEvent ) : Longint; var Method : TMethod absolute Proc; PMethod : ^TMethod; begin New( PMethod );
PMethod^ := Method; Result := Longint( PMethod ); end; procedure TAxThread.AsyncExecuteParallel( Proc : TNotifyEvent; ParamSender : TObject ); begin InterlockedIncrement( FMethodsToExecute ); PostMessageParallel( CM_EXECPROC_WORK_TRHREAD, NotifyEventToPointer( Proc ), Longint( ParamSender ) ); end; procedure TAxThread.ExecProcedure( var Message : TMessage ); var PMethod : ^TMethod; Method : TMethod; Event : TNotifyEvent absolute Method; begin PMethod := Pointer( message.WParam ); Method := PMethod^;
Event( TObject( message.LParam ) );
Dispose( PMethod );
if FThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId then InterlockedDecrement( FMethodsToExecute ); end;
NotifyEventToPointer is method for copying method to memory block.
Result of this method is adress of memory block.
Method ExeProcedure takes WParam of message, convert it back to method
and call decoded method with parametr defined by LParam of message.
Thread loop
We have to define thread message loop.
Delphi define basic thread class TThread.
This class has virtual method execute.
Defined class TAxThread is inherited from TThread.
Method TAxThread.Execute is overrided;
procedure TAxThread.Execute; var Msg : TMsg; Done : Boolean; begin CreateHandleParallel; FThreadID := GetCurrentThreadId; while not Terminated do begin if Done then begin FIdleData := nil; WaitMessage; end; while ProcessMessage( Msg ) do { loop }; Idle( FIdleData, Done ); end; end;
At first the class has to create handle (CreateHandleParallel).
Loop while waits for messages and handles incomming messages (ProcessMessage).
function TAxThread.ProcessMessage( var Msg : TMsg ) : Boolean; begin Result := False; if PeekMessage( Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) thenbegin Result := True; if Msg.Message <> WM_QUIT then begin TranslateMessage( Msg ); DispatchMessage( Msg ); end else Terminate; end; end;
Calling DispatchMessage dispatch current message to objects for execution.
If incomming method is CM_EXECUTE (defined in Delphi), then method ExecProcedure is called.
Sync and async execution
All parallel processing is sended to execution by message.
If we use for sending the API function SendMessage then the execution is synchronized
(actual thread is suspend, the context is switched, message is immediately handled and control is returned to sending thread).
The API function PostMessage puts the message to message queue and continue in execution.
When the message is peek from queue, is handled and method is executed.
// Asynchro execute on parallel thread procedure TAxThread.AsyncExecuteParallel( Proc : TNotifyEvent; ParamSender : TObject ); begin InterlockedIncrement( FMethodsToExecute ); PostMessageParallel( CM_EXECPROC, NotifyEventToPointer( Proc ), Longint( ParamSender ) ); end; // Synchro execute on parallel thread procedure TAxThread.SyncExecuteParallel( Proc : TNotifyEvent; ParamSender : TObject ); begin InterlockedIncrement( FMethodsToExecute ); SendMessageParallel( CM_EXECPROC, NotifyEventToPointer( Proc ), Longint( ParamSender ) ); end;
Introduced method AsyncExecuteParallel is used for async parallel execution
(execution on selected thread) of method Proc with parameter ParamSender.
Method SyncExecuteParallel runs method Proc with parameter ParamSender synchronously (waits for execution).
The thread defines method for execution on main thread (AsyncExecuteMain, SyncExecuteMain).
For example of using define class
type TMainForm = class( TForm ) btnRandomize : TButton; imgResult : TImage; pbProgress : TProgressBar; btnMulti : TButton; procedure FormCreate( Sender : TObject ); procedure FormDestroy( Sender : TObject ); procedure btnRandomizeClick( Sender : TObject ); procedure btnMultiClick( Sender : TObject ); private { Private declarations } FExecutingThread : TAxThread; public { Public declarations } procedure RandomizeBMP( Data : TObject ); procedure DoUpdate( Data : TObject ); procedure Progress( Data : TObject ); end;
Private variable FExecutingThread is thread on witch the metods will be executed.
There are three public method in form of TNotifyEvent (can be executed on selected thread).
procedure TMainForm.btnRandomizeClick( Sender : TObject ); var PomBMP : TBitmap; begin if FExecutingThread = nil then FExecutingThread := TAxThread.Create; PomBMP := TBitmap.Create; PomBMP.Width := 200; PomBMP.Height := 200; PomBMP.PixelFormat := pf24bit; FExecutingThread.AsyncExecuteParallel( RandomizeBMP, PomBMP ); end;
When user clicked on button then method btnRandomizeClick is called.
Method calls AsyncExecuteParallel.
Main thread continue in responsing to user interaction.
When the thread contrext is switched, FExecutingThread begins execute then method RandomizeBMP.
procedure TMainForm.RandomizeBMP( Data : TObject ); var CurrentThread : TAxThread; PomBMP : TBitmap; I : Longint; X : Longint; Y : Longint; Color : Longint; begin if not( Data is TBitmap ) then Exit; PomBMP := Data as TBitmap; CurrentThread := TAxThread.GetCurrentThread; I := 0; try PomBMP.Canvas.Lock; while not CurrentThread.Terminated do begin Inc( I ); if I > MaxPoints then Break; X := Random( 200 ); Y := Random( 200 ); Color := Random( 256 ) * 256 * 256 + Random( 256 ) * 256 + Random( 256 ); if ( I mod ( MaxPoints div 100 ) ) = 0 then CurrentThread.SyncExecuteMain( Progress, TObject( I ) ); // slow for demonstration PomBMP.Canvas.Pixels[ X, Y ] := Color; end; finally PomBMP.Canvas.Unlock; CurrentThread.AsyncExecuteMain( DoUpdate, PomBMP ); end; end;
Method RandomizeBMP decode parameter as Bitmap and fills it with some random points.
When randomize is finished, the thread notify main thread (CurrentThread.AsyncExecuteMain).
We present implementation of thread class for async (sync) execution.
The designed library has very effective method for developing of parallel computing.
1 unit AxThreads2; 2 3 interface 4 5 uses 6 Windows, Classes, SysUtils, Controls, Forms, Messages; 7 8 const 9 CM_EXECPROC = $8FFF; 10 11 type 12 TIdleEvent = procedure( var Data : TObject; var Done : Boolean ) of object; 13 14 TAxThread = class( TThread ) 15 private 16 FThreadID : Longint; 17 FOnIdle : TIdleEvent; 18 FIdleData : TObject; 19 FWndHandleParallel : LongWord; 20 FWndHandleMain : LongWord; 21 22 FMethodsToExecute : Longint; 23 procedure SetOnIdle( const Value : TIdleEvent ); 24 protected 25 procedure CreateHandleParallel; 26 procedure DestroyHandleParallel; 27 procedure CreateHandleMain; 28 procedure DestroyHandleMain; 29 30 procedure MessageProcedure( var Message : TMessage ); virtual; 31 32 procedure ExecProcedure( var Message : TMessage ); message CM_EXECPROC; 33 procedure Execute; override; 34 procedure Idle( var Data : TObject; var Done : Boolean ); virtual; 35 36 function ProcessMessage( var Msg : TMsg ) : Boolean; 37 38 function NotifyEventToPointer( Proc : TNotifyEvent ) : Longint; 39 public 40 constructor Create; 41 destructor Destroy; override; 42 43 // Posts a null message to parallel thread 44 procedure WakeUp; 45 46 class function GetCurrentThread : TAxThread; 47 // sends a message to main thread 48 function SendMessageMain( Msg, WParam, LParam : LongWord ) : Longint; 49 // posts a message to main thread 50 function PostMessageMain( Msg, WParam, LParam : LongWord ) : LongBool; 51 52 // sends a message to parallel thread 53 function SendMessageParallel( Msg, WParam, LParam : LongWord ) : Longint; 54 // posts a message to parallel thread 55 function PostMessageParallel( Msg, WParam, LParam : LongWord ) : LongBool; 56 57 // for compatibility 58 function SendMessage( Msg, WParam, LParam : LongWord ) : Longint; 59 function PostMessage( Msg, WParam, LParam : LongWord ) : LongBool; 60 61 // Synchro execute on parallel thread 62 procedure SyncExecuteParallel( Proc : TNotifyEvent; ParamSender : TObject ); 63 // Asynchro execute on parallel thread 64 procedure AsyncExecuteParallel( Proc : TNotifyEvent; 65 ParamSender : TObject ); 66 67 // Synchro execute on main thread 68 procedure SyncExecuteMain( Proc : TNotifyEvent; ParamSender : TObject ); 69 // Asynchro execute on main thread 70 procedure AsyncExecuteMain( Proc : TNotifyEvent; ParamSender : TObject ); 71 72 // for compatibility 73 procedure SyncExecute( Proc : TNotifyEvent; ParamSender : TObject ); 74 procedure AsyncExecute( Proc : TNotifyEvent; ParamSender : TObject ); 75 76 // handle for main thread 77 property WndHandleMain : LongWord read FWndHandleMain; 78 79 // handle for parallel thread 80 property WndHandleParallel : LongWord read FWndHandleParallel; 81 82 // idle event for parallel thread 83 property OnIdle : TIdleEvent read FOnIdle write SetOnIdle; 84 85 property MethodsToExecute : Longint read FMethodsToExecute; 86 87 property Terminated; 88 end; 89 90 implementation 91 92 { TAxThread } 93 var 94 AxThreads : TThreadList; 95 96 procedure TAxThread.CreateHandleParallel; 97 begin 98 FWndHandleParallel := AllocateHWnd( MessageProcedure ); 99 end; 100 101 procedure TAxThread.MessageProcedure( var Message : TMessage ); 102 begin 103 Dispatch( message ); 104 end; 105 106 procedure TAxThread.DestroyHandleParallel; 107 begin 108 DeallocateHWnd( FWndHandleParallel ); 109 FWndHandleParallel := 0; 110 end; 111 112 constructor TAxThread.Create; 113 begin 114 // this must by synchonized because of MainThread Context 115 FMethodsToExecute := 0; 116 117 inherited Create( False ); 118 Synchronize( CreateHandleMain ); 119 120 if AxThreads = nil then 121 AxThreads := TThreadList.Create; 122 123 AxThreads.Add( Self ); 124 end; 125 126 destructor TAxThread.Destroy; 127 begin 128 Terminate; 129 WakeUp; 130 inherited; 131 DestroyHandleParallel; 132 DestroyHandleMain; 133 134 AxThreads.Remove( Self ); 135 end; 136 137 procedure TAxThread.AsyncExecuteParallel( Proc : TNotifyEvent; 138 ParamSender : TObject ); 139 begin 140 InterlockedIncrement( FMethodsToExecute ); 141 PostMessageParallel( CM_EXECPROC, NotifyEventToPointer( Proc ), 142 Longint( ParamSender ) ); 143 end; 144 145 procedure TAxThread.SyncExecuteParallel( Proc : TNotifyEvent; 146 ParamSender : TObject ); 147 begin 148 InterlockedIncrement( FMethodsToExecute ); 149 SendMessageParallel( CM_EXECPROC, NotifyEventToPointer( Proc ), 150 Longint( ParamSender ) ); 151 end; 152 153 procedure TAxThread.ExecProcedure( var Message : TMessage ); 154 var 155 PMethod : ^TMethod; 156 Method : TMethod; 157 Event : TNotifyEvent absolute Method; 158 begin 159 PMethod := Pointer( message.WParam ); 160 161 Method := PMethod^; 162 Event( TObject( message.LParam ) ); 163 164 Dispose( PMethod ); 165 if FThreadID = GetCurrentThreadId then 166 InterlockedDecrement( FMethodsToExecute ); 167 end; 168 169 procedure TAxThread.Execute; 170 var 171 Msg : TMsg; 172 Done : Boolean; 173 begin 174 CreateHandleParallel; 175 FThreadID := GetCurrentThreadId; 176 177 while not Terminated do 178 begin 179 if Done then 180 begin 181 FIdleData := nil; 182 WaitMessage; 183 end; 184 while ProcessMessage( Msg ) do { loop }; 185 Idle( FIdleData, Done ); 186 end; 187 end; 188 189 procedure TAxThread.CreateHandleMain; 190 begin 191 FWndHandleMain := AllocateHWnd( MessageProcedure ); 192 end; 193 194 procedure TAxThread.DestroyHandleMain; 195 begin 196 DeallocateHWnd( FWndHandleMain ); 197 FWndHandleMain := 0; 198 end; 199 200 procedure TAxThread.AsyncExecuteMain( Proc : TNotifyEvent; 201 ParamSender : TObject ); 202 begin 203 PostMessageMain( CM_EXECPROC, NotifyEventToPointer( Proc ), 204 Longint( ParamSender ) ); 205 end; 206 207 procedure TAxThread.SyncExecuteMain( Proc : TNotifyEvent; 208 ParamSender : TObject ); 209 begin 210 SendMessageMain( CM_EXECPROC, NotifyEventToPointer( Proc ), 211 Longint( ParamSender ) ); 212 end; 213 214 function TAxThread.PostMessageMain( Msg, WParam, LParam : LongWord ) : LongBool; 215 begin 216 Result := Windows.PostMessage( FWndHandleMain, Msg, WParam, LParam ); 217 end; 218 219 function TAxThread.PostMessageParallel( Msg, WParam, LParam : LongWord ) 220 : LongBool; 221 begin 222 while FWndHandleParallel = 0 do 223 SwitchToThread; 224 225 Result := Windows.PostMessage( FWndHandleParallel, Msg, WParam, LParam ); 226 end; 227 228 function TAxThread.SendMessageMain( Msg, WParam, LParam : LongWord ) : Longint; 229 begin 230 Result := Windows.SendMessage( FWndHandleMain, Msg, WParam, LParam ); 231 end; 232 233 function TAxThread.SendMessageParallel( Msg, WParam, LParam : LongWord ) 234 : Longint; 235 begin 236 while FWndHandleParallel = 0 do 237 SwitchToThread; 238 239 Result := Windows.SendMessage( FWndHandleParallel, Msg, WParam, LParam ); 240 end; 241 242 procedure TAxThread.Idle( var Data : TObject; var Done : Boolean ); 243 begin 244 if Assigned( FOnIdle ) then 245 FOnIdle( Data, Done ) 246 else 247 Done := True; 248 end; 249 250 function TAxThread.ProcessMessage( var Msg : TMsg ) : Boolean; 251 begin 252 Result := False; 253 if PeekMessage( Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) then 254 begin 255 Result := True; 256 if Msg.Message <> WM_QUIT then 257 begin 258 TranslateMessage( Msg ); 259 DispatchMessage( Msg ); 260 end 261 else 262 Terminate; 263 end; 264 end; 265 266 procedure TAxThread.SetOnIdle( const Value : TIdleEvent ); 267 begin 268 FOnIdle := Value; 269 SendMessageParallel( 0, 0, 0 ); 270 end; 271 272 procedure TAxThread.AsyncExecute( Proc : TNotifyEvent; ParamSender : TObject ); 273 begin 274 AsyncExecuteParallel( Proc, ParamSender ); 275 end; 276 277 procedure TAxThread.SyncExecute( Proc : TNotifyEvent; ParamSender : TObject ); 278 begin 279 SyncExecuteParallel( Proc, ParamSender ); 280 end; 281 282 function TAxThread.PostMessage( Msg, WParam, LParam : LongWord ) : LongBool; 283 begin 284 Result := PostMessageParallel( Msg, WParam, LParam ); 285 end; 286 287 function TAxThread.SendMessage( Msg, WParam, LParam : LongWord ) : Longint; 288 begin 289 Result := SendMessageParallel( Msg, WParam, LParam ); 290 end; 291 292 function TAxThread.NotifyEventToPointer( Proc : TNotifyEvent ) : Longint; 293 var 294 Method : TMethod absolute Proc; 295 PMethod : ^TMethod; 296 begin 297 New( PMethod ); 298 PMethod^ := Method; 299 Result := Longint( PMethod ); 300 end; 301 302 procedure TAxThread.WakeUp; 303 begin 304 PostMessageParallel( 0, 0, 0 ); 305 end; 306 307 class function TAxThread.GetCurrentThread : TAxThread; 308 var 309 PomList : TList; 310 PomIndex : Longint; 311 ThreadID : Longint; 312 begin 313 Result := nil; 314 if AxThreads = nil then 315 Exit; 316 317 ThreadID := GetCurrentThreadId; 318 PomList := AxThreads.LockList; 319 try 320 for PomIndex := 0 to PomList.Count - 1 do 321 begin 322 Result := TAxThread( PomList[ PomIndex ] ); 323 if Result.FThreadID = ThreadID then 324 Break; 325 Result := nil; 326 end; 327 finally 328 AxThreads.UnlockList; 329 end; 330 end; 331 332 end.
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