Dive in python Chapter4 实例

def info(object,spacing=10,collapse=1):
"""Print methods and doc strings.

Takes modules,class,list,dictionary,or string."""

methodList = [method for method in dir(object) if callable(getattr(object,method))]
processFunc=collapse and (lambda s:" ".join(s.split())) or (lambda s: s)
print "\n".join(["%s %s" %
for method in methodList])

if __name__=="__main__":
print info.__doc__


此函数的作用可以用来输出对应对象的操作方法:>>> from apihelper import inf>>> li=[]

>>> from apihelper import info
>>> li=[]
>>> info(li)
__add__ x.__add__(y) <==> x+y
__class__ list() -> new empty list list(iterable) -> new list initialized from
iterable's items
__contains__ x.__contains__(y) <==> y in x
__delattr__ x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
__delitem__ x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y]
__delslice__ x.__delslice__(i, j) <==> del x[i:j] Use of negative indices is not
__eq__ x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y
__format__ default object formatter
__ge__ x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y
__getattribute__ x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
__getitem__ x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]
__getslice__ x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j] Use of negative indices is not sup
__gt__ x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y
__iadd__ x.__iadd__(y) <==> x+=y
__imul__ x.__imul__(y) <==> x*=y
__init__ x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
__iter__ x.__iter__() <==> iter(x)
__le__ x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y
__len__ x.__len__() <==> len(x)
__lt__ x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y
__mul__ x.__mul__(n) <==> x*n
__ne__ x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y
__new__ T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__reduce__ helper for pickle
__reduce_ex__ helper for pickle
__repr__ x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
__reversed__ L.__reversed__() -- return a reverse iterator over the list
__rmul__ x.__rmul__(n) <==> n*x
__setattr__ x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
__setitem__ x.__setitem__(i, y) <==> x[i]=y
__setslice__ x.__setslice__(i, j, y) <==> x[i:j]=y Use of negative indices is no
t supported.
__sizeof__ L.__sizeof__() -- size of L in memory, in bytes
__str__ x.__str__() <==> str(x)
__subclasshook__ Abstract classes can override this to customize issubclass(). T
his is invoked early on by abc.ABCMeta.__subclasscheck__(). It should return Tru
e, False or NotImplemented. If it returns NotImplemented, the normal algorithm i
s used. Otherwise, it overrides the normal algorithm (and the outcome is cached)
append L.append(object) -- append object to end
count L.count(value) -> integer -- return number of occurrences of value
extend L.extend(iterable) -- extend list by appending elements from the iter
index L.index(value, [start, [stop]]) -> integer -- return first index of v
alue. Raises ValueError if the value is not present.
insert L.insert(index, object) -- insert object before index
pop L.pop([index]) -> item -- remove and return item at index (default la
st). Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.
remove L.remove(value) -- remove first occurrence of value. Raises ValueErro
r if the value is not present.
reverse L.reverse() -- reverse *IN PLACE*
sort L.sort(cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False) -- stable sort *IN PLACE*;
cmp(x, y) -> -1, 0, 1


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