自己动手编写 delphi 的串口类
TODO 当前状态=玩具状态 --date=2020-05-24
1 unit uSerialPort; 2 3 { 串口 4 --------- 5 NOTE 6 从行为上来看, 这个串口类的读写貌似是阻塞的, 所以使用 Overlapped 有必要么, 7 如果需要非阻塞的行为, 需要怎样组织呢 8 9 没有对 C# 中的 Handshake 作处理, 所有注意到的与 Handshake 有关的地方都按None处理 10 也有其他地方按默认值处理的, 但忘了有哪些了 11 目前在端口 Open 状态时, 修改波特率什么的没效果, C# 中这些常用参数看上去是可以修改的 12 还忽略了许多其他事情, 需要具体对比 C# 才知道还有哪些 13 仅使用 USB-RS485 转换器测试收发了 10 几个字节, 14 所以仅能在玩具程序中使用, 要想能够真正的使用还有很长的路 15 --------- 16 TODO 17 关于 GetLastError 返回的结果, 至少做一下说明, 不然单纯的数字根本不知道发生了什么 18 --------- 19 Windows API 参考: 20 https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/win32/devio/communications-resources 21 https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/win32/api/fileapi/nf-fileapi-createfilea 22 23 关于 \\.\ 和 \\?\: https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file 24 Namespaces 节的 Win32 Device Namespaces 25 26 同步和异步IO 27 https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/win32/fileio/synchronous-and-asynchronous-i-o 28 29 学习串口工具的编写请参阅: 30 https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/master/src/libraries/System.IO.Ports/src/System/IO/Ports/SerialPort.cs 31 https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/master/src/libraries/System.IO.Ports/src/System/IO/Ports/SerialStream.Windows.cs 32 } 33 interface 34 35 uses 36 System.Generics.Collections, 37 System.SysUtils, 38 WinApi.Windows; 39 40 type 41 TSerialPort = class 42 // 串口 43 // @Section private type 44 private 45 type TEventLoop = class 46 // 处理 WaitCommEvent 47 // TODO 这个事件循环现在什么都没做, 有空再处理 48 private 49 FHandle : THandle; 50 public 51 constructor Create(AHandle : THandle); 52 destructor Destroy; override; 53 54 procedure Start(); 55 procedure Stop(); 56 end; 57 58 // @Section public type 59 60 // @Section public const 61 62 // @Section private 63 private 64 FCommHandle : THandle; // 串口句柄 65 66 FCommName : String; // COM口名称 COM1 67 FBaudRate : Integer; // 波特率 68 FParity : Integer; // 奇偶校验 69 FDataBits : Integer; // 数据位 70 FStopBit : Integer; // 停止位 71 72 // 超时, 毫秒, 取值范围[0,MAX Integer], 如果设置为 0 表示不使用超时 73 FReadTimeOut : Integer; 74 FWriteTimeOut : Integer; 75 76 // 读写缓冲区大小 77 FReadBufferSize : Integer; 78 FWriteBufferSize : Integer; 79 80 FParityReplace : AnsiChar; 81 82 // TODO 考虑是否需要这些结构 83 // DCB TimeOuts 等结构 84 // FDcb : TDCB; 85 // FTimeouts : TCommTimeouts; 86 87 FEventLoop : TEventLoop; 88 89 // for property 90 procedure SetPropCommName(const ACommName : String); 91 procedure SetPropBaudRate(const ABaudRate : Integer); 92 procedure SetPropParity(const AParity : Integer); 93 procedure SetPropDataBits(const ADataBits : Integer); 94 procedure SetPropStopBit(const AStopBit : Integer); 95 96 procedure SetPropReadTimeOut(const ATimeOut : Integer); 97 procedure SetPropWriteTimeOut(const ATimeOut : Integer); 98 99 procedure SetPropReadBufferSize(const ASize : Integer); 100 procedure SetPropWriteBufferSize(const ASize : Integer); 101 102 // about comm config 103 procedure ConfigEvents(); 104 procedure ConfigDCB(ACommProp : TCommProp); 105 procedure ConfigTimeouts(); 106 procedure ConfigBufferSizes(); 107 108 // about DCB.Flags 109 function GetDcbFlag(const ADcb : TDCB; AWhichFlag : Integer) : Integer; 110 procedure SetDcbFlag(var ADcb : TDCB; AWhichFlag : Integer; ASetting : Integer); 111 112 procedure SetHandleInvalid(); 113 function IsInvalidHandle(const AHandle : THandle) : Boolean; 114 115 function CheckAndGetComNumber(const AComName : String) : Integer; 116 procedure CheckReadWriteArguments(const AArr : TArray<Byte>; const AOffset, ACount : Integer); 117 118 // @Section public 119 public 120 constructor Create(); overload; 121 constructor Create(const AComName : String); overload; 122 constructor Create(const AComName : String; 123 const ABaudRate, AParity, ADataBits, AStopBit : Integer); overload; 124 125 destructor Destroy(); override; 126 127 function IsOpen() : Boolean; 128 129 procedure Open(); 130 procedure Close(); 131 132 function ReadBytes(ABuff : TArray<Byte>; const AOffset, ACount : Integer) : Integer; 133 procedure WriteBytes(ABuff : TArray<Byte>; const AOffset, ACount : Integer); 134 135 property PortName : String read FCommName write SetPropCommName; 136 property BaudRate : Integer read FBaudRate write SetPropBaudRate; 137 property Parity : Integer read FParity write SetPropParity; 138 property DataBits : Integer read FDataBits write SetPropDataBits; 139 property StopBit : Integer read FStopBit write SetPropStopBit; 140 141 property ReadTimeOut : Integer read FReadTimeOut write SetPropReadTimeOut; 142 property WriteTimeOut : Integer read FWriteTimeOut write SetPropWriteTimeOut; 143 144 property ReadBufferSize : Integer read FReadBufferSize write SetPropReadBufferSize; 145 property WriteBufferSize : Integer read FWriteBufferSize write SetPropWriteBufferSize; 146 147 property ParityReplace : AnsiChar read FParityReplace write FParityReplace; 148 149 // @Section public class 150 public 151 class function GetPortNames() : TArray<String>; 152 end; 153 154 155 // 串口异常 156 ESerialPort = class(Exception); 157 158 // 串口读或写超时 159 ESerialPortTimeOut = class(ESerialPort); 160 161 162 // 别名, 辅助用 163 TBaudRateTool = record 164 public const 165 // aliases 166 BR_110 = CBR_110; 167 BR_300 = CBR_300; 168 BR_600 = CBR_600; 169 BR_1200 = CBR_1200; 170 BR_2400 = CBR_2400; 171 BR_4800 = CBR_4800; 172 BR_9600 = CBR_9600; 173 BR_14400 = CBR_14400; 174 BR_19200 = CBR_19200; 175 BR_38400 = CBR_38400; 176 BR_56000 = CBR_56000; 177 BR_57600 = CBR_57600; 178 BR_115200 = CBR_115200; 179 BR_128000 = CBR_128000; 180 BR_256000 = CBR_256000; 181 182 SupportedValues : array[0..14] of Integer 183 = (BR_110, BR_300, BR_600, BR_1200, BR_2400, 184 BR_4800, BR_9600, BR_14400, BR_19200, BR_38400, 185 BR_56000, BR_57600, BR_115200, BR_128000, BR_256000); 186 public 187 class function IsSupportedBaudRate(const ABaudRate : Integer) : Boolean; static; 188 end; 189 190 TParityTool = record 191 public const 192 // aliases 193 None = NOPARITY; // 无校验 194 Odd = ODDPARITY; // 奇校验 195 Even = EVENPARITY; // 偶校验 196 197 SupportedValues : array[0..2] of Integer = (None, Odd, Even); 198 public 199 class function IsSupportedParity(const AParity : Integer) : Boolean; static; 200 end; 201 202 TDataBitsTool = record 203 public const 204 SupportedValues : array[0..3] of Integer = (5, 6, 7, 8); 205 public 206 class function IsSupportedDataBits(const ADataBits : Integer) : Boolean; static; 207 end; 208 209 TStopBitTool = record 210 public const 211 // aliases 212 One = ONESTOPBIT; // 1 213 One5 = ONE5STOPBITS; // 1.5 214 Two = TWOSTOPBITS; // 2 215 216 SupportedValues : array[0..2] of Integer = (One, One5, Two); 217 public 218 class function IsSupportedStopBit(const AStopBit : Integer) : Boolean; static; 219 end; 220 221 222 implementation 223 224 uses 225 System.Classes, 226 System.Math, 227 System.Win.Registry; 228 229 230 231 // --- types from C# --- 232 233 type 234 DCBFlags = class 235 // 没仔细看, 想来应该是偏移量 236 // --see-also=https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/master/src/libraries/Common/src/Interop/Windows/Kernel32/Interop.DCB.cs 237 public 238 const FBINARY = 0; 239 const FPARITY = 1; 240 const FOUTXCTSFLOW = 2; 241 const FOUTXDSRFLOW = 3; 242 const FDTRCONTROL = 4; 243 const FDSRSENSITIVITY = 6; 244 const FOUTX = 8; 245 const FINX = 9; 246 const FERRORCHAR = 10; 247 const FNULL = 11; 248 const FRTSCONTROL = 12; 249 const FABORTONOERROR = 14; 250 const FDUMMY2 = 15; 251 end; 252 253 DCBDTRFlowControl = class 254 public 255 const DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE = $00; 256 const DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE = $01; 257 end; 258 259 DCBRTSFlowControl = class 260 public 261 const RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE = $00; 262 const RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE = $01; 263 const RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE = $02; 264 const RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE = $03; 265 end; 266 267 TDCBTool = class 268 public 269 const EOFCHAR = AnsiChar(26); 270 271 const DEFAULTXONCHAR = AnsiChar(17); 272 const DEFAULTXOFFCHAR = AnsiChar(19); 273 end; 274 275 276 277 // --- TSerialPort --- 278 279 // --- class functions 280 281 class function TSerialPort.GetPortNames() : TArray<String>; 282 // 获取当前计算机的串行端口名的数组 283 var 284 LRegistry : TRegistry; 285 LValNames : TStrings; // 注册表键下值的名称 286 LIndex : Integer; 287 begin 288 LRegistry := nil; 289 LValNames := nil; 290 try 291 LValNames := TStringList.Create(); 292 LRegistry := TRegistry.Create(); 293 294 LRegistry.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; 295 if not LRegistry.OpenKeyReadOnly('HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\SERIALCOMM') then 296 begin 297 Result := nil; 298 Exit; 299 end; 300 301 LRegistry.GetValueNames(LValNames); 302 303 SetLength(Result, LValNames.Count); 304 305 for LIndex := 0 to (LValNames.Count - 1) do begin 306 Result[LIndex] := LRegistry.ReadString(LValNames[LIndex]); 307 end; 308 finally 309 FreeAndNil(LRegistry); 310 FreeAndNil(LValNames); 311 end; 312 end; 313 314 315 // --- functions 316 317 constructor TSerialPort.Create(); 318 begin 319 Create('COM1'); 320 end; 321 322 constructor TSerialPort.Create(const AComName: string); 323 // 默认 9600波特率 无校验 8数据位 1停止位 324 begin 325 Create(AComName, CBR_9600, NOPARITY, 8, ONESTOPBIT); 326 end; 327 328 constructor TSerialPort.Create(const AComName: string; const ABaudRate, AParity, ADataBits, AStopBit: Integer); 329 const 330 LDefaultBufferSize = 2048; 331 LDefaultParityReplace = '?'; 332 begin 333 inherited Create(); 334 335 self.SetHandleInvalid(); 336 337 self.FEventLoop := nil; 338 339 self.FReadBufferSize := LDefaultBufferSize; 340 self.FWriteBufferSize := LDefaultBufferSize; 341 342 self.FReadTimeOut := 0; 343 self.FWriteTimeOut := 0; 344 345 self.FParityReplace := LDefaultParityReplace; 346 347 self.SetPropCommName(AComName); 348 self.SetPropBaudRate(ABaudRate); 349 self.SetPropParity(AParity); 350 self.SetPropDataBits(ADataBits); 351 self.SetPropStopBit(AStopBit); 352 end; 353 354 355 destructor TSerialPort.Destroy(); 356 begin 357 if self.IsOpen() then begin 358 try 359 self.Close(); 360 except 361 // 如果执行到了这里, 能做什么呢 362 end; 363 end; 364 365 inherited; 366 end; 367 368 369 370 function TSerialPort.IsOpen() : Boolean; 371 // 判断端口是否已被打开 372 begin 373 Result := not self.IsInvalidHandle(self.FCommHandle); 374 end; 375 376 procedure TSerialPort.SetHandleInvalid(); 377 // 将串口句柄设置为无效句柄 378 begin 379 self.FCommHandle := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; 380 end; 381 382 function TSerialPort.IsInvalidHandle(const AHandle: NativeUInt) : Boolean; 383 // 判断串口句柄是否有效 384 begin 385 Result := (AHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); 386 end; 387 388 389 390 procedure TSerialPort.Open(); 391 // 打开端口, 如果有问题会抛出异常 392 var 393 LPortNumber : Integer; 394 LTmpHandle : THandle; 395 LErrCode : Cardinal; 396 LFileType : Integer; 397 LErrors : Cardinal; 398 LCommProp : TCommProp; 399 // only for function parameter 400 LPinStatus : Cardinal; 401 LComStat : ComStat; 402 begin 403 if self.IsOpen() then begin 404 raise ESerialPort.Create('SerialPort is already open'); 405 end; 406 407 LPortNumber := self.CheckAndGetComNumber(self.FCommName); 408 409 // 创建句柄, 使用 tmpHandle 保存 410 LTmpHandle := CreateFile( 411 PChar('\\?\COM' + Integer.ToString(LPortNumber)), 412 GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, // 读写访问 413 0, // comm devices must be opened w/exclusive-access 414 nil, // 安全属性 default security attributes 415 OPEN_EXISTING, // comm devices must use OPEN_EXISTING 416 FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // 异步 417 0); // hTemplate must be NULL for comm devices 418 419 if self.IsInvalidHandle(LTmpHandle) then begin 420 LErrCode := GetLastError(); 421 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('Open port failed invalied_handle_value, caused by error %d', [LErrCode]); 422 end; 423 424 try 425 LFileType := GetFileType(LTmpHandle); 426 427 // Allowing FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN for legitimate serial device such as USB to serial adapter device 428 if ((LFileType <> FILE_TYPE_CHAR) and (LFileType <> FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN)) then begin 429 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('The given port name (%s) does not resolve to a valid serial port', 430 [self.FCommName]); 431 end; 432 433 // 把 tmpHandle 的值赋到 字段 FCommHandle 上来, 434 // 但 tmpHandle 的值不动, 上面抛出异常或下面发生错误时 close tmpHandle 435 self.FCommHandle := LTmpHandle; 436 437 if (not(GetCommProperties(LTmpHandle, LCommProp))) 438 or(not(GetCommModemStatus(LTmpHandle, LPinStatus))) 439 then begin 440 // If the portName they have passed in is a FILE_TYPE_CHAR but not a serial port, 441 // for example "LPT1", this API will fail. For this reason we handle the error message specially. 442 LErrCode := GetLastError(); 443 if ((LErrCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) or (LErrCode = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE)) then begin 444 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('The given port name (%s) is invalid. It may be a valid port, but not a serial port.', [self.FCommName]); 445 end 446 else begin 447 // Win32Marshal.GetExceptionForWin32Error(errorCode, string.Empty); 448 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('Open port failed, caused by error %d', [LErrCode]); 449 end; 450 end; 451 452 if ((LCommProp.dwMaxBaud <> 0) and (Cardinal(self.BaudRate) > LCommProp.dwMaxBaud)) then begin 453 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('The maximum baud rate for the device is %d.', [LCommProp.dwMaxBaud]); 454 end; 455 456 self.ConfigDCB(LCommProp); 457 self.ConfigEvents(); 458 self.ConfigTimeouts(); 459 self.ConfigBufferSizes(); 460 461 // TODO process errors 462 PurgeComm(self.FCommHandle, PURGE_TXABORT or PURGE_RXABORT or PURGE_TXCLEAR or PURGE_RXCLEAR); 463 ClearCommError(self.FCommHandle, LErrors, @LComStat); 464 465 // 启动事件循环 466 self.FEventLoop := TSerialPort.TEventLoop.Create(self.FCommHandle); 467 self.FEventLoop.Start(); 468 except 469 self.SetHandleInvalid(); 470 471 CloseHandle(LTmpHandle); 472 raise; 473 end; 474 end; 475 476 477 procedure TSerialPort.Close(); 478 // 关闭串口 479 var 480 LTmpHandle : THandle; 481 begin 482 if not self.IsOpen() then begin 483 Exit; 484 end; 485 486 // 停止事件循环 487 self.FEventLoop.Stop(); 488 FreeAndNil(self.FEventLoop); 489 490 // 处理串口句柄 491 LTmpHandle := self.FCommHandle; 492 self.SetHandleInvalid(); 493 494 // TODO process errors 495 SetCommMask(LTmpHandle, 0); // 禁止所有事件 496 EscapeCommFunction(LTmpHandle, CLRDTR); // 清除信号 497 // 丢弃未完成的内容, 终止所有操作 498 PurgeComm(LTmpHandle, PURGE_TXABORT or PURGE_RXABORT or PURGE_TXCLEAR or PURGE_RXCLEAR); 499 500 CloseHandle(LTmpHandle); 501 end; 502 503 504 // --- read and write 505 506 function TSerialPort.ReadBytes(ABuff: TArray<Byte>; const AOffset: Integer; const ACount: Integer) : Integer; 507 // 读操作 508 // TODO 方法的实现需要仔细检查 509 var 510 LReadResult : Boolean; 511 LLenReaded : Cardinal; 512 LLastErr : Cardinal; 513 LWaitResult : Cardinal; 514 LReadOv : TOverlapped; 515 begin 516 if not self.IsOpen() then begin 517 raise ESerialPort.Create('The serialPort is closed'); 518 end; 519 520 self.CheckReadWriteArguments(ABuff, AOffset, ACount); 521 522 if (ACount = 0) then begin 523 Result := 0; 524 Exit; 525 end; 526 527 FillChar(LReadOv, SizeOf(LReadOv), 0); 528 LReadOv.hEvent := CreateEvent(nil, True, False, nil); 529 530 if (LReadOv.hEvent = 0) then begin 531 LLastErr := GetLastError(); 532 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('Create event failed in read bytes, %d', [LLastErr]); 533 end; 534 535 LReadResult := ReadFile(self.FCommHandle, 536 ABuff[AOffset], 537 ACount, 538 LLenReaded, 539 @LReadOv); 540 541 if LReadResult then begin 542 Result := LLenReaded; 543 Exit; 544 end; 545 546 LLastErr := GetLastError(); 547 if not(LLastErr = ERROR_IO_PENDING) then begin 548 // TODO error description 549 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('Read failed, caused by %d', [LLastErr]); 550 end; 551 552 // TODO 观察 C# 对这里超时是怎样处理的 553 LWaitResult := WaitForSingleObject(LReadOv.hEvent, INFINITE); 554 555 // TODO 考虑下面需要做哪些事情 556 if (LWaitResult = WAIT_OBJECT_0) then begin 557 if GetOverlappedResult(self.FCommHandle, LReadOv, LLenReaded, False) then begin 558 Result := LLenReaded; 559 //Break; 560 end 561 else begin 562 Result := 0; 563 //Break; 564 end; 565 end 566 else if (LWaitResult = WAIT_TIMEOUT) then begin 567 CancelIO(self.FCommHandle); 568 569 Result := 0; 570 // TODO timeout 571 end 572 else begin 573 Result := 0; 574 end; 575 end; 576 577 procedure TSerialPort.WriteBytes(ABuff: TArray<System.Byte>; const AOffset: Integer; const ACount: Integer); 578 // 写操作 579 // TODO 方法的实现需要仔细检查, 580 // 当前的实现不能保证把所有的数据都发送出去, 所以这里还需要更多处理 581 var 582 LWriteResult : Boolean; 583 LWriteOv : TOverlapped; 584 LLenSent : Cardinal; 585 LWriteErr : Cardinal; 586 LWaitResult : Cardinal; 587 begin 588 if not self.IsOpen() then begin 589 raise ESerialPort.Create('The serialPort is closed'); 590 end; 591 592 self.CheckReadWriteArguments(ABuff, AOffset, ACount); 593 594 FillChar(LWriteOv, SizeOf(LWriteOv), 0); 595 596 LWriteOv.hEvent := CreateEvent(nil, True, False, nil); 597 598 if (LWriteOv.hEvent = 0) then begin 599 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('Write failed, cuased by create event error %d.', [GetLastError()]); 600 end; 601 602 try 603 LWriteResult := WriteFile( self.FCommHandle, 604 ABuff[AOffSet], 605 ACount, 606 LLenSent, 607 @LWriteOv); 608 609 if LWriteResult then begin 610 Exit; // 发送完, 退出 611 end; 612 613 LWriteErr := GetLastError(); 614 if (LWriteErr <> ERROR_IO_PENDING) then begin 615 // TODO error description 616 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('Write failed, error %d.', [LWriteErr]); 617 end; 618 619 // TODO configure wait timeout 620 LWaitResult := WaitForSingleObject(LWriteOv.hEvent, INFINITE); 621 622 if (LWaitResult = WAIT_OBJECT_0) then begin 623 if GetOverlappedResult(self.FCommHandle, LWriteOv, LLenSent, False) then begin 624 Exit; 625 end 626 else begin 627 // TODO type an exception 628 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('Write failed, error %d.', [GetLastError()]); 629 end; 630 end 631 else if (LWaitResult = WAIT_TIMEOUT) then begin 632 // TODO timeout 633 raise ESerialPort.Create('Write failed, timeout.'); 634 end 635 else begin 636 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('Write failed, Wait result %d.', [LWaitResult]); 637 end; 638 // write finished 639 finally 640 CloseHandle(LWriteOv.hEvent); 641 end; 642 end; 643 644 645 procedure TSerialPort.CheckReadWriteArguments(const AArr: TArray<System.Byte>; const AOffset, ACount: Integer); 646 // 检查读写操作的输入参数 647 var 648 LLen : Integer; 649 begin 650 LLen := Length(AArr); 651 if (LLen <= 0) then begin 652 raise ESerialPort.Create('Null bytes buffer'); 653 end; 654 655 if (AOffset < 0) then begin 656 raise ESerialPort.Create('Non-negative number required, offset'); 657 end; 658 659 if (ACount < 0) then begin 660 raise ESerialPort.Create('Non-negative number required, count'); 661 end; 662 663 if (LLen - AOffset < ACount) then begin 664 raise ESerialPort.Create('Offset and length were out of bounds for the array ' 665 + 'or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection'); 666 end; 667 end; 668 669 670 function TSerialPort.CheckAndGetComNumber(const AComName: string) : Integer; 671 // 检查和串口名是不是 COM后面跟着数字 的格式, 如果是则返回数字, 否则抛出异常 672 const 673 LStrInvalidPortNameFmt = 'The given port name (%s) does not resolve to a valid serial port'; 674 begin 675 if (not AComName.StartsWith('COM', True)) 676 or (not Integer.TryParse(AComName.Substring(3), Result)) 677 or (not Result > 0) 678 then begin 679 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt(LStrInvalidPortNameFmt, [AComName]); 680 end; 681 end; 682 683 684 // --- about comm config 685 686 procedure TSerialPort.ConfigEvents(); 687 // 配置事件 688 const 689 LEV_ALL = ( EV_BREAK or EV_CTS or EV_DSR or EV_ERR or EV_RING 690 or EV_RLSD or EV_RXCHAR or EV_RXFLAG or EV_TXEMPTY); 691 var 692 LErrCode : Cardinal; 693 begin 694 // 设置事件, 把所有的事件都设置了, 虽然没有处理这些事件 695 if not SetCommMask(self.FCommHandle, LEV_ALL) then begin 696 LErrCode := GetLastError(); 697 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('SetCommMask failed, caused by %d', [LErrCode]); 698 end; 699 end; 700 701 702 procedure TSerialPort.ConfigDCB(ACommProp : TCommProp); 703 // 配置 设备控制块 704 // TODO 完善 705 var 706 LDcb : TDCB; 707 LErrCode : Cardinal; 708 begin 709 if not GetCommState(self.FCommHandle, LDcb) then begin 710 LErrCode := GetLastError(); 711 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('Get DCB failed, caused by %d', [LErrCode]); 712 end; 713 714 // TODO others 715 //LDcb.DCBlength := SizeOf(TDCB); 716 717 LDcb.BaudRate := self.FBaudRate; 718 LDcb.Parity := self.FParity; 719 LDcb.ByteSize := self.FDataBits; 720 LDcb.StopBits := self.FStopBit; 721 722 // always true for communications resources 723 SetDcbFlag(LDcb, DCBFlags.FBINARY, 1); 724 //LDcb.Flags := 1; 725 726 if (self.FParity = TParityTool.None) then begin 727 SetDcbFlag(LDcb, DCBFlags.FPARITY, 0); 728 end 729 else begin 730 SetDcbFlag(LDcb, DCBFlags.FPARITY, 1); 731 end; 732 733 // Note-1 734 // 不支持这个东西, 不了解它, C# 默认Handshake.None 735 SetDcbFlag(LDcb, DCBFlags.FOUTXCTSFLOW, 0); 736 737 SetDcbFlag(LDcb, DCBFlags.FOUTXDSRFLOW, 0); // dsrTimeout is always set to 0. 738 SetDcbFlag(LDcb, DCBFlags.FDTRCONTROL, DCBDTRFlowControl.DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE); 739 SetDcbFlag(LDcb, DCBFlags.FDSRSENSITIVITY, 0); // this should remain off 740 741 // 同 Note-1 742 SetDcbFlag(LDcb, DCBFlags.FINX, 0); 743 SetDcbFlag(LDcb, DCBFlags.FOUTX, 0); 744 745 746 // if no parity, we have no error character (i.e. ErrorChar = '\0' or null character) 747 if (self.FParity = TParityTool.None) then begin 748 SetDcbFlag(LDcb, DCBFlags.FERRORCHAR, 0); 749 LDcb.ErrorChar := #0; 750 end 751 else begin 752 if (Ord(self.FParityReplace) = 0) then begin 753 SetDcbFlag(LDcb, DCBFlags.FERRORCHAR, 0); 754 end 755 else begin 756 SetDcbFlag(LDcb, DCBFlags.FERRORCHAR, 1); 757 end; 758 759 LDcb.ErrorChar := self.FParityReplace; 760 end; 761 762 // Note-2 默认 C# 默认 false 763 SetDcbFlag(LDcb, DCBFlags.FNULL, 0); 764 765 // SerialStream does not handle the fAbortOnError behaviour, so we must make sure it's not enabled 766 // C# 的 SerialStream 767 SetDcbFlag(LDcb, DCBFlags.FABORTONOERROR, 0); 768 769 // Setting RTS control, which is RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE if RTS / RTS-XOnXOff handshaking 770 // used, RTS_ENABLE (RTS pin used during operation) if rtsEnable true but XOnXoff / No handshaking 771 // used, and disabled otherwise. 772 // C# 这里有与 Handshake 有关的处理 773 if (GetDcbFlag(LDcb, DCBFlags.FRTSCONTROL) = DCBRTSFlowControl.RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE) then begin 774 SetDcbFlag(LDcb, DCBFlags.FRTSCONTROL, DCBRTSFlowControl.RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE); 775 end; 776 777 LDcb.XonChar := TDCBTool.DEFAULTXONCHAR; // may be exposed later but for now, constant 778 LDcb.XoffChar := TDCBTool.DEFAULTXOFFCHAR; 779 780 // minimum number of bytes allowed in each buffer before flow control activated 781 // heuristically, this has been set at 1/4 of the buffer size 782 LDcb.XonLim := (ACommProp.dwCurrentRxQueue div 4); 783 LDcb.XoffLim := (ACommProp.dwCurrentRxQueue div 4); 784 785 LDcb.EofChar := TDCBTool.EOFCHAR; 786 787 // OLD MSCOMM: dcb.EvtChar = (byte) 0; 788 // now changed to make use of RXFlag WaitCommEvent event => Eof WaitForCommEvent event 789 LDcb.EvtChar := TDCBTool.EOFCHAR; 790 791 792 if not SetCommState(self.FCommHandle, LDcb) then begin 793 LErrCode := GetLastError(); 794 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('Set DCB failed, caused by %d.', [LErrCode]); 795 end; 796 end; 797 798 799 procedure TSerialPort.ConfigTimeouts(); 800 // 配置超时 801 var 802 LTimeouts : TCommTimeouts; 803 LErrCode : Cardinal; 804 begin 805 if not GetCommTimeouts(self.FCommHandle, LTimeouts) then begin 806 LErrCode := GetLastError(); 807 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('Get timeouts failed, caused by %d', [LErrCode]); 808 end; 809 810 if (self.FReadTimeOut = 0) then begin 811 // 不使用超时, 读操作总是立即返回 812 LTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout := MAXDWORD; 813 LTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier := 0; 814 LTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant := 0; 815 end 816 else begin 817 // 固定超时 818 LTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout := MAXDWORD; 819 LTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier := MAXDWORD; 820 LTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant := self.FReadTimeOut; 821 end; 822 823 LTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier := 0; 824 // 如果 FWriteTimeout 设置为 0, 则不使用写超时 825 LTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant := self.FWriteTimeOut; 826 827 if not SetCommTimeouts(self.FCommHandle, LTimeouts) then begin 828 LErrCode := GetLastError(); 829 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('Set timeouts failed, caused by %d.', [LErrCode]); 830 end; 831 end; 832 833 834 procedure TSerialPort.ConfigBufferSizes; 835 // 配置缓冲区 836 var 837 LErrCode : Cardinal; 838 begin 839 if not(SetupComm(self.FCommHandle, self.FReadBufferSize, self.FWriteBufferSize)) then begin 840 LErrCode := GetLastError(); 841 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('Set buffer sizes failed, caused by %d', [LErrCode]); 842 end; 843 end; 844 845 846 847 // --- about Dcb.Flags 848 849 function TSerialPort.GetDcbFlag(const ADcb : TDCB; AWhichFlag : Integer) : Integer; 850 // from C# 851 var 852 LMask : Cardinal; 853 begin 854 if ((AWhichFlag = DCBFlags.FDTRCONTROL) or (AWhichFlag = DCBFlags.FRTSCONTROL)) then begin 855 LMask := $03; 856 end 857 else if (AWhichFlag = DCBFlags.FDUMMY2) then begin 858 LMask := $1FFFF; 859 end 860 else begin 861 LMask := $01; 862 end; 863 864 Result := ADcb.Flags and (LMask shl AWhichFlag); 865 Result := Result shr AWhichFlag; 866 end; 867 868 869 procedure TSerialPort.SetDcbFlag(var ADcb : TDCB; AWhichFlag : Integer; ASetting : Integer); 870 // from C# 871 var 872 LMask : Cardinal; 873 begin 874 ASetting := ASetting shl AWhichFlag; 875 876 if ((AWhichFlag = DCBFlags.FDTRCONTROL) or (AWhichFlag = DCBFlags.FRTSCONTROL)) then begin 877 LMask := $03; 878 end 879 else if (AWhichFlag = DCBFlags.FDUMMY2) then begin 880 LMask := $1FFFF; 881 end 882 else begin 883 LMask := $01; 884 end; 885 886 // clear the region 887 ADcb.Flags := ADcb.Flags and (not (LMask shl ADcb.Flags)); 888 889 // set the region 890 ADcb.Flags := ADcb.Flags or ASetting; 891 end; 892 893 894 // --- for properties 895 896 procedure TSerialPort.SetPropCommName(const ACommName: string); 897 begin 898 if Trim(ACommName) = '' then begin 899 raise ESerialPort.Create('The port name can not be empty'); 900 end; 901 902 if self.IsOpen() then begin 903 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('"%s" can not be set while the port is open', [self.FCommName]); 904 end; 905 906 self.FCommName := ACommName; 907 end; 908 909 procedure TSerialPort.SetPropBaudRate(const ABaudRate: Integer); 910 begin 911 // if not TBaudRateTool.IsSupportedBaudRate(ABaudRate) then begin 912 if (ABaudRate <= 0) then begin 913 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('Unsupported bardrate %d', [ABaudRate]); 914 end; 915 916 self.FBaudRate := ABaudRate; 917 end; 918 919 procedure TSerialPort.SetPropParity(const AParity: Integer); 920 begin 921 if not TParityTool.IsSupportedParity(AParity) then begin 922 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('Unsupported parity %d', [AParity]); 923 end; 924 925 self.FParity := AParity; 926 end; 927 928 procedure TSerialPort.SetPropDataBits(const ADataBits: Integer); 929 begin 930 if not TDataBitsTool.IsSupportedDataBits(ADataBits) then begin 931 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('Unsupported dataBits %d', [ADataBits]); 932 end; 933 934 self.FDataBits := ADataBits; 935 end; 936 937 procedure TSerialPort.SetPropStopBit(const AStopBit: Integer); 938 begin 939 if not TStopBitTool.IsSupportedStopBit(AStopBit) then begin 940 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('Unsupported stopBit %d', [AStopBit]); 941 end; 942 943 self.FStopBit := AStopBit; 944 end; 945 946 947 procedure TSerialPort.SetPropReadTimeOut(const ATimeOut: Integer); 948 // 设置读超时 949 // timeout == 0 表示不使用超时, 无论有没有数据总是立即返回 950 var 951 LOldTimeout : Integer; 952 begin 953 if (ATimeOut < 0) then begin 954 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('ReadTimeout %d out of range, timeout can not less than 0.', [ATimeOut]); 955 end; 956 957 LOldTimeOut := self.FReadTimeOut; 958 try 959 self.FReadTimeOut := ATimeOut; 960 961 if self.IsOpen() then begin 962 self.ConfigTimeouts(); 963 end; 964 except 965 self.FReadTimeOut := LOldTimeout; 966 raise; 967 end; 968 end; 969 970 procedure TSerialPort.SetPropWriteTimeOut(const ATimeOut: Integer); 971 // 设置写超时 972 // timeout == 0 表示不使用写超时 973 var 974 LOldTimeOut : Integer; 975 begin 976 if (ATimeOut < 0) then begin 977 raise ESerialPort.CreateFmt('ReadTimeout %d out of range, timeout can not less than 0.', [ATimeOut]); 978 end; 979 980 LOldTimeOut := self.FWriteTimeOut; 981 try 982 self.FWriteTimeOut := ATimeOut; 983 984 if self.IsOpen() then begin 985 self.ConfigTimeouts(); 986 end; 987 except 988 self.FWriteTimeOut := LOldTimeout; 989 raise; 990 end; 991 end; 992 993 994 procedure TSerialPort.SetPropReadBufferSize(const ASize: Integer); 995 // 设置 读缓冲区 996 begin 997 if (ASize <= 0) then begin 998 raise ESerialPort.Create('ReadBufferSize must greater than 0.'); 999 end; 1000 1001 if self.IsOpen() then begin 1002 raise ESerialPort.Create('ReadBufferSize cannot be set while the port is open.'); 1003 end; 1004 1005 self.FReadBufferSize := ASize; 1006 end; 1007 1008 procedure TSerialPort.SetPropWriteBufferSize(const ASize: Integer); 1009 // 设置 写缓冲区 1010 begin 1011 if (ASize <= 0) then begin 1012 raise ESerialPort.Create('WriteBufferSize must greater than 0.'); 1013 end; 1014 1015 if self.IsOpen() then begin 1016 raise ESerialPort.Create('WriteBufferSize cannot be set while the port is open.'); 1017 end; 1018 1019 self.FWriteBufferSize := ASize; 1020 end; 1021 1022 1023 1024 // --- TSerialPort.TEventLoop --- 1025 // TODO 1026 1027 constructor TSerialPort.TEventLoop.Create(AHandle : THandle); 1028 begin 1029 inherited Create(); 1030 1031 self.FHandle := AHandle; 1032 // TODO 1033 end; 1034 1035 destructor TSerialPort.TEventLoop.Destroy; 1036 begin 1037 // TODO 1038 1039 inherited; 1040 end; 1041 1042 1043 procedure TSerialPort.TEventLoop.Start(); 1044 begin 1045 // TODO 1046 end; 1047 1048 1049 procedure TSerialPort.TEventLoop.Stop(); 1050 begin 1051 // TODO 1052 end; 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 // --- unit private sequential search --- 1058 1059 function Contains(const AItem : Integer; const AArray : array of Integer) : Boolean; 1060 var 1061 LElem : Integer; 1062 begin 1063 for LElem in AArray do begin 1064 if (AItem = LElem) then begin 1065 Result := True; 1066 Exit; 1067 end; 1068 end; 1069 1070 Result := False; 1071 end; 1072 1073 1074 // --- TBaudRateTool --- 1075 1076 class function TBaudRateTool.IsSupportedBaudRate(const ABaudRate : Integer) : Boolean; 1077 begin 1078 Result := Contains(ABaudRate, SupportedValues); 1079 end; 1080 1081 // --- TPairtyTool --- 1082 1083 class function TParityTool.IsSupportedParity(const AParity : Integer) : Boolean; 1084 begin 1085 Result := Contains(AParity, SupportedValues); 1086 end; 1087 1088 // --- TDataBitsTool --- 1089 1090 class function TDataBitsTool.IsSupportedDataBits(const ADataBits : Integer) : Boolean; 1091 begin 1092 Result := Contains(ADataBits, SupportedValues); 1093 end; 1094 1095 // --- TStopBitTool --- 1096 1097 class function TStopBitTool.IsSupportedStopBit(const AStopBit : Integer) : Boolean; 1098 begin 1099 Result := Contains(AStopBit, SupportedValues); 1100 end; 1101 1102 1103 end.
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