
















 2、 对于6这种情况,在后台修改数据库中金额之前,先预算一下看是不是余额不足,如果余额足够,在修改数据库,如果余额不足则跳出提示不执行操作;
















the error ever encountered in a project :

Java in the big project. Write a simple system of the bank on the net, one of the transfer function, not to transfer more than $50, deduct the 0.1% handling charge in my account.


At the time of test, in the few cases to test: 

1, input 20 RMB (the default units are)

2, input - 30

3, 0

4, enter 30.56

5, input letters ab

6, 600 (account balance is just 300)

7, enter 70 


Changes in the database to check the account amount, according to the results compared with the expected, the test results are as follows:

1 correct; 2, 3, 6, 7 are expected results are unreasonable; 4, 5, led to a system crash


Analysis of reasons:

1, for 2, 3, 7 of these three error conditions, first for the scope of the digital input without control, should determine the amount of input numerical range in greater than zero and no more than 50, if not far out of the tip;

2, for 6 in this case, change the database in the background of the amount before the budget first see if balance is not enough, if the balance is enough, change the database, if insufficient, jump out of the tip is not executed operation;

3, for 4 cases, may be database type's definition, an integer or Taiwan before and after partial definitions of integer, so can't handle with the decimal.

4, for 5 this kind of situation, should prompt does not conform to the format, should be on the front end with js control input, add exception handling or the background.


The effects of error:

2, 3, 6, 7, unreasonable results are obtained, such as the transfer is negative, and become a negative balance, transfer amount is 0, such as unreasonable results. 4, 5, because the exception directly lead to the collapse of the system.


How to detect errors:

1, according to need to design a few don't repeat function of different types of test cases; 2, to determine whether a test case execution results in line with expectations; If does not conform to, analyze the causes; 3, may find the wrong place, set breakpoints. 4, set the function to the console data, determine whether the corresponding suspicious statements, and whether it is right to modify the database; 5, in combination with web page prompt error; 6, modify the program, repeat the above steps again know that test cases are in line with expectations.


Advice of settlement:

Can add exception handling to the background but better judgment at the front desk, reception desk with js judgment input format, benefit is a data can judge without the background to improve the speed, the second is to reduce the background code complexity, three is can better prompt, page is beautiful feeling better, more software friendly.


Combined with the experience and software test experience:

Test case design to design different conditions, the same can not repeat. Software testing is necessary, otherwise easy to abnormal collapse but the author is not known yet. To master a certain way and method in software testing will improve the effectiveness and efficiency. We are short of professional knowledge in software testing, is now mainly depend on experience. We also need to learn the professional software testing methods.

posted @ 2016-03-06 13:34  conghua  阅读(196)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报