【玩转 WordPress】— 史上最快速搭建 WordPress 教程


01. 什么是 Serverless?

在《Serverless Architectures》中对 Serverless 是这样子定义的:

Serverless was first used to describe applications that significantly or fully incorporate third-party, cloud-hosted applications and services, to manage server-side logic and state. These are typically “rich client” applications—think single-page web apps, or mobile apps—that use the vast ecosystem of cloud-accessible databases (e.g., Parse, Firebase), authentication services(e.g., Auth0, AWS Cognito), and so on. These types of services have been previously described as “(Mobile) Backend as a service", and I use “BaaS” as shorthand in the rest of this article. Serverless can also mean applications where server-side logic is still written by the application developer, but, unlike traditional architectures, it’s run in stateless compute containers that are event-triggered, ephemeral (may only last for one invocation), and fully managed by a third party. One way to think of this is “Functions as a Service” or “FaaS”.(Note: The original source for this name—a tweet by @marak—isno longer publicly available.) AWS Lambda is one of the most popular implementations of a Functions-as-a-Service platform at present, but there are many others, too.

这样的描述我相信有很多小伙伴不明白,我们可以这样子来理解 Serverless:

它的中文直译就是「无服务器」,目前对于 Serverless 有几种解读方法:

  • 在某些场景可以解读为一种软件系统架构方法,通常称为 Serverless 架构
  • 而在另一些情况下,又可以代表一种产品形态,称为 Serverless 产品

可以理解为 Severless = FaaS + BaaS 即函数即服务 (Function as a Service) + 后端即服务 (Backend as a Service)。

02. 快速搭建 WordPress

第一步:进入 Severless 控制台并完成授权,点击新建应用,选择应用模板 — 快速部署一个 Wordpress 框架


  • 应用名称:最短 2 个字符,最长 63 个字符,只能包含小写字母、数字及分隔符 “-”、且必须以小写字母开头,数字或小写字母结尾。应用名称创建后无法修改。

  • 环境分为:部署环境,实现开发、测试和生产环境

  • 目前支持广州,上海,北京三个地域



  • 部署时可以查看部署日志,部署通常需要 90 秒。

第四步:配置 WordPress

  • 点击右上角的「访问应用」,会打开一个系统自动分配的域名,在此页面完成 WordPress 的基本配置。





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建站计算资源云函数 SCF、文件存储 CFS、云原生数据库 TDSQL-C、内容分发 CDN、API 网关资源月月送。


One More Thing

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posted @ 2021-07-06 14:39  Serverless  阅读(868)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报