随笔分类 - ECLIPSE
摘要:Mark OccurrencesThe Mark Occurrences feature enables you to see where an element is referenced by simply clicking on the element in the editor.When th...
摘要:CTRL + space in the textboxes gives you all kinds of suggestions for regular expression writing.查找替换Be sure to check out the \C regular expression ope...
摘要:Version 3.6 - Last revised August 5, 2009The Eclipse platform is highly configurable. Configuration input takes the form of command line arguments and...
摘要:eclipse.ini 文件使用说明The -vm option and its value (the path) must be on separate lines.The value must be the full absolute or relative path to the Java e...
摘要:eclipse CDT建立project后在project name对应的目录下面会生成.project和.cproject两个隐藏文件。eclipse java建立project后在project name对应的目录下面会生成.project和.classpath两个隐藏文件。.project文件大小2~3K Bytes , 该文件是针对eclipse的project Description ,.cproject文件大小是10~12K Bytes,该文件是针对CDT插件的project Description ,.classpath文件大小有1~3 M Bytes , 该文件是针对java插
摘要:http://www.allapplabs.com/eclipse/eclipse_shortcuts.htmEclipse ShortcutsNavigational ShortcutsF10Main menuShift F10Context menuCtrl F10View menuWorkspace navigationF12Activate editorCtrl+Shift+WSwitch editorCtrl F6Next editorCtrl Shift F6Prev editorCtrl F7Next workspaceCtrl Shift F7Prev workspaceCtr
摘要:How do I make a lower case string in Eclipse to be upper case?Using Eclipse, I want to select a string and either uppercase it or lower case it.How?By default, the hotkey :changes to lower case : CTRL + SHIFT + Ychanges to upper case : CTRL + SHIFT + Xdo you know if this can be added to the Eclipse
摘要:Windows → Preferences → Java → Editor → Content Assist将 Auto activation delay(ms): 改成 20 即可!将 Auto activation triggers for java: 的默认值“.”改为.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
摘要:http://www.eclipse.org/tptp/home/downloads/installguide/gla_42/ref/rregexp.htmlRegular expression grammarThe Adapter Configuration Editor allows you to use regular expressions to describe how log files should be transformed into Common Base Event records. The following tables are a guideline to regu
摘要:The two main areas that control the IDE's coloring:Window | Preference | Java | Editor | Syntax ColoringWindow | Preference | General | Editors | Text EditorsThese preferences are saved in:[workspace]\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings\org.eclipse.jdt.ui.prefs[workspace]\.meta