
We may represent a subset of n elements by the one-dimensional array x[1:n], where x[j] is one if element j is included in the subset and x[j] is zero if element j is not included in the subset. 

To output the subsets recursively, we define a method subsets(int i) which outputs all x[1:n] with preset values for x[1:i-1] and x[i:n] taking on all possible 0 and 1 values. The invocation subsets(1) will output all subsets. 

 1 /** generate all subsets of n elements */
 3 package applications;
 5 public class AllSubsets
 6 {
 7    // class data member
 8    static int [] x;  // subset vector
10    /** define array x and invoke private method subsets */
11    public static void allSubsets(int n)
12    {
13       x = new int [n + 1];
14       // output all subsets of x[1:n]
15       subsets(1);
16    }
18    /** output x[1:i-1] followed by all subsets of x[i:x.length-1] */
19    private static void subsets(int i)
20    {
21       if (i == x.length - 1)
22       {// x[x.length - 1] can be 0 or 1
23          // output subset without last element
24          x[x.length - 1] = 0;
25          for (int j = 1; j <= x.length - 1; j++)
26             System.out.print(x[j] + " ");
27          System.out.println();
29          // output subset with last element
30          x[x.length - 1] = 1;
31          for (int j = 1; j <= x.length - 1; j++)
32             System.out.print(x[j] + " ");
33          System.out.println();
34          return;
35       }
37       // leave element i out
38       x[i] = 0;
39       // generate all subsets with i excluded
40       subsets(i + 1);
42        // put element i into subset
43        x[i] = 1;
44        // generate all subsets with i included
45        subsets(i + 1);
46    }
48    /** test program */
49    public static void main(String [] args)
50    {
51       allSubsets(4);
52    }
53 }

posted @ 2016-04-13 16:43  shamgod  阅读(287)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报