随笔分类 - Game
摘要:一、box2d基础知识1、关于Box2D 是一个用于游戏的 2D 刚体仿真库。从游戏的视角来看,物理引擎就是一个程序性动画(proceduralanimation)的系统,而不是由动画师去移动你的物体。1、核心概念刚体(rigid body)一块十分坚硬的物质,它上面的任何两点之间的距离都是完全不变的。形状(shape)一块严格依附于物体(body)的 2D 碰撞几何结构(collision geometry)。形状具有摩擦(friction)和恢复(restitution)的材料性质。约束(constraint)一个约束(constraint)就是消除物体自由度的物理连接。在 2D 中,一个
摘要:一、Activity生命周期游戏开发时我们只需要重载onCreate(), onResume(), 和onPause() 方法,因为无论如何onResume(), 和onPause() 都会调用。当onPause() 之后,系统可能由于内存过低杀掉该activity,然后onStop() 和onDestroy()就不会被执行,而onStart()要在onStop()执行了才会被调用,onpause()之后唤醒activity只会调用onResume().1)In onCreate(), we set up our window and UI component that we render .
摘要:游戏的组成部分:1)Window management: This is responsible for creating a window and coping with things like closing the window or pausing/resuming the application on Android. 2)Input: This is related to the window management module, and keeps track of user input (e.g., touch events, keystrokes, and accel...
摘要:v1一:Causal Games (休闲游戏)Probably the biggest segment of games on the Android Market consists of so-called causal games. So what exactly is a causal game? That question has no concrete answer, but causal games share a few common traits. Usually, they feature great accessibility, so even nongamers can