[UE4]C++实现动态加载的问题:LoadClass<T>()和LoadObject<T>() 及 静态加载问题:ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder()和FObjectFinder()
Posted on 2017-10-25 12:13 Bill Yuan 阅读(5149) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报转自:http://aigo.iteye.com/blog/2281558
动态加载UObject和动态加载UClass分别用LoadObject<T>(),和LoadClass<T>() ,两者均在在UObjectGlobals.h中。
UClass* Test = LoadClass<AActor>(NULL, TEXT("Blueprint'/Game/Blueprints/MapPathBrush_BP.MapPathBrush_BP_C'"));
// Load an object. template< class T > inline T* LoadObject( UObject* Outer, const TCHAR* Name, const TCHAR* Filename=nullptr, uint32 LoadFlags=LOAD_None, UPackageMap* Sandbox=nullptr ) { return (T*)StaticLoadObject( T::StaticClass(), Outer, Name, Filename, LoadFlags, Sandbox ); }
// Load a class object. template< class T > inline UClass* LoadClass( UObject* Outer, const TCHAR* Name, const TCHAR* Filename=nullptr, uint32 LoadFlags=LOAD_None, UPackageMap* Sandbox=nullptr ) { return StaticLoadClass( T::StaticClass(), Outer, Name, Filename, LoadFlags, Sandbox ); }
/** * Find or load an object by string name with optional outer and filename specifications. * These are optional because the InName can contain all of the necessary information. * * @param ObjectClass The class (or a superclass) of the object to be loaded. * @param InOuter An optional object to narrow where to find/load the object from * @param InName String name of the object. If it's not fully qualified, InOuter and/or Filename will be needed * @param Filename An optional file to load from (or find in the file's package object) * @param LoadFlags Flags controlling how to handle loading from disk * @param Sandbox A list of packages to restrict the search for the object * @param bAllowObjectReconciliation Whether to allow the object to be found via FindObject in the case of seek free loading * * @return The object that was loaded or found. NULL for a failure. */ COREUOBJECT_API UObject* StaticLoadObject( UClass* Class, UObject* InOuter, const TCHAR* Name, const TCHAR* Filename = NULL, uint32 LoadFlags = LOAD_None, UPackageMap* Sandbox = NULL, bool bAllowObjectReconciliation = true ); COREUOBJECT_API UClass* StaticLoadClass(UClass* BaseClass, UObject* InOuter, const TCHAR* Name, const TCHAR* Filename = NULL, uint32 LoadFlags = LOAD_None, UPackageMap* Sandbox = NULL);