在油管上看到一个UE4 IK动画的demo工程示例
演示视频:Advanced foot IK for Unreal Engine 4 - (100% Free)
演示视频:UE4 - Advanced Locomotion System V3 - Features
Advanced Locomotion System V3
IK AnimNode
FABRIK (Forward And Backward Reaching Inverse Kinematics)
Adding of a rifle and fabrik node to fix left hand
Look At
Look At
CCDIK (Cyclic Coordinate Descent Inverse Kinematics)
Hand IK Retargeting
Hand IK Retargeting
Two Bone IK
Two Bone IK
Spline IK
Spline IK
IK Engine Source
void FAnimNode_CCDIK::EvaluateSkeletalControl_AnyThread(FComponentSpacePoseContext& Output, TArray<FBoneTransform>& OutBoneTransforms) { const FBoneContainer& BoneContainer = Output.Pose.GetPose().GetBoneContainer(); // Update EffectorLocation if it is based off a bone position FTransform CSEffectorTransform = GetTargetTransform(Output.AnimInstanceProxy->GetComponentTransform(), Output.Pose, EffectorTarget, EffectorLocationSpace, EffectorLocation); FVector const CSEffectorLocation = CSEffectorTransform.GetLocation(); // Gather all bone indices between root and tip. TArray<FCompactPoseBoneIndex> BoneIndices; { const FCompactPoseBoneIndex RootIndex = RootBone.GetCompactPoseIndex(BoneContainer); FCompactPoseBoneIndex BoneIndex = TipBone.GetCompactPoseIndex(BoneContainer); do { BoneIndices.Insert(BoneIndex, 0); BoneIndex = Output.Pose.GetPose().GetParentBoneIndex(BoneIndex); } while (BoneIndex != RootIndex); BoneIndices.Insert(BoneIndex, 0); } // Gather transforms int32 const NumTransforms = BoneIndices.Num(); OutBoneTransforms.AddUninitialized(NumTransforms); // Gather chain links. These are non zero length bones. TArray<CCDIKChainLink> Chain; Chain.Reserve(NumTransforms); // Start with Root Bone { const FCompactPoseBoneIndex& RootBoneIndex = BoneIndices[0]; const FTransform& LocalTransform = Output.Pose.GetLocalSpaceTransform(RootBoneIndex); const FTransform& BoneCSTransform = Output.Pose.GetComponentSpaceTransform(RootBoneIndex); OutBoneTransforms[0] = FBoneTransform(RootBoneIndex, BoneCSTransform); Chain.Add(CCDIKChainLink(BoneCSTransform, LocalTransform, 0)); } // Go through remaining transforms for (int32 TransformIndex = 1; TransformIndex < NumTransforms; TransformIndex++) { const FCompactPoseBoneIndex& BoneIndex = BoneIndices[TransformIndex]; const FTransform& LocalTransform = Output.Pose.GetLocalSpaceTransform(BoneIndex); const FTransform& BoneCSTransform = Output.Pose.GetComponentSpaceTransform(BoneIndex); FVector const BoneCSPosition = BoneCSTransform.GetLocation(); OutBoneTransforms[TransformIndex] = FBoneTransform(BoneIndex, BoneCSTransform); // Calculate the combined length of this segment of skeleton float const BoneLength = FVector::Dist(BoneCSPosition, OutBoneTransforms[TransformIndex - 1].Transform.GetLocation()); if (!FMath::IsNearlyZero(BoneLength)) { Chain.Add(CCDIKChainLink(BoneCSTransform, LocalTransform, TransformIndex)); } else { // Mark this transform as a zero length child of the last link. // It will inherit position and delta rotation from parent link. CCDIKChainLink & ParentLink = Chain[Chain.Num() - 1]; ParentLink.ChildZeroLengthTransformIndices.Add(TransformIndex); } } // solve bool bBoneLocationUpdated = AnimationCore::SolveCCDIK(Chain, CSEffectorLocation, Precision, MaxIterations, bStartFromTail, bEnableRotationLimit, RotationLimitPerJoints); // If we moved some bones, update bone transforms. if (bBoneLocationUpdated) { int32 NumChainLinks = Chain.Num(); // First step: update bone transform positions from chain links. for (int32 LinkIndex = 0; LinkIndex < NumChainLinks; LinkIndex++) { CCDIKChainLink const & ChainLink = Chain[LinkIndex]; OutBoneTransforms[ChainLink.TransformIndex].Transform = ChainLink.Transform; // If there are any zero length children, update position of those int32 const NumChildren = ChainLink.ChildZeroLengthTransformIndices.Num(); for (int32 ChildIndex = 0; ChildIndex < NumChildren; ChildIndex++) { OutBoneTransforms[ChainLink.ChildZeroLengthTransformIndices[ChildIndex]].Transform = ChainLink.Transform; } } #if WITH_EDITOR DebugLines.Reset(OutBoneTransforms.Num()); DebugLines.AddUninitialized(OutBoneTransforms.Num()); for (int32 Index = 0; Index < OutBoneTransforms.Num(); ++Index) { DebugLines[Index] = OutBoneTransforms[Index].Transform.GetLocation(); } #endif // WITH_EDITOR } }
namespace AnimationCore { bool SolveCCDIK(TArray<CCDIKChainLink>& InOutChain, const FVector& TargetPosition, float Precision, int32 MaxIteration, bool bStartFromTail, bool bEnableRotationLimit, const TArray<float>& RotationLimitPerJoints) { struct Local { static bool UpdateChainLink(TArray<CCDIKChainLink>& Chain, int32 LinkIndex, const FVector& TargetPos, bool bInEnableRotationLimit, const TArray<float>& InRotationLimitPerJoints) { int32 const TipBoneLinkIndex = Chain.Num() - 1; ensure(Chain.IsValidIndex(TipBoneLinkIndex)); CCDIKChainLink& CurrentLink = Chain[LinkIndex]; // update new tip pos FVector TipPos = Chain[TipBoneLinkIndex].Transform.GetLocation(); FTransform& CurrentLinkTransform = CurrentLink.Transform; FVector ToEnd = TipPos - CurrentLinkTransform.GetLocation(); FVector ToTarget = TargetPos - CurrentLinkTransform.GetLocation(); ToEnd.Normalize(); ToTarget.Normalize(); float RotationLimitPerJointInRadian = FMath::DegreesToRadians(InRotationLimitPerJoints[LinkIndex]); float Angle = FMath::ClampAngle(FMath::Acos(FVector::DotProduct(ToEnd, ToTarget)), -RotationLimitPerJointInRadian, RotationLimitPerJointInRadian); bool bCanRotate = (FMath::Abs(Angle) > KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER) && (!bInEnableRotationLimit || RotationLimitPerJointInRadian > CurrentLink.CurrentAngleDelta); if (bCanRotate) { // check rotation limit first, if fails, just abort if (bInEnableRotationLimit) { if (RotationLimitPerJointInRadian < CurrentLink.CurrentAngleDelta + Angle) { Angle = RotationLimitPerJointInRadian - CurrentLink.CurrentAngleDelta; if (Angle <= KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER) { return false; } } CurrentLink.CurrentAngleDelta += Angle; } // continue with rotating toward to target FVector RotationAxis = FVector::CrossProduct(ToEnd, ToTarget); if (RotationAxis.SizeSquared() > 0.f) { RotationAxis.Normalize(); // Delta Rotation is the rotation to target FQuat DeltaRotation(RotationAxis, Angle); FQuat NewRotation = DeltaRotation * CurrentLinkTransform.GetRotation(); NewRotation.Normalize(); CurrentLinkTransform.SetRotation(NewRotation); // if I have parent, make sure to refresh local transform since my current transform has changed if (LinkIndex > 0) { CCDIKChainLink const & Parent = Chain[LinkIndex - 1]; CurrentLink.LocalTransform = CurrentLinkTransform.GetRelativeTransform(Parent.Transform); CurrentLink.LocalTransform.NormalizeRotation(); } // now update all my children to have proper transform FTransform CurrentParentTransform = CurrentLinkTransform; // now update all chain for (int32 ChildLinkIndex = LinkIndex + 1; ChildLinkIndex <= TipBoneLinkIndex; ++ChildLinkIndex) { CCDIKChainLink& ChildIterLink = Chain[ChildLinkIndex]; const FTransform LocalTransform = ChildIterLink.LocalTransform; ChildIterLink.Transform = LocalTransform * CurrentParentTransform; ChildIterLink.Transform.NormalizeRotation(); CurrentParentTransform = ChildIterLink.Transform; } return true; } } return false; } }; bool bBoneLocationUpdated = false; int32 const NumChainLinks = InOutChain.Num(); // iterate { int32 const TipBoneLinkIndex = NumChainLinks - 1; // @todo optimize locally if no update, stop? bool bLocalUpdated = false; // check how far const FVector TargetPos = TargetPosition; FVector TipPos = InOutChain[TipBoneLinkIndex].Transform.GetLocation(); float Distance = FVector::Dist(TargetPos, TipPos); int32 IterationCount = 0; while ((Distance > Precision) && (IterationCount++ < MaxIteration)) { // iterate from tip to root if (bStartFromTail) { for (int32 LinkIndex = TipBoneLinkIndex - 1; LinkIndex > 0; --LinkIndex) { bLocalUpdated |= Local::UpdateChainLink(InOutChain, LinkIndex, TargetPos, bEnableRotationLimit, RotationLimitPerJoints); } } else { for (int32 LinkIndex = 1; LinkIndex < TipBoneLinkIndex; ++LinkIndex) { bLocalUpdated |= Local::UpdateChainLink(InOutChain, LinkIndex, TargetPos, bEnableRotationLimit, RotationLimitPerJoints); } } Distance = FVector::Dist(InOutChain[TipBoneLinkIndex].Transform.GetLocation(), TargetPosition); bBoneLocationUpdated |= bLocalUpdated; // no more update in this iteration if (!bLocalUpdated) { break; } } } return bBoneLocationUpdated; } }