一、什么是观察者模式 观察者模式定义了一系列对象间一对多的关系,当主题对象的状态发生变化时,会通知所有观察者 二、自定义观察模式 1. 2. 1 package headfirst.designpatterns.observer.weather; 2 3 public interface Subje 阅读全文
什么是策略模式:它定义了一系列算法,可以根据不同的实现调用不同的算法 大多数的设计模式都是为了解决系统中变化部分的问题 一、OO基础 抽象、封装、多态、继承 二、OO原则 1.封装变化,如把FlyBehavious、QuackBehavior从Duck中抽离出来 2.组合优于继承 3.面向抽象(接口 阅读全文
一、 What if you wanted to restrict access to certain roles only on Tuesday? Using the access() method, you can also use SpEL as a means for declaring a 阅读全文
一、 对特定的请求拦截 For example, consider the requests served by the Spittr application. Certainly, thehome page is public and doesn’t need to be secured. Lik 阅读全文
一、 1.定义接口 Suppose that you need to authenticate against users in a non-relational database suchas Mongo or Neo4j. In that case, you’ll need to impleme 阅读全文
一、LDAP server在哪 By default, Spring Security’s LDAP authentication assumes that the LDAP server is listening on port 33389 on localhost. But if your LD 阅读全文
一、 The default strategy for authenticating against LDAP is to perform a bind operation,authenticating the user directly to the LDAP server. Another op 阅读全文