【原创】leetCodeOj --- Merge k Sorted Lists 解题报告
* Definition for singly-linked list.
* struct ListNode {
* int val;
* ListNode *next;
* ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
* };
Merge k sorted linked lists and return it as one sorted list. Analyze and describe its complexity.
一共有k * n个结点
所以,总的复杂度为O(k * n * lgk)
如果简单粗暴直接堆排序,那么堆的大小就是k * n,入堆出堆的复杂度就是lg(k * n),要大不少。
如果直接按归并排序那样简单粗暴的归并,那么每轮中获得获胜结点的复杂度是k,由于每轮只产生一个获胜结点,所以一共有 k * n轮,那么复杂度就是O(k * k * n)
class Solution { class MergeHeap { public: MergeHeap() { heap.push_back(NULL); } bool isEmpty() { return heap.size() <= 1; // 0号元素永远为NULL } void insert(ListNode *tmp) { if (tmp == NULL) return; heap.push_back(tmp); mergeInsert(); } ListNode *pop() { if (this->isEmpty()) return NULL; int last = heap.size() - 1; ListNode *tmp = heap[1]; heap[1] = heap[last]; heap.pop_back(); if (!this->isEmpty()) mergeDelete(1); return tmp; } private: vector<ListNode *> heap; void mergeDelete(int start) { int last = heap.size() - 1; ListNode *tmp = heap[start]; int lchild = start * 2; int rchild = start * 2 + 1; int target = 0; // marked win sub-tree if (lchild <= last && rchild <= last) { target = heap[rchild]->val > heap[lchild]->val ? lchild : rchild; } else if (lchild <= last) { target = lchild; } else if (rchild <= last) target = rchild; if (target) { if (heap[target]->val < heap[start]->val) { heap[start] = heap[target]; heap[target] = tmp; mergeDelete(target); } } } void mergeInsert() { int last = heap.size() - 1; int pare = last / 2; while (pare != 0) { if (heap[pare]->val > heap[last]->val) { ListNode *tmp = heap[pare]; heap[pare] = heap[last]; heap[last] = tmp; } else break; last = pare; pare /= 2; } } }; public: ListNode *mergeKLists(vector<ListNode *> &lists) { MergeHeap myheap; int len = lists.size(); if (!len) return NULL; for (int i = 0;i < len;i++) myheap.insert(lists[i]); ListNode *head = NULL; ListNode *tmp = NULL; ListNode *tail = NULL; while (!myheap.isEmpty()) { tmp = myheap.pop(); if (!head) // init output list. { head = tmp; tail = tmp; } else { tail->next = tmp; tail = tmp; } if (tmp->next) { myheap.insert(tmp->next); } } return head; } };
posted on 2014-10-21 00:54 shadowmydx'sLab 阅读(144) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报