调色板横空的功能在于缓解位图文件存储空间过大的问题, 完全利用(R,G,B)组合来存储一个800×600的位图所需要的空间为
800×600×3 = 1440000(字节)= 1.37M(字节), 假设位图为16色, 只需要用4个bit就可以存储这个位图的每个像素在16
800×600×4/8 = 240000(字节)= 0.22 M(字节)
DDB位图(Device-dependent bitmap,与设备相关的位图)
DIB位图(Device-independent bitmap,与设备无关的位图)
typedef struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER { WORD bfType; //文件类型,必须是0x424D,即字符串"BM" DWORD bfSize; //文件大小,包括BITMAPFILEHEADER的14个字节 WORD bfReserved1; //保留字 WORD bfReserved2; //保留字 DWORD bfOffBits; //从文件头到实际的位图数据的偏移字节数 } BITMAPFILEHEADER;
typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER { DWORD biSize; //本结构的长度,为40 LONG biWidth; //图象的宽度,单位是象素 LONG biHeight; //图象的高度,单位是象素 WORD biPlanes; //必须是1 WORD biBitCount; //表示颜色时要用到的位数,1(单色), 4(16色), 8(256色), 24(真彩色) DWORD biCompression; //指定位图是否压缩,有效的值为BI_RGB,BI_RLE8,BI_RLE4,BI_BITFIELDS等,BI_RGB表示不压缩 DWORD biSizeImage; //实际的位图数据占用的字节数,即 biSizeImage=biWidth’ × biHeight,biWidth’是biWidth 按照4的整倍数调整后的结果 LONG biXPelsPerMeter; //目标设备的水平分辨率,单位是每米的象素个数 LONG biYPelsPerMeter; //目标设备的垂直分辨率,单位是每米的象素个数 DWORD biClrUsed; //位图实际用到的颜色数,0表示颜色数为2biBitCount DWORD biClrImportant; //位图中重要的颜色数,0表示所有颜色都重要 } BITMAPINFOHEADER;
16位中,最低的5位表示蓝色分量,中间的5位表示绿色分量,高的5位表示红色分量,一共占用了15位,最高的一位保留,设为0。这种格式也被称作555 16位位图。
分别用于描述红、绿、蓝分量在16位中所占的位置。在Windows 95(或98)中,系统可接受两种格式的位域:555和565;
typedef struct tagRGBQUAD { BYTE rgbBlue; //蓝色分量 BYTE rgbGreen; //绿色分量 BYTE rgbRed; //红色分量 BYTE rgbReserved; //保留值 } RGBQUAD;
here are two varieties of DIBs:
- A bottom-up DIB, in which the origin lies at the lower-left corner.
- A top-down DIB, in which the origin lies at the upper-left corner.
typedef struct tagBITMAP { /* bm */ int bmType; int bmWidth; int bmHeight; int bmWidthBytes; BYTE bmPlanes; BYTE bmBitsPixel; LPVOID bmBits; } BITMAP;
There are two types of DDBs: discardable and nondiscardable.
A discardable DDB is a bitmap that the system discards if the bitmap is not selected into a DC and if system memory is low.
The CreateDiscardableBitmap function creates discardable bitmaps.
The CreateBitmap, CreateCompatibleBitmap, and CreateBitmapIndirect functions create nondiscardable bitmaps.
An application can create a DDB from a DIB by
initializing the required structures and calling the CreateDIBitmap function.
Specifying CBM_INIT in the call to CreateDIBitmap is equivalent
1) to calling the CreateCompatibleBitmap function to create a DDB in the format of the device and then
2) calling the SetDIBits function to translate the DIB bits to the DDB.
To determine whether a device supports the SetDIBits function,
call the GetDeviceCaps function, specifying RC_DI_BITMAP as the RASTERCAPS flag.
An application can create a DIB from a DDB by
1) initializing the required structures and
2) calling the GetDIBits function.
To determine whether a device supports this function,
call the GetDeviceCaps function, specifying RC_DI_BITMAP as the RASTERCAPS flag.
The following structures are used with bitmaps:
The following functions are used with bitmaps.
Function | Description |
AlphaBlend | Displays a bitmap with transparent or semitransparent pixels. |
BitBlt | Performs a bit-block transfer. |
CreateBitmap | Creates a bitmap. |
CreateBitmapIndirect | Creates a bitmap. |
CreateCompatibleBitmap | Creates a bitmap compatible with a device. |
CreateDIBitmap | Creates a device-dependent bitmap (DDB) from a DIB. |
CreateDIBSection | Creates a DIB that applications can write to directly. |
ExtFloodFill | Fills an area of the display surface with the current brush. |
GetBitmapDimensionEx | Gets the dimensions of a bitmap. |
GetDIBColorTable | Retrieves RGB color values from a DIB section bitmap. |
GetDIBits | Copies a bitmap into a buffer. |
GetPixel | Gets the RGB color value of the pixel at a given coordinate. |
GetStretchBltMode | Gets the current stretching mode. |
GradientFill | Fills rectangle and triangle structures. |
LoadBitmap | Loads a bitmap from a module's executable file. |
MaskBlt | Combines the color data in the source and destination bitmaps. |
PlgBlt | Performs a bit-block transfer. |
SetBitmapDimensionEx | Sets the preferred dimensions to a bitmap. |
SetDIBColorTable | Sets RGB values in a DIB. |
SetDIBits | Sets the pixels in a bitmap using color data from a DIB. |
SetDIBitsToDevice | Sets the pixels in a rectangle using color data from a DIB. |
SetPixel | Sets the color for a pixel. |
SetPixelV | Sets a pixel to the best approximation of a color. |
SetStretchBltMode | Sets the bitmap stretching mode. |
StretchBlt | Copies a bitmap and stretches or compresses it. |
StretchDIBits | Copies the color data in a DIB. |
TransparentBlt | Performs a bit-block transfer of color data. |
Obsolete Functions
The following functions are provided only for compatibility with 16-bit versions of Microsoft Windows:
// DDBToDIB - Creates a DIB from a DDB // bitmap - Device dependent bitmap // dwCompression - Type of compression - see BITMAPINFOHEADER // pPal - Logical palette HANDLE DDBToDIB( CBitmap& bitmap, DWORD dwCompression, CPalette* pPal ) { BITMAP bm; BITMAPINFOHEADER bi; LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi; DWORD dwLen; HANDLE hDIB; HANDLE handle; HDC hDC; HPALETTE hPal; ASSERT( bitmap.GetSafeHandle() ); // The function has no arg for bitfields if( dwCompression == BI_BITFIELDS ) return NULL; // If a palette has not been supplied use defaul palette hPal = (HPALETTE) pPal->GetSafeHandle(); if (hPal==NULL) hPal = (HPALETTE) GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE); // Get bitmap information bitmap.GetObject(sizeof(bm),(LPSTR)&bm); // Initialize the bitmapinfoheader bi.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bi.biWidth = bm.bmWidth; bi.biHeight = bm.bmHeight; bi.biPlanes = 1; bi.biBitCount = bm.bmPlanes * bm.bmBitsPixel; bi.biCompression = dwCompression; bi.biSizeImage = 0; bi.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bi.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; bi.biClrUsed = 0; bi.biClrImportant = 0; // Compute the size of the infoheader and the color table int nColors = (1 << bi.biBitCount); if( nColors > 256 ) nColors = 0; dwLen = bi.biSize + nColors * sizeof(RGBQUAD); // We need a device context to get the DIB from hDC = GetDC(NULL); hPal = SelectPalette(hDC,hPal,FALSE); RealizePalette(hDC); // Allocate enough memory to hold bitmapinfoheader and color table hDIB = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED,dwLen); if (!hDIB) { SelectPalette(hDC,hPal,FALSE); ReleaseDC(NULL,hDC); return NULL; } lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)hDIB; *lpbi = bi; // Call GetDIBits with a NULL lpBits param, so the device driver // will calculate the biSizeImage field GetDIBits(hDC, (HBITMAP)bitmap.GetSafeHandle(), 0L, (DWORD)bi.biHeight, (LPBYTE)NULL, (LPBITMAPINFO)lpbi, (DWORD)DIB_RGB_COLORS); bi = *lpbi; // If the driver did not fill in the biSizeImage field, then compute it // Each scan line of the image is aligned on a DWORD (32bit) boundary if (bi.biSizeImage == 0) { bi.biSizeImage = ((((bi.biWidth * bi.biBitCount) + 31) & ~31) / 8) * bi.biHeight; // If a compression scheme is used the result may infact be larger // Increase the size to account for this. if (dwCompression != BI_RGB) bi.biSizeImage = (bi.biSizeImage * 3) / 2; } // Realloc the buffer so that it can hold all the bits dwLen += bi.biSizeImage; if (handle = GlobalReAlloc(hDIB, dwLen, GMEM_MOVEABLE)) hDIB = handle; else { GlobalFree(hDIB); // Reselect the original palette SelectPalette(hDC,hPal,FALSE); ReleaseDC(NULL,hDC); return NULL; } // Get the bitmap bits lpbi = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)hDIB; // FINALLY get the DIB BOOL bGotBits = GetDIBits( hDC, (HBITMAP)bitmap.GetSafeHandle(), 0L,// Start scan line (DWORD)bi.biHeight,// # of scan lines (LPBYTE)lpbi// address for bitmap bits + (bi.biSize + nColors * sizeof(RGBQUAD)), (LPBITMAPINFO)lpbi,// address of bitmapinfo (DWORD)DIB_RGB_COLORS);// Use RGB for color table if( !bGotBits ) { GlobalFree(hDIB); SelectPalette(hDC,hPal,FALSE); ReleaseDC(NULL,hDC); return NULL; } SelectPalette(hDC,hPal,FALSE); ReleaseDC(NULL,hDC); return hDIB; }
function DIBToDDB( hDIB : THandle ) : HBitmap; var lpbi : PBitmapInfoHeader; hbm : HBitmap; Pal, OldPal : HPalette; dc : HDC; nSize : Word; pLP : PLogPalette; nColors, i : Integer; lpDIBBits : Pointer; bmInfo : PBitmapInfo; bmicoloraddr : PChar; bmisum : PChar; bmisumncolor : PChar; begin if ( hDIB = 0 ) then begin DIBToDDB := 0; exit; end; dc := GetDC( 0 ); Pal := 0; lpbi := PBitmapInfoHeader( hDIB ); if ( lpbi^.biClrUsed > 0 ) then nColors := lpbi^.biClrUsed else nColors := 1 shl lpbi^.biBitCount; bmicoloraddr := PChar( @( bmInfo^.bmiColors ) ); bmisum := bmicoloraddr + ( bmInfo^.bmiHeader.biClrUsed * sizeof( DWORD ) ); if bmInfo^.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS then bmisum := bmisum + ( 3 * sizeof( DWORD ) ); bmisumncolor := bmicoloraddr + ( nColors * sizeof( DWORD ) ); if bmInfo^.bmiHeader.biBitCount > 8 then lpDIBBits := Pointer( bmisum ) else lpDIBBits := Pointer( bmisumncolor ); if ( nColors <= 256 and ( GetDeviceCaps( dc, RASTERCAPS ) and RC_PALETTE ) ) then begin // Create and select a logical palette if needed nSize := sizeof( TLogPalette ) + ( sizeof( TPaletteEntry ) * nColors ); GetMem( pLP, nSize ); pLP^.palVersion := $0300; pLP^.palNumEntries := nColors; for i := 0 to nColors do begin pLP^.palPalEntry[ i ].peRed := bmInfo.bmiColors[ i ].rgbRed; pLP^.palPalEntry[ i ].peGreen := bmInfo.bmiColors[ i ].rgbGreen; pLP^.palPalEntry[ i ].peBlue := bmInfo.bmiColors[ i ].rgbBlue; pLP^.palPalEntry[ i ].peFlags := 0; end; Pal := CreatePalette( pLP^ ); FreeMem( pLP ); OldPal := SelectPalette( dc, Pal, False ); // select and realize the palette RealizePalette( dc ); end; hbm := CreateDIBitmap( dc, ( PBitmapInfoHeader( lpbi ) )^, LongInt( CBM_INIT ), lpDIBBits, ( PBitmapInfo( lpbi ) )^, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); if Pal <> 0 then SelectPalette( dc, OldPal, False ); ReleaseDC( 0, dc ); Result := hbm; end;
function DDBToDIB( hbmp : HBitmap; bits : UINT ) : THandle; var hDIB : THandle; dc : HDC; bmp : BITMAP; wLineLen : UINT; dwSize : DWORD; wColSize : DWORD; lpbi : PBitmapInfoHeader; lpBits : ^Byte; begin // Create a DIB that we can write to the AVI stream. GetObject( hbmp, sizeof( BITMAP ), @bmp ); wLineLen := ( bmp.bmWidth * bits + 31 ) div 32 * 4; if bits <= 8 then wColSize := sizeof( RGBQUAD ) * ( 1 shl bits ) else wColSize := 0; dwSize := sizeof( TBitmapInfoHeader ) + wColSize + wLineLen * bmp.bmHeight; hDIB := GlobalAlloc( GHND, dwSize ); if hDIB = 0 then begin Result := hDIB; exit; end; lpbi := GlobalLock( hDIB ); lpbi^.biSize := sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ); lpbi^.biWidth := bmp.bmWidth; lpbi^.biHeight := bmp.bmHeight; lpbi^.biPlanes := 1; lpbi^.biBitCount := bits; lpbi^.biCompression := BI_RGB; lpbi^.biSizeImage := dwSize - sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) - wColSize; lpbi^.biXPelsPerMeter := 0; lpbi^.biYPelsPerMeter := 0; if bits <= 8 then lpbi^.biClrUsed := 1 shl bits else lpbi^.biClrUsed := 0; lpbi^.biClrImportant := 0; lpBits := Pointer( Integer( lpbi ) + sizeof( TBitmapInfoHeader ) + wColSize ); dc := CreateCompatibleDC( 0 ); GetDIBits( dc, hbmp, 0, bmp.bmHeight, lpBits, PBitmapInfo( lpbi )^, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); if bits <= 8 then lpbi^.biClrUsed := 1 shl bits else lpbi^.biClrUsed := 0; DeleteDC( dc ); GlobalUnlock( hDIB ); Result := hDIB; end; procedure SaveDibToFile( hDIB : THandle; FileName : string ); var bmfh : BITMAPFILEHEADER; lbmpHdr : PBitmapInfoHeader; Afile : HFILE; Aof : TOFSTRUCT; begin lbmpHdr := GlobalLock( hDIB ); bmfh.bfType := $4D42; // 'BM'for bitmap*/ bmfh.bfSize := sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) + sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ) + lbmpHdr.biClrUsed * 4 + lbmpHdr.biSizeImage; bmfh.bfReserved1 := 0; bmfh.bfReserved2 := 0; bmfh.bfOffBits := sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ) + sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) + lbmpHdr.biClrUsed * 4; Afile := OpenFile( PChar( FileName ), Aof, OF_CREATE or OF_WRITE ); _lwrite( Afile, PChar( @bmfh ), sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ) ); _lwrite( Afile, PChar( lbmpHdr ), GlobalSize( hDIB ) ); _lclose( Afile ); end;
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