Bucket Brigade FIFO SRL16E ( VHDL )

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  1 -- 'Bucket Brigade' FIFO  
  2 -- 16 deep
  3 -- 8-bit data
  4 --
  5 -- Version : 1.10 
  6 -- Version Date : 3rd December 2003
  7 -- Reason : '--translate' directives changed to '--synthesis translate' directives
  8 --
  9 -- Version : 1.00
 10 -- Version Date : 14th October 2002
 11 --
 12 -- Start of design entry : 14th October 2002
 13 --
 14 -- Ken Chapman
 15 -- Xilinx Ltd
 16 -- Benchmark House
 17 -- 203 Brooklands Road
 18 -- Weybridge
 19 -- Surrey KT13 ORH
 20 -- United Kingdom
 21 --
 22 -- chapman@xilinx.com
 23 --
 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 25 --
 26 -- NOTICE:
 27 --
 28 -- Copyright Xilinx, Inc. 2002.   This code may be contain portions patented by other 
 29 -- third parties.  By providing this core as one possible implementation of a standard,
 30 -- Xilinx is making no representation that the provided implementation of this standard 
 31 -- is free from any claims of infringement by any third party.  Xilinx expressly 
 32 -- disclaims any warranty with respect to the adequacy of the implementation, including 
 33 -- but not limited to any warranty or representation that the implementation is free 
 34 -- from claims of any third party.  Futhermore, Xilinx is providing this core as a 
 35 -- courtesy to you and suggests that you contact all third parties to obtain the 
 36 -- necessary rights to use this implementation.
 37 --
 38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 39 --
 40 -- Library declarations
 41 --
 42 -- The Unisim Library is used to define Xilinx primitives. It is also used during
 43 -- simulation. The source can be viewed at %XILINX%\vhdl\src\unisims\unisim_VCOMP.vhd
 44 --
 45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 47 library IEEE;
 48 use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
 51 library unisim;
 52 use unisim.vcomponents.all;
 54 entity bbfifo_comp is
 55   generic ( C_DWIDTH : positive := 8);
 56   port (
 57     i_reset             : in std_logic;
 58     i_clock             : in std_logic;
 59     i_fifo_wr           : in std_logic;
 60     i_fifo_rd           : in std_logic;
 61     o_fifo_full         : out std_logic;
 62     o_fifo_half_full    : out std_logic;
 63     o_fifo_data_present : out std_logic;
 64     i_fifo_wdata        : in std_logic_vector(C_DWIDTH-1 downto 0);
 65     o_fifo_rdata        : out std_logic_vector(C_DWIDTH-1 downto 0));
 66 end bbfifo_comp;
 68 architecture low_level_definition of bbfifo_comp is
 70   signal pointer             : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 71   signal next_count          : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 72   signal half_count          : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
 73   signal count_carry         : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
 74   signal pointer_zero        : std_logic;
 75   signal pointer_full        : std_logic;
 76   signal decode_data_present : std_logic;
 77   signal data_present_int    : std_logic;
 78   signal valid_write         : std_logic;
 80 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 81 -- Attributes to define LUT contents during implementation 
 82 -- The information is repeated in the generic map for functional simulation--
 83 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 84   attribute INIT              : string;
 85   attribute INIT of zero_lut  : label is "0001";
 86   attribute INIT of full_lut  : label is "8000";
 87   attribute INIT of dp_lut    : label is "BFA0";
 88   attribute INIT of valid_lut : label is "C4";
 90 begin
 92   data_width_loop : for i in 0 to C_DWIDTH-1 generate
 93     attribute INIT : string;
 94     attribute INIT of data_srl : label is "0000";
 95   begin
 96     data_srl : SRL16E
 97  --synthesis translate_off
 98     generic map (INIT => X"0000")
 99  --synthesis translate_on
100     port map(
101       D   => i_fifo_wdata(i),
102       CE  => valid_write,
103       CLK => i_clock,
104       A0  => pointer(0),
105       A1  => pointer(1),
106       A2  => pointer(2),
107       A3  => pointer(3),
108       Q   => o_fifo_rdata(i) );
109   end generate data_width_loop;
111  -- 4-bit counter to act as data pointer
112  -- Counter is clock enabled by 'o_fifo_data_present'
113  -- Counter will be i_reset when 'i_reset' is active
114  -- Counter will increment when 'valid_write' is active
115   count_width_loop : for i in 0 to 3 generate
116     attribute INIT : string;
117     attribute INIT of count_lut : label is "6606";
118   begin
119     register_bit : FDRE
120     port map (
121       D  => next_count(i),
122       Q  => pointer(i),
123       CE => data_present_int,
124       R  => i_reset,
125       C  => i_clock);
127     count_lut : LUT4
128  --synthesis translate_off
129     generic map (INIT => X"6606")
130  --synthesis translate_on
131     port map(
132       I0 => pointer(i),
133       I1 => i_fifo_rd,
134       I2 => pointer_zero,
135       I3 => i_fifo_wr,
136       O  => half_count(i));
138     lsb_count : if i = 0 generate
139     begin
141       count_muxcy : MUXCY
142       port map(
143         DI => pointer(i),
144         CI => valid_write,
145         S  => half_count(i),
146         O  => count_carry(i));
148       count_xor : XORCY
149       port map(
150         LI => half_count(i),
151         CI => valid_write,
152         O  => next_count(i));
154     end generate lsb_count;
156     mid_count : if i > 0 and i < 3 generate
157     begin
159       count_muxcy : MUXCY
160       port map(
161         DI => pointer(i),
162         CI => count_carry(i-1),
163         S  => half_count(i),
164         O  => count_carry(i));
166       count_xor : XORCY
167       port map(
168         LI => half_count(i),
169         CI => count_carry(i-1),
170         O  => next_count(i));
172     end generate mid_count;
174     upper_count : if i = 3 generate
175     begin
177       count_xor : XORCY
178       port map(
179         LI => half_count(i),
180         CI => count_carry(i-1),
181         O  => next_count(i));
183     end generate upper_count;
185   end generate count_width_loop;
188  -- Detect when pointer is zero and maximum
189   zero_lut : LUT4
190  --synthesis translate_off
191   generic map (INIT => X"0001")
192  --synthesis translate_on
193   port map(
194     I0 => pointer(0),
195     I1 => pointer(1),
196     I2 => pointer(2),
197     I3 => pointer(3),
198     O  => pointer_zero );
201   full_lut : LUT4
202  --synthesis translate_off
203   generic map (INIT => X"8000")
204  --synthesis translate_on
205   port map(
206     I0 => pointer(0),
207     I1 => pointer(1),
208     I2 => pointer(2),
209     I3 => pointer(3),
210     O  => pointer_full );
213  -- Data Present status
214   dp_lut : LUT4
215  --synthesis translate_off
216   generic map (INIT => X"BFA0")
217  --synthesis translate_on
218   port map(
219     I0 => i_fifo_wr,
220     I1 => i_fifo_rd,
221     I2 => pointer_zero,
222     I3 => data_present_int,
223     O  => decode_data_present );
225   dp_flop : FDR
226   port map (
227     D => decode_data_present,
228     Q => data_present_int,
229     R => i_reset,
230     C => i_clock);
232  -- Valid i_fifo_wr signal
234   valid_lut : LUT3
235  --synthesis translate_off
236   generic map (INIT => X"C4")
237  --synthesis translate_on
238   port map(
239     I0 => pointer_full,
240     I1 => i_fifo_wr,
241     I2 => i_fifo_rd,
242     O  => valid_write );
244  -- assign internal signals to outputs
245   o_fifo_full         <= pointer_full;
246   o_fifo_half_full    <= pointer( 3 );
247   o_fifo_data_present <= data_present_int;
249 end low_level_definition;
251 library IEEE;
252 use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all;
254 -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
255 -- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
256 use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.all;
258 -- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
259 -- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
260 --library UNISIM;
261 --use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
263 entity bbfifo is
264   generic (
265     C_DWIDTH : positive := 8;
266     C_STAGE  : positive := 6);
267   port (
268     i_reset             : in std_logic;
269     i_clock             : in std_logic;
270     i_fifo_wr           : in std_logic;
271     i_fifo_rd           : in std_logic;
272     i_fifo_wdata        : in std_logic_vector(C_DWIDTH-1 downto 0);
273     o_fifo_rdata        : out std_logic_vector(C_DWIDTH-1 downto 0);
274     o_fifo_full         : out std_logic;
275     o_fifo_half_full    : out std_logic;
276     o_fifo_data_present : out std_logic);
277 end bbfifo;
279 architecture Behavioral of bbfifo is
281   type fifo_data_type is array (C_STAGE downto 1) of std_logic_vector (C_DWIDTH-1 downto 0);
282   signal fifo_wdata        : fifo_data_type;
283   signal fifo_rdata        : fifo_data_type;
284   signal fifo_full         : std_logic_vector(C_STAGE downto 1);
285   signal fifo_half_full    : std_logic_vector(C_STAGE downto 1);
286   signal fifo_data_present : std_logic_vector(C_STAGE downto 1);
287   signal fifo_write        : std_logic_vector(C_STAGE downto 1);
288   signal fifo_read         : std_logic_vector(C_STAGE downto 1);
290   component bbfifo_comp
291     generic ( C_DWIDTH : positive := 8);
292     port (
293       i_reset             : in std_logic;
294       i_clock             : in std_logic;
295       i_fifo_wr           : in std_logic;
296       i_fifo_rd           : in std_logic;
297       o_fifo_full         : out std_logic;
298       o_fifo_half_full    : out std_logic;
299       o_fifo_data_present : out std_logic;
300       i_fifo_wdata        : in std_logic_vector(C_DWIDTH-1 downto 0);
301       o_fifo_rdata        : out std_logic_vector(C_DWIDTH-1 downto 0));
302   end component;
304 begin
306   o_fifo_full         <= fifo_full(1);
307   o_fifo_rdata        <= fifo_rdata(C_STAGE);
308   o_fifo_data_present <= fifo_data_present(C_STAGE);
309   o_fifo_half_full    <= fifo_half_full((C_STAGE+1)/2) when C_STAGE rem 2 = 1 else 
310                          fifo_full( (C_STAGE+2) / 2 ); -- C_STAGE rem 2 = 0
312   G : for i in 1 to C_STAGE generate
314     bbfifo_comp_x : bbfifo_comp
315     generic map (
316       C_DWIDTH => C_DWIDTH )
317     port map (
318       i_reset             => i_reset,
319       i_clock             => i_clock,
320       i_fifo_wr           => fifo_write(i),
321       i_fifo_rd           => fifo_read(i),
322       o_fifo_full         => fifo_full(i),
323       o_fifo_half_full    => fifo_half_full(i),
324       o_fifo_data_present => fifo_data_present(i),
325       i_fifo_wdata        => fifo_wdata(i),
326       o_fifo_rdata        => fifo_rdata(i)
327     );
329     fifo_write_G1 : if i = 1 generate
330       fifo_write(1) <= i_fifo_wr;
331       fifo_wdata(1) <= i_fifo_wdata;
332     end generate fifo_write_G1;
334     -- Stage n is written when there is data in stage n-1 and stage n is not full.
335     -- This transfer of data also results in the corresponding read from stage n-1. 
336     -- The transfer control signal is a single cycle pulse 
337     -- to give time for the data present output of stage n-1 
338     -- to respond to read event and go Low if possible.   
339     fifo_write_Gx : if i > 1 generate
340       fifo_wdata(i) <= fifo_rdata(i-1);
341       process ( i_clock )
342       begin
343         if rising_edge( i_clock ) then
344           fifo_write(i) <= fifo_data_present(i-1) and not fifo_full(i) and not fifo_write(i);
345         end if;
346       end process;
347     end generate fifo_write_Gx;
349     fifo_read_Gn : if i = C_STAGE generate
350       fifo_read(C_STAGE) <= i_fifo_rd;
351     end generate fifo_read_Gn;
353     fifo_read_Gx : if i < C_STAGE generate
354       fifo_read(i) <= fifo_write(i+1);
355     end generate fifo_read_Gx;
357   end generate G;
359 end Behavioral;
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