@bigcheds The Complete Beginners Guide to "Crypto Currency" Trading & Investing

@bigcheds The Complete Beginners Guide to "Crypto Currency" Trading & Investing

The Complete Beginners Guide to "Crypto Currency" Trading & Investing




How do I get started?

Investing vs Trading

If you are a trader, your goal is to buy and sell in a short period of time.An investor, you plan to buy and hold, or HODL.

If you are a trader, then you use chart and momentum(动量), investors use DD, such as viability of the project and maximum coin supply.

Chart Basics

If you are an investor, then I guess the chart does not matter. Your plan is to buy and HODL for a year or many years, and then in theory sell and buy a Lamborghini. Guys like me try to time our entries and take profit when a chart is hot, so here are some ways you can do that.



Bollinger Bands(BB)

Bollinger Band®
Bollinger Bands - YouTube

如果高过 upper BB 很可能就要回调。middle BB(MA 20) 有些时候可以作为支撑。 lower BB 经常作为支撑,价格低于它的话经常就可以认为会涨。


On Balance Volume

On-Balance Volume (OBV)
OBV - On Balance Volume - YouTube

OBV 是一个根据成交量来预测价格的动量指标。如果量突然增加的同时价格没有明显变化,那么价格最终也会跳涨,反之亦然。

OBV 值:OBV 是判断走势强弱非常重要的指标。
OBV 走势:有时候会看到 OBV 会先于价格上涨,不久之后价格就会上涨;有时候 OBV 先于价格下跌,这是个警告信号。

Stochastics RSI

Stochastics RSI - YouTube

Stochastics RSI is a very important indicator to use for determining the general "over bought" or "over sold" condition of a stock or a coin.

Moving Averages Crossing

Moving Average Crossovers

Using different time frames

通常是从一个较宽的时间间隔开始,逐渐往较小的时间间隔分析。如果你是个 day trader 通常都会使用 4hour 和 1hour 的表格,当出现放量的时候逐渐分析到 15min 的表格。按照我的经验,一些我犯过的最大的错误出现在我尝试使用 5min 的表格来寻找趋势线和模式时(trend lines and patterns)。很容易就会被 5min 甚至 15/30 min 的表格中找到的趋势线和模式所愚弄。

Candlestick basics

Candlestick pattern

  • DOJI
  • Hammer
  • Hanging Man

Additional resources:

How to draw a trend line


How to Draw Trend Lines on a Stock Chart

在经典的图标分析原则中,最终要的是 open 和 close。但是还有很多东西值得讨论。

Candle Body vs. Candle Wick
Bodies or Wicks?


How many data points do you need to make a trend?

How to handle a downtrend

  1. 换成法币。
  2. 换成法币绑定的币种(比如 Tether、Nubits 等)。
  3. 换成三大主流币之一。从以往记录来看 ETH 表现最好。
  4. HODL。

How to survive a crypto market crash

  • 别崩溃,别瞎割肉,理性分析,自己拿主意
  • 分散投资。比如 20% BTC 做短线;30% BTC 留着抄底;50% 的山寨币拿长线。
  • 把投资分为短线、中线、长线,坚持住
  • 学会从价格调整中低价买入,高价时换成法币或卖空获利

How to hedge Bitcoin in a downtrend

Have rules && Applying the rules
1. 保证有一半资产是比特币。这样当危险来的时候就换成 USDT 了……
2. 谨记加密货币市场和比特币高度相关,而不是和所有的币都高度相关。
3. 尝试把你所分析的币和比特币的趋势关联起来。如果比特币上升趋势,很大可能山寨币也会跟着上涨。

Shorting - Futures

Common Terminology

Bag Holder:被套牢的人。常说 being "stuck", or "bag-holding"。
FUD:Fear, uncertainty and doubt。
FOMO:stands for fear of missing out。
BTFD:抄底。Buy the F'ing Dip。
REKT:Basically means you lost all your money, or "wrecked"。
Satoshis:聪。=0.00000001 BTC。“10sats”。
Breakout - Bullish condition where price has broke through resistance and is free to run。
DYOR: Do Your Own Research。

Website resources

Mobile applications


Security and Off-line Storage


Beginner Mistakes

FOMO Chasing

FOMO 是“fear of missing out(害怕错过)”的缩写。

FOMO 是最致命并且很难避免的错误之一。看见一个币起飞(running)的时候由于害怕错失良机很难不追涨,即使进入的时机已经错过很远了。


除非你制服了 FOMO,否则你的贪婪和不自信会一直折磨你。

Not taking profit

Profit Taking + SUBSCRIBE

就算你觉得你的币还会继续涨,你也得为了避免下跌而在上涨的时候卖掉一些。最常用的策略是涨 100% 的时候卖掉一半,但你并不一定有这个机会。

Playing pump and dump plays

pump/dump 指人为操控的价格突然上升/下跌。

如果提前知道什么时候被 pump,可以在一个好价格入手。危险的是人为操控抬高的价格还会被人为跳水。

Too many eggs in one basket


Not studying the chart before buying

看什么都不如看 chart。传言、别人的安利什么的

Buying based on USD price

Why is always more profitable to trade alts vs BTC, not vs USD


Not keeping extra cash just in-case

Not using a stop loss

止损点很有必要,特别是当你是 trader 而不是 investor 的时候。止损点应该设置为 chart 中的关键位置,当这个位置突破的之后表示会继续下跌。

Using 1 min or 5 minute chart

Comparing yourself to others


Over trading can be a traders worst nightmare. Enter a play, then second guess yourself and exit, only to jump back in as soon as it starts moving. Forcing your entry or playing something just because you are bored, these are habits that will really come back to bite you.

过度买卖是 trader 最大的噩梦。买了没多久瞎猜就卖,刚开始要涨又马上买入。因为等着太无聊就买入。这些坏习惯会害了你。



posted @ 2018-02-28 19:09  shang1jk  阅读(348)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报