8 手机电池正反面识别
一. 思路
三. 具体
1.使用了掩膜(取电池 边框)
2. 正面(训练时,采用“二维码”部分)
a. CogPMAlignTool,pma-zheng, pma-fan:添加终端---Results.Count。
b. CogToolBlock1:重命名。
type:右击CogToolBlock1 --- Add Input -- Add new System type --- Add new System.String
public class CogToolBlockSimpleScript : CogToolBlockAdvancedScript { /// <summary> /// Called when the parent tool is run. /// Add code here to customize or replace the normal run behavior. /// </summary> /// <param name="message">Sets the Message in the tool's RunStatus.</param> /// <param name="result">Sets the Result in the tool's RunStatus</param> /// <returns>True if the tool should run normally, /// False if GroupRun customizes run behavior</returns> public override bool GroupRun(ref string message, ref CogToolResultConstants result) { // To let the execution stop in this script when a debugger is attached, uncomment the following lines. // #if DEBUG // if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); // #endif // 此部分 if( Inputs.YouWu_Count > 0) { if( Inputs.Zheng_Count1 > 0 ) {Outputs.type = "正面"; } else {Outputs.type = "反面";} } else { Outputs.type = "error"; } return false; }
6. 字体颜色,大小,“放置---对齐”