bring down the house or bring the house down

Bring down the house和bring the house down,尽管形式不同但是意义完全一样。 Bring down意思是“使...倒下,” 可能有人因而以为bring down the house 就解释“推倒房子”了。这想法也有点道理。

一百来年前有个滑稽演员在剧场说了个笑话,但是全场观众却无动于衷,于是他只得自我解嘲地这样说:Don't laugh so hard! You'll bring the house down - it's an old building, you know。他说:可别笑得太厉害了。要知道这是栋老房子,笑声太大会把它震坍的。这也许是bring the house down这个习惯用语的出典,但是久而久之bring the house down有点偏离原意了。它解释赢得雷鸣般的掌声和震耳欲聋的喝彩声;总之是得到了高度赞赏。


例句-1:That musical number at the end of the first act always brings down the house -- the dancers wear beautiful costumes, the song itself is really catchy and the singer has a terrific voice.


这里的brings down the house意思是令观众为之倾倒。


Bring down the house不仅用来说艺术表演引起轰动,也可以指精彩的运动比赛。下面就有个例子。这段话说的是一次扣人心弦的网球锦标赛。

例句-2:The match lasted three hours and it was the best tennis I've ever seen. It brought down the house: after the last point the crowd stood up to applaud both players as hard as they could.


这里的bring down the house意思还是令人倾倒。
posted @ 2008-05-23 16:54  ShaDowiCool  阅读(562)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报