
As an editor(or and adminstrator) you can publish pending posts.
When an editor sees pending posts,they have the options to read and edit the content before it goes live on the site.
Admin and editors will see a "Publish" button when viewing pending posts.

For admins,when they hover over the pending post they will get options for editing and reviewing the content.

For admins,when they hover over the pending post they will get options for editing and reviewing the content.

Things are starting to look more organized.

It's a good idea to make your categories broad as you don't end up with hundreds of them.This will make you job as an editor easier and your users will definitely appreciate it....

With your content organizzed by category,users will be able to find posts easier and navigate the site based on their specific interests.

category magnets:

use the magnets below to build a category structure for Thanks for Mutton.You don't have to use all magnets, and remember to think about big,broard bucket for your content.

leftover categories often make good tags.
Don't worry if you have categories over----that's good thing!This usually means that the remaining categories are too narrow and might be better used as what are called "tags" within a post.
Tags are specific terms that give more detail about the content of the post---- a post about sous vide cooking might be in the "Technique" category and have tags like "soure vide" and "meat".A good rule of thumb is that a post should have a single category and one or more tags .

Use tags to add detail once you've placed your post in a larger category bucket.

Did you know you could cook meat very slowly at a low temperature and higher pressure? It's a fancy technique that many chefs are starting to use more of them.

Oh,come on----board topics are the only way to go.A site visitor can take one quick look at a category list and know exactly what kind of content is on a site or page.Tags only give information when I click on a post and scroll all the way to the bottom.Plus,everyone understands categories---you always have to explain yourself to people.

Oh,here we go with the tag cloud argument.You know,if I want to I could display myself as a stag cloud.Plus,what year is it ---2007? Tag clouds pssh.....

overkill 矫枉过正
tag cloud 标签云

Man,we just go our names by our posts not too long ago
That shouldn't be too hard---especially for our rock star editor.
Look at that!All the writers have an image with their post....

These writers can be a handful sometimes---but images are a good idea and this shouldn't be too hard to get set up.
We have some space on the right--hand side of the post section that would be great for an author picture.

Wouln't be dreamy if there were a simple way to add author and commenter pictures next to their posts .But I know it's just a fantasy....


Head on over to gravatar.com and sign up for an account(if you don't already have one).Once you're all set up,make sure that email you used for Gravatar matches the email in your wordPress profile.

1.Sign up with email address.
You have to use an active email address with Gravatar.They will send you a verification to make sure you are who say you are....
2.Upload your image to Gravatar
Once the account is created you can upload an image,resize it, and link it to your email address within Gravatar.

Use your Gravator email in your WordPres profile
In order for your avatar image to show up properly in WordPress you need to use the same email addresss in your profile that you used to set up your Gravatar account.

Check the Gravatar setting in the Discussion menu.
All you options for modifying Gravatar are located at the bottom of the Discussion menu.You can choose to display avatars,what "rating" you'll allow,and how the default icon looks if a user doesn't Gravatar.

Save and Check
Once you save your avator settings ,go back to the dashboard and see if the new images are showing up.

<?php echo get_avatar( $comment,40); ?>
This is a PHP function that gets our Gravatar image for WordPress.We need to make this work in another template file so we can display another photos.

We need to copy the get_avatar() function into the single.php file because it's the one that controls what shows up in individual blog posts.That way our Gravatar images will display next to the author's names on the posts and not just their comments.

Always create individual accounts for your users.Having everyone log in with the same admin account can cause problems and increases the chance of content going AWOL.

Assign roles to users based on how much access you want to give them in WordPress.
Categories help you organze content on your site and act big "bluckets" that groups similar posts and pages together.

An post should have one category and one or more tags.

Tags are similar to categories but they often focus on more specific content within a post.

Grevatar is a simple service that allows you to upload a single avatar image to one place and then use it across all your social sites.

Now that we're got the Thanks for Mutton blog under control and publishing on a schedule, the staff has really started to get creative and wants to add other media to their articles like videos and recipe downloads.
Two of the writers have come to you with a cooking video they've made along with some other content that they want to put in a post.But they have no idea how to get it on the site.

All the major players are publishing cooking videos,we need to get some of ours up so we don't start losing readers to the big guys.

Do we just upload it like an image???

Or we could use YouTube or Vimeo, right? But how do those videos show up on our site?
We already have a bunch of unpublished videos that are just sitting on computers in the TFM offices.We need to help the writers get these up on the site.They also have some "show notes" for the videos, which are text files that include the recipe and other relevant geeky details for each video.

Host your videos outside WordPress
Vido hosting sites like Vimeo or YouTube are a great place to host videos for your own site.YOU can create a free account and start uploading instantly,and then "embed" those videos so the y show up in a video player on your blog(more on embedding in a minute).We're going to use Vimeo in all our examples here,but if you're familiar with or prefer Youtube,everything is quite similar across the two sites.

You've got a point.
Embedding a video means that it is playable from within a web page, including all the controls to stop ,play,pause,and more.
And yes,we can embed videos in our WordPress blog.
But we still want to host them on Vimeo for now because it saves us space.Let's take a look at how the embedding works with Vimeo so we know what's going on under the hood......

Don't forget your metadata.
You might want to skip this,but you shouldn't.A quick title and sec

Now we wait...
Vimeo has to process your video to get it ready to look awesome on the Web

Waiting in line
This video will start converting in approximtely 00:29:30. You can leave this page and we will email you when this videos is ready for watering.

Wouldn't it be dreamy if you could vimeo videos without having to copy all that code?

Plug-ins make working with other web services easier.

features 功能
WordPress itself has a large,but ultimately limited set of features.It does all the basics and way more,but it couln't do everything everybody needed it to do.So,the WordPress developers built a system where other people could write new features for the platform and then include them in WordPress as "plug-in".

Create your first real video post using the Vimeo Shortcode plug-in.

Insert a link to the upload

thanks for mutton.com /category/video

podcasting and syndication

Say have you heard this new report from Technology Futures?
One day we'll all communicate through a serices of tubes.

It's time more people knew about your awesome site.

WordPress is your hub for content distribution.

Click insert when you're ready
Once you have all the information and links entered,go ahead and insert the video your post.
We should see our whole video properly embedded in the post,not just a link.

Add some info to your Itunes feed.


posted @ 2012-11-16 23:21  sgsheg  阅读(211)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报