随笔分类 - Tasker
摘要:http://techsplurge.com/4926/android-awesome-15-tasker-profiles-tutorials/Yeah I know, there’s SetCPU app for under/over clocking CPU but it cannot be ...
摘要:Task / Shortcut WidgetsThe standard way of running a Tasker task is by attaching it to a profile which performs it when the profile becomes active. Ho...
摘要:When using Tasker, sometimes we want to do some automation on screen e.g. screen or button taps.At present, there are some ways can reach it.1."Input"...
摘要:I use something similar but thought I'd mention this 'bug' that can happen:when you INSERT '%wa_message' into 'data', bear in mind your typed message ...
摘要:http://technologyworkroom.blogspot.sg/2013/05/tasker-how-to-read-out-whatsapp.htmlTasker can read out incoming or stored WhatsApp Messages, I used Tas...
摘要:Android Tasker应用之自动查询并显示话费流量套餐信息虽然Android平台有非常多的流量监控软件,但最准确的流量数据还是掌握在运营商手里。有些朋友可能像我一样时不时地发短信查询流量信息,这个操作在智能手机上显得太不智能了,本文将用Tasker让这个操作变得智能化。1、功能需求每天早上闹钟...
摘要:WhatsApp & Tasker for Android – Read & Write messagesThe requirement for the automation is that, if I send a WhatsApp ‘wru’ message to the phone,it sh...
摘要:http://www.pocketables.com/2013/03/overview-of-pocketables-tasker-articles.htmlI write a lot about Tasker, and the problem is that the more articles t...
摘要:First you need 3 profiles to monitor the phone state:Event: Phone IdleVariable Clear %PhoningEvent: Phone OffhookVariable Set, %Phoning, 1Event: Phone...
摘要:If you are using proximity screen off pro or smart screen off, you may know how convenient it is to automate our lives via built-in proximity sensor.N...
摘要:We used to be told that tasker is only capable of detecting foreground application, if the app gets into background running, it would see it as exit.I...
摘要:To perform this mission, Tap the tab "tasks" of Tasker, create a task as below.Task: (ES FTP Toggle)Action 1: task-If, %ESFTP !~ On -------- here ...
摘要:in my previous entry, i posed an idea how to use the built-in proximity sensor to turn the screen off and locked. hereinafter i will show you how to u...
摘要:nowadays, the smartphone is getting bigger in size, eg. samsung galaxy note and note 2, sorta big in size, which you will have to use a leather protec...
摘要:If you usually like to use Poweramp or any other media player to enjoy the music with headset plugged, once you check the option “respond to headset b...
摘要:Tasker to auto record incoming or outgoing callmost of time, i was thinking of tasker can do the job like callrecorder? if yes, how to do?well, after ...
摘要:I happen to find that for GSM standard phone, call duration would be created into sql database only if the outgoing call is being answered, orafter ha...
摘要:http://webmail.dev411.com/t/gg/tasker/12bdddbsak/a-profile-to-detect-when-a-sms-has-been-sentA belated reply. My solution below [let Tasker know when ...
摘要:Here is My code snippet:Uri mUri = Uri.parse("smsto:+9876543210");Intent mIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO, mUri);mIntent.setPackage("com.what...
摘要:http://stackoverflow.com.80bola.com/questions/21544271/android-tasker-app-advance-input-shell-commandI have this shell command in androidinput tap 653...